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Aug 20 - CD1

Hi Girls,

Thanks a lot for your good luck messages. DH went and picked up the results last week. They were better than last time but still nowhere near good enough. We're booked in to see the doc on the 16th now. I'm staying positive as a low count doesn't always mean getting pregnant is impossible.

If it could get any worse I got EWCM today and it was the most I've seen since we started trying and my CBFM is showing 2 bars so I reckon I'll Ov today or tomorrow....don't see DH til Fri :-(

But I dtd Sunday morning so you never know, a super spermie might be in waiting....but I won't hold my breath.

Welcome to the thread Sam. The more the merrier.

I've got my fingers crossed for you all!!!
Hi Girls,

Thanks a lot for your good luck messages. DH went and picked up the results last week. They were better than last time but still nowhere near good enough. We're booked in to see the doc on the 16th now. I'm staying positive as a low count doesn't always mean getting pregnant is impossible.

If it could get any worse I got EWCM today and it was the most I've seen since we started trying and my CBFM is showing 2 bars so I reckon I'll Ov today or tomorrow....don't see DH til Fri :-(

But I dtd Sunday morning so you never know, a super spermie might be in waiting....but I won't hold my breath.

Welcome to the thread Sam. The more the merrier.

I've got my fingers crossed for you all!!!

Hey chin up...you never know, spermies do last for a few days and there could be a super stonge one in DH's last, em, deposit :blush:

My BF has been TTC for over 1.5 years now and a few months back they got their fertility check out, she was ok but her DH's spermies were lazy. So they were discussing their options with the doc during several more appointments and then the next thing she knew she had fallen pregnant - naturally...so please dont give up hope, you just never know!!! :hugs:
Thanks hun...I've told DH that this cycle I'm not going to tell him if i have any symptoms cause we were soo SURE last month and i dont want to get his hopes up...so as long as I have you guys to obsess with then I'll be fine :hugs:

When are you due to ov...?

Of course you have us to obsess on the symptoms with. I know what you mean - when I have told DH about the symptoms and then AF arrives I feel like a complete idiot!

Ov will probably be a week today going by last months OPK but I am starting to get funny twinges so maybe it will be earlier. Hope so cause DH is away all next weekend and he didn't think that me coming along for a quick bding session would go down very well!
Hi Superp123 - go get those OPKs tomorrow. School starts and we need to know when all the cycle buddies ov! God I'm bossy. Sorry!

JayleighAnn - I'm sorry but I don't have any suggestions as to what could be going on. Do you normally have regular cycles?

babymad - I agree with angelcakes and really hope it's true too as my DH will probably be away when I ov. I'm happy for you that the spermie test is moving in the right direction. Hope you get some positive answers on 16th
It's showing 2 bars on my CBFM so I reckon I'll Ov 2mor. If only I'd get my peak on Fri then I'd be home to get it on :) If I do miss OV, there is a plus side as I won't be obsessing during the 2WW.

JayleighAnn - all this TTC business sends your cycle haywire. I hope it's just a BFP that's not registering.

Hope the BD fest is in full swing for all....I'm not jealous...honest :)
2 bars again....but it's only my 1st cycle using the CBFM so might not even see a peak :? Hubby called and said he may even travel up to see me tomorrow night if he has Friday off. Hope peak days tomorrow then...that'll get him moving! :rofl:

Keep BD!
Babymad...Oh fx peak day is tomorrow, just tell that wee eggie its not time yet!!! Good luck :hugs:

I'm soooo confused. Well, as you'll be able to see from my FF chart, I had EWCM, OV pains a +opk between Sat-Mon, however today is Wed and I still dont have a rise in temps!!! And now EWCM reducing, no OV pains!!! Go figure...do you think you can OV and have no rise in temps or do you think I had all the above and not OV!!!
angelcakes, I'm not really sure. I think your temps are meant to rise after ovulation so maybe you just haven't quite got there yet??

I got my peak but there'll be no BD as DH can't make it up to see me...ARGH! Hope I have one tomorrow cos when I get home the first thing I'm doing is dragging him to the bedroom....although I don't think much dragging will be needed :lol:

Any update JayleighAnn?
Babymad - Thats such a shame about DH, hopefully you'll still be on track tomorrow though, you never know you might just catch it just in time...its soo wierd Babymaybe is going through the exact same thing although with her its DH is away till tomorrow... he he, fx and :dust: to you both

Well temps went up this morn, thankfully!!! Actually when i put it into FF today and looked at my chart my temps have actually been rising since Saturday...just REALLY slowly, not normal for me. Anyway they are going the right way...is it realy sad that i get excited about temping in the morn!!! :blush:

Still no pg signs yet either...although its still early days I suppose.
Got the ov positive just now! Hurray!!!!! Now I'm waiting for DH to get home so we can dtd before he goes off again until Monday! So might be a bit busy for a while after I've finished this post!! Sorry TMI

Angelcakes - so pleased your temps increased :happydance::happydance:

Babymad - expect you're too busy to come on line too!! Look forward to catching up with you later.

:dust: to us all
Babymaybe - :wohoo: Fantastic news...go get that man of your NOW!!! And I dont expect to hear from you for a while :happydance:

Well my temp went back down again this morn...dont know what the hell its doing!!! Anyway, had docs appointment this morn, he took some bloods and will refer me to the infertility clinic and should hear from them in about 4-6 weeks...hopefully it'll fly by!!!

Also been having a load of probs over the last few years with my bladder and kidneys so was at the hospital this morn and was told that if my kidneys get any worse they'll need to remove one of them!!! So not a good day all round...had a wee tear this morn but need to just cheer up...there are worse things in life I suppose.

Anyway hope you all have a fab weekend, my DH is dragging me to the pics to see Hellboy...oh goody. Speak to you all soon x
Ladies, can I join you in obsessing in the 2WW??

I also got a + OPK (or as + as they get for me!!) this afternoon - off to :sex: now, and again in the morning and Sunday too as long as we can manage it!!

I told DH earlier that this is our month...... I'm really positive about it. :)

Oh, should add, we are TTC#1, I have never been pregnant, and this is month 4 but cycle 3 of TTC.
Well my temp went back down again this morn...dont know what the hell its doing!!! Anyway, had docs appointment this morn, he took some bloods and will refer me to the infertility clinic and should hear from them in about 4-6 weeks...hopefully it'll fly by!!!

Also been having a load of probs over the last few years with my bladder and kidneys so was at the hospital this morn and was told that if my kidneys get any worse they'll need to remove one of them!!! So not a good day all round...had a wee tear this morn but need to just cheer up...there are worse things in life I suppose.

Anyway hope you all have a fab weekend, my DH is dragging me to the pics to see Hellboy...oh goody. Speak to you all soon x

Ohh Angelcakes - just when you think the temps are sorted... Good news about the referral and getting the bloods done though - that really is a positive step. Sorry to hear you've been poorly - please keep up the PMA - you're a little scottish ray of sunshine so keep smiling O:)
Hi Kaygeebee and welcome to the thread :howdy:

Hope that you get that eggie this weekend - lots of luck and babydust.

I think that most of us on this thread are ttc #1. Look forward to sharing pg symptoms (imaginary or real!) with you in the tww!
Babymabye- thanks for the kick in the rear. :) I did go out and pick up my OPKs on the 31st. Got a pos OPK on the 2nd. Anglecakes- So sorry to hear that you haven't been well. Sending you a little :hugs: Good news about the fertility specialist though, hopefully you'll get knocked up before you have the apt. xxx
Kaygeebee- love the name. LOL Good luck and welcome.
Babymad- bummer about DH not being around for the 'peak'. *grumbles* Hopefully he drug you off to bed when he got home. :)

I'm officially in the tww. Only managed to bd on cd11 and 13 but I say let the phantom symptoms begin!!!
So ladies I'm off to enjoy my weekend, I hope you all have a lovely one too.
Babymaybe - Well...hope you've had some productive :sex: recently. Just think you might just have a :bfp: in the very near future...yippeee!!! :hugs:

Kaygeebee - Welcome hun, although by the sounds of it we'll not be hearing from you in a while...looks like you'll be, em, busy this weekend ;)

Superp123 - Thank you..yeh I'm hoping that when i do get the letter from the clinic I can call them back and say...'Oh thank you soo much for your letter but I'm sorry I need to cancel the appointment because IM PREGNANT!!!!' - we can but dream eh. Fx for you also this cycle, any pg symptoms yet?

Babymad - Any news, think you managed to catch eggie in time?
Angelcakes- You're welcome. :) I think you're definately in with a shot right?
No symptoms to report here... except the ones I'm convincing myself I have. :rofl: *giggles to self* I still have a sore throat and my body's tired today. But my middle boy Chris, just came home sick on Friday so I think that may explain my sore throat. RATS!! In fact the only strange thing going on this cycle worth noting is that my OPK and temps didn't match up with my CM. Dunno what that's all about?? And my cervix has been super low since 1dpo, which is a little strange for me. Not sure if those are symptoms or just my body readjusting after mc still.
How about you?? Anything?
Superp123 - I'm having a sore throat too...although just putting that down to DH having the cold...sorry flu ;) during the week. Why is that a sign? Otherwise I have to say that NOTHING else, not compared to last month. No twinges, no tender BB's, no sweats during the night, but then I'm only 6dpo, so maybe, just maybe, I'll start feeling them this week, fx for both of us :hugs:

How is everyone else, any symptoms?

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