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Aug 20 - CD1

I have an update, I have had spotting Weds/Thurs then Fri and yesterday one lot of proper blood. Today I've had nothing, Creamy/stretchy CM. My Cervix is also very low, but closed I'm not sure about CP as I've never checked before, I was v freaked out how it felt lol, reminded me of an extra large sausage lol
JayleighAnn that sounds positive! So exciting!! :)

Well, we went for it as far as we could this weekend, FF tells me our timing scored as 'High' so we've done our bit and now we start playing the waiting game again.......

Good luck to us all!!
Hi All

What's with this sore throat thing? I've got one too - not really bad but enough to make me think about getting some throat sweets. Maybe its cyber flu?
My boobs feel a bit full and tender - but then that could be because I keep prodding them to see if they hurt!
DH back tomorrow so maybe we'll dtd once again for good luck!
JayleighAnn that sounds positive! So exciting!! :)

Well, we went for it as far as we could this weekend, FF tells me our timing scored as 'High' so we've done our bit and now we start playing the waiting game again.......

Good luck to us all!!

It's as if I'm due to ovulate late if going by cm, as was due to o around weds, but I bled instead?
Yeah, what's with the sore throats? Humm....
Kaygeebee- I think you diserve an award for the most bedding in a cycle!! :thumbup: Holy cow!! I'm surprised you're able to walk. :rofl: Perhaps this bding pattern is connected to the bleeding? A little rough on the old cervix?
A few more 'phantom symptoms' for you ladies. I've actually had three charlie horses today in my leg/hip today. Made it a little hard to walk at a few points. :) My breasts feel firm and bigger and I'm tired. Plus my pee smells strong. Noticed it like three days ago and thought I was a head case. But perhaps I'm not, cause it's not going away. Or perhaps I have a UTI, cause yesterday morning I had that feeling down there. Now its gone though, so who knows. We'll see what the rest of the week brings.
For now, just trying to keep myself busy in this lovely tww. I've got my friends scrapbook done. Its my gift for her baby shower next saturday. I should post pics in my journal, cuz it turned out very cute... If I don't say so myself. :)
What are you all up to in this tww?
Hi girls, I'm back. I've been err busy :blush: I got a peak on the monitor on friday too so I pounced on DH as soon as I got back. You never know, it might work out.

We're all in the 2WW....I hate this bit....how the time drags! My BBs were a bit sore this morning and I got pretty excited until I realised it was probably because I'd been on the running machine the night before :lol:

I've got another busy week ahead so hopefully I'll be too engrossed to sympton spot. Who am I kidding, :dohh: that's all I'll be doing.....

I'm sorry to hear you've been poorly angelcakes. :hugs: Hope you're feeling much better now.

Welcome Kaygeebee, our groups getting bigger yay!
JayleighAnn - Hhmm not quite sure what the bleeding is all about, are you sure you havnt OV'd and this is implantation?

Babymaybe/Superp123/Babymad - WOW WOW WOW check all your symptoms, looking really good for you all....looks like you'll all be getting a :bfp: v v v v soon!!!

I do hope I'll be able to join you, I've only got the below symptoms but prob very good, non pg, reasons for them:
Very occasional twinges in bb's - Prob due to groping/poking (and by me not even DH!!!)
Twinges/cramps below - Prob just getting body ready for af
Bloated - Prob just because I ate loads of fruit and veg soup today

The only decent thing is temp went up this morn...so hopefully it'll keep going and woke up this morn at 2:30am (which is SOOOOO not like me) got up and pee'd (not because I needed to but because I was restless in bed and needed to move about). But then last month I had a spell of 3 nights where I woke up with the sweats at 1am...but still af came visiting!!! So not getting my hopes up.

Just need to wait and see what happens when I POAS...starting to count down already - 9 days till POAS :wohoo:
Hey all

Welcome back babymad - glad to hear you had fun! Hope you'll still have time to post your symptoms here this week

Superp - I think strong smelling pee is a common symptom - the hormones apparently. But, tell me, what the hec are charlie horses?!?? - me no comprende! :rofl:

Well I've got completely different symptoms to yesterday so think I'm just going through all the imaginary symptoms possible before af turns up to laugh at me! :dohh: I've been headachey and neck achey today. Boobs don't hurt but thats probably because I've not been prodding them to see if they hurt - can't imagine that would go down very well at work!

What about a test day list? Give me something to focus on other than my imaginary symptoms;

Babymaybe - 19th
Angelcakes - 17th?
Superp -
Babymad -
Kaygeebee -
JayleighAnn -

Please fill in the blanks!

babymaybe- A "charlie horse" is when you get a really bad muscle cramp.. the kind that sort of pull your muscle into a ball, they usually last longer too. Yeah, ouch. :)
Today we can add more symptoms for me... UTI feeling down there but not always and not when I pee. ??? Yeah, don't know.. but I'm on watch for a UTI now, especially with the strong pee. Tired, felt like I needed a nap today. Nausua, heartburn, indegestion. (not a pepto-bismal commercial :rofl:) Very slight cramping today that came and went quickly. I noticed the viens in my (.)(.) and arms last night too.
Not getting too excited, cause last month I had loads of symptoms too. So watching the temps and counting down the days. Think I'll test on the 15th, when the witch is due. My ticker is wrong right now. If I have no AF signs by then, if she's coming I'll be spotting by the 13th.
Today I feel shattered but I know it's because of work. Started at 7am and finished at 6pm so thats just the day taking it's toll. Plus I've been to the gym and last night had 2 fire alarms at the hotel within 15mins of each other.

I'm at the point where I'm starting to get obsessed so I'm trying to keep my mind occupied. So far feel fine but then again I'm only 4dpo so it's a bit early for anything.

babymaybe, I think I'll be testing on the 21st My cycles have been 29 days max (and 26 min) so I will be a day late by then. If it isn't my month I hope af arrives before then as I don't want a :bfn: on my birthday!

Wouldn't it be great if we all got our :bfp: That would make this the luckiest thread of all! Fx crossed for us all.

You might want to change the second BFN to a BFP before you get jinxed!!!
Thanks Pux, you saved me! Just a typo....no jinxes allowed!
I think im in the same boat.... period due on the 19th this month?
Welcome Gabrielle - So any symptoms yet?

Babymaybe - For your record - I'm due to test 19/20th also...thats if I wait that long!!!
Man... I have to go first??? Ah, well. Probably better this way anyhow. I have started to drive myself crazy constantly thinking of "if I'm pg..." Please don't tell me I'm the only one obsessed. It actually crossed my mind today that all my symptoms could be just PMS or a figment of my imagination. :rofl:
So to the list of my very fertile fantacy life I shall add todays symptoms. TIRED, dizzy(again), still with the sore throat, indegestion, bloated, UTI feeling vanished, nipples look larger(but I'm not putting too much into that cuz last month had that too), nausa.
Hope everyone else is crazy like me. :)
Well I'm starting to wonder if I OVd this month :(

CM has turned creamy - not at all stretchy. I haven't been temping religously this month, but I did take my temp this morning, and it was like a first half of cycle temp.
34.49 - but my coverine is usually about 36.


For the record, if I did ovulate I should be testing around the 20th.
Symptoms so far:

Funny tummy resulting in a long trip to the loo (sorry if tmi!) however I think that's down to the food I ate!

I'm sure my cm looked slightly yellow but again I've had that before and it was nothing.

BBs feel normal, no veins or swelling or anything!

I'm not so good at this am i?! :lol:
Here we go....

Babymaybe - 19th
Angelcakes - 19th (or 20th but want to put 19th so you're the same as me!)
Superp - 15th (1st to poas??)
Babymad - 21st
Kaygeebee - 20th
JayleighAnn - ?
Gabrielle - 19th (same as me and Angelcakes!)

Hello everyone - really nothing of note to report. I feel completely ordinary except for a few minor twinges downstairs. All the previous symptoms have gone so maybe they were the effects of ov wearing off?

Off to the docs tomorrow with DH so we'll see what he's got to say. I really hope it's not too bad news........

Superp - you're definitely not the only crazy one - I'm with you there! Tell you what though, those are some major symptoms to all be in your head...Thanks for the charlie horse explanation - I get it now!

Gabrielle - welcome. Any symptoms to report yet?

Babymad - what dates your b'day 21st??

Kaygeebee - fx that you did ov xx
Babymaybe - good luck at the docs today honey xx

Nothing at all to report here - very tired, but probably due to the long hours I'm working at the moment!

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