****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

So glad things are moving along for Carolyn!

I am having a really shitty day. My back is so sore and I can barely walk (sciatica???) and I went to have a shower and my kids made the HUGEST mess while I was in the shower. So, I yelled at them and made them clean EVERYTHING up, which they did. But, then I sat in bed crying, feeling miserable for myself and like a complete asshole mother. They came in to cheer me up, which made me feel worse because they are so nice....and I said sorry, which made me cry more...and they started crying. I just feel like shit. Sorry to vent.

Its ok hun, we all have those days...I am not having the greatest day with my 2 kids...they are being LOUD, fighting, and wanting to hang off of me...and I'm very hormonal today...not enough sleep last night.

I'm sure you are like me....and love your kids more than life itself...but we are allowed to have our Off days!! Don't beat yourself up about it hun....if they made a mess...they should clean it up....I make mine clean up after themselves!!!!!! :hugs:
Jasmak - :hugs::hugs: to you hun. You are not an asshole mum. Your kids sound lovely hun

Carolyns - wow fx that your labour goes well hun.

Sorry I haven't been on for a few days but been busy nesting and helping OH with the decorating. Well, the clearing up part after he has finished. I can't believe the 21st August baby is on its way and, its not even 1st August yet.

AFM - Had mw appointment today and she was concerned over my high blood pressure combined with my swollen feet and legs. I did tell her I had come straight from town as, in laws had taken me there as I had a few things I needed to do so, I'm not surprised I had raised BP. My wee was all fine, baby is "deeply engaged" and upon checking my notes it says position to brim is 3/5 so, getting there. She also weighed me and I have put on 16.2kg(bearing in mind I was weighed mid afternoon and I had not long scoffed 2 sausage rolls!!!:haha:)not too bad then. Have another appointment next Thurs and if I haven't had baby by then she will examine me and do a sweep if my cervix is favourable.
JAS - crying is good.... best way to vent and release some pressure !! i do it way too often lol makes me feel much better tho..... x

hopefully after a better nights sleep youll wake up to the amazing woman you are rather than the asshole woman you think ur seeing... dunno where she came from.... x
Scan is at 1pm.......kind of exciting but expecting just to see a squashed little boy bubba! Not really sure what theyre scanning for???

Yeah I'm not entirely sure either, I think cos he/she was measuring 7lb at 34 weeks they just want to keep an eye on size, but I'm not going to let them suggest an ealry induction - I'm in no hurry, and I truly believe an induction will work beter the longer your body has had to prepare for it...

So glad things are moving along for Carolyn!

I am having a really shitty day. My back is so sore and I can barely walk (sciatica???) and I went to have a shower and my kids made the HUGEST mess while I was in the shower. So, I yelled at them and made them clean EVERYTHING up, which they did. But, then I sat in bed crying, feeling miserable for myself and like a complete asshole mother. They came in to cheer me up, which made me feel worse because they are so nice....and I said sorry, which made me cry more...and they started crying. I just feel like shit. Sorry to vent.

You're not an asshole mother. I yelled at my two year old yseterday cos it was just stressing me when she kept shouting, then felt awful cos she ended up apologising to me even though it was me that had been ranting. We're entitled to off days, pregnant or not, but particularly when pregnant!

Jasmak - :hugs::hugs: to you hun. You are not an asshole mum. Your kids sound lovely hun

Carolyns - wow fx that your labour goes well hun.

Sorry I haven't been on for a few days but been busy nesting and helping OH with the decorating. Well, the clearing up part after he has finished. I can't believe the 21st August baby is on its way and, its not even 1st August yet.

AFM - Had mw appointment today and she was concerned over my high blood pressure combined with my swollen feet and legs. I did tell her I had come straight from town as, in laws had taken me there as I had a few things I needed to do so, I'm not surprised I had raised BP. My wee was all fine, baby is "deeply engaged" and upon checking my notes it says position to brim is 3/5 so, getting there. She also weighed me and I have put on 16.2kg(bearing in mind I was weighed mid afternoon and I had not long scoffed 2 sausage rolls!!!:haha:)not too bad then. Have another appointment next Thurs and if I haven't had baby by then she will examine me and do a sweep if my cervix is favourable.

Shmoo, deeply engaged sounds good :) and a week to go until sweepis cool if nothing else!!

DH away to collect curry, he wasn't so late after all - his BIG boss gave him a lift home ( 50 min drive) even though it's about an hour out of his way!
:wohoo::wohoo:Carolyn:wohoo::wohoo: Good luck! Thanks for keeping us updated Billy!!

:hugs: Jas, you are most definately allowed a bad day!

Hope everyone is ok and well! Just been for curry at my dads and now mini man is in bed going to snuggle up to Kev and watch a film!

See you tomorrow and we may even have a few more babies here!

Lou x
gah I hate this place. Been made to feel like an idiot again, first midwife was like oh you again and then consultant has just seen me an said basically baby is ok an they dont really care about how i feel i just need to deal with the bleeding as i should be used to it by now :-( keepin me here for another hr or so then letting me go if no more bleeding

Oh hun, Sending you TONNES and TONNES of hugs. I cant believe how they are being with you! at least bubs is ok, and heres hopeing little one makes an arrival soon x x

I had a mcd's in end sorry for making you fancy KFC :p (forgot who it was)

midwife ap - got told that I shouldn't have been taking 3iron tablet's everyday like I was told to(tho I only took 2 aday)! Infact that midwife wouldn't have advised 1 a day! Baby is head down, but free, apparently his head is only just free tho. I'm measuring bang on again, where as before I was measuring a week ahead. My bp's good and his heart beat's nice and strong :)

Now i'm going to relax for an hour then get tea started.

Glad MW went well hun x x
hi ladies,

contractions started at half 12 (in mcdonalds car park hahaha)

they are about 20mins apart... rang mw...got checked out... 4cm dilated and baby has decided to tuen at the last minute which is hurting my hips like hell and could make labour a bit longer than planned.

I chose to come home for a little while, ive had a bath... going to have some dinner and hopefully fit in eastenders before i go back to the hospital!! hahaha,

Im sure someone will keep you updated for me :D

hope everyone ok :hugs: xxxxxx

:happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

Good Luck Carolyn :hugs: cant wait to see your little :baby:

BTW i think there is something in Macd's now two people i know have started labour after one :rofl:

I need to be gettin me a Mcd's haha!

So glad things are moving along for Carolyn!

I am having a really shitty day. My back is so sore and I can barely walk (sciatica???) and I went to have a shower and my kids made the HUGEST mess while I was in the shower. So, I yelled at them and made them clean EVERYTHING up, which they did. But, then I sat in bed crying, feeling miserable for myself and like a complete asshole mother. They came in to cheer me up, which made me feel worse because they are so nice....and I said sorry, which made me cry more...and they started crying. I just feel like shit. Sorry to vent.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Ur a fab mother! We all have moments like this, I am forever losing my temper with Riley! hes actually started to say " calm down mummy" if I get cross now lol! Your kids sound fantastic hun, which can only be a credit to their mummy x x

:wohoo::wohoo:Carolyn:wohoo::wohoo: Good luck! Thanks for keeping us updated Billy!!

:hugs: Jas, you are most definately allowed a bad day!

Hope everyone is ok and well! Just been for curry at my dads and now mini man is in bed going to snuggle up to Kev and watch a film!

See you tomorrow and we may even have a few more babies here!

Lou x

I wonder who'll be next! :wacko:
We're popping at top speed now arent we! time has really flown by since out BFP's hasnt it xx

AFM, having a shitty day for lots of reasons, none of them baby or pregnancy related! Just sat here hoping it gets better tomorrow!
On the preggo front, baby feels good and low like always, and seems to be headbutting me in the butt!! haha! not sure he or she knows which way they're supposed to be going! lol!
had a few tightenings earlier that seemed a bit more painful than BH's, they made me feel like I was getting dairrhoea cramps, but nothing came of them and they only lasted half an hour or so. I am guessing just pressure form bubs heading south! :wacko:

Will be on a few times to see how we're all gettin on before bed i imagine!
hugs to all x x x x :hugs: x x x x
Well Kev's dumped me and sauntered off to bed...suppose I can't blame him, he worked last night and was called out three or four times and then came home and took Jacob off my hands all day. So he's effectively missed out on a nights sleep.

Its so exciting hearing peoples waters break and contractions start. I can't believe how fast everythings gone!!!

I really hope we can carry on with our LO's cos over these last few weeks you guys have really helped!!
Well Kev's dumped me and sauntered off to bed...suppose I can't blame him, he worked last night and was called out three or four times and then came home and took Jacob off my hands all day. So he's effectively missed out on a nights sleep.

Its so exciting hearing peoples waters break and contractions start. I can't believe how fast everythings gone!!!

I really hope we can carry on with our LO's cos over these last few weeks you guys have really helped!!

I'v been dumped to...mike's buggered off into the shed to play with his train's :/
I wish he could have a normal hobby!!
Well Kev's dumped me and sauntered off to bed...suppose I can't blame him, he worked last night and was called out three or four times and then came home and took Jacob off my hands all day. So he's effectively missed out on a nights sleep.

Its so exciting hearing peoples waters break and contractions start. I can't believe how fast everythings gone!!!

I really hope we can carry on with our LO's cos over these last few weeks you guys have really helped!!

I hope they move our thread to baby club eventually MrsP did say she was going to ask when more of us have had our babies :)
Brad normally plays computer games, but I have stolen the computer :D so he is watching some rubbish car tv programme...............

But after watching the men who jump of buildings last night, he has now decided he wants to do that, doh!

Igot my kfc for tea :D was gonna have a chinese, but Brad fancied a kfc, lets see if kfc shifts this baby a bit :D
Well Kev's dumped me and sauntered off to bed...suppose I can't blame him, he worked last night and was called out three or four times and then came home and took Jacob off my hands all day. So he's effectively missed out on a nights sleep.

Its so exciting hearing peoples waters break and contractions start. I can't believe how fast everythings gone!!!

I really hope we can carry on with our LO's cos over these last few weeks you guys have really helped!!

I hope they move our thread to baby club eventually MrsP did say she was going to ask when more of us have had our babies :)

I hope they do! Altho any that are still pregnant will just have to loiter in here in the baby club lol
yeh itwill be nice to have this thread moved over, catch up with everyone, and chat about everything! :D

I know I will be asking for loads of advice in the first few weeks
yeh itwill be nice to have this thread moved over, catch up with everyone, and chat about everything! :D

I know I will be asking for loads of advice in the first few weeks

Yep, me too! Kev asked me the other day if I wanted to do a sky dive....er ask me again when I'm not about to give birth you prat. To be fair he did say in a couple of months but still?! Men!!

Danielle You make me laugh...I can imagine a man like a little boy running towards his shed!

Nik :hugs::hugs: Hope you're ok honey!! Not like you to be down!

How you feeling now Lliena
yeh itwill be nice to have this thread moved over, catch up with everyone, and chat about everything! :D

I know I will be asking for loads of advice in the first few weeks

Yep, me too! Kev asked me the other day if I wanted to do a sky dive....er ask me again when I'm not about to give birth you prat. To be fair he did say in a couple of months but still?! Men!!

Danielle You make me laugh...I can imagine a man like a little boy running towards his shed!

Nik :hugs::hugs: Hope you're ok honey!! Not like you to be down!

How you feeling now Lliena

lol well that's what he's like! Get's sulk's on if I tell him he's not allowed to buy something for it!
me and his dad take the mik and say we need to get him some little flag's and a flat cap so he can pretend he's the controller :) Never seem's impressed with us tho.
I bought a ride on Thomas (was £15) I know Henry can't use it until he's older, but thought BARGIN!
mike had to have a play with it....
I am ok hun, just a lot of things getting on top of me today! I will hopefully be back to my usual self in a while lol!
Just had a bounce on my birth ball and hubby has brought me snack provisions and is making me a cuppa!
Its payday for hubby tomorrow so I can feel some retail therapy for baby coming on too hahaha!
Thanks everyone. I feel much better after my long blubbering cry and of course you all made me feel SO much better too. I guess I am just going to have to resign to the fact that I am going to be feeling pretty crappy from now until baby arrives and try and not sweat the small stuff. The problem is, nothing feels small anymore! lol. Off to make a cheesecake...that should make it better too! :)
I am ok hun, just a lot of things getting on top of me today! I will hopefully be back to my usual self in a while lol!
Just had a bounce on my birth ball and hubby has brought me snack provisions and is making me a cuppa!
Its payday for hubby tomorrow so I can feel some retail therapy for baby coming on too hahaha!

Retail therapy....the best!:thumbup:
yeh itwill be nice to have this thread moved over, catch up with everyone, and chat about everything! :D

I know I will be asking for loads of advice in the first few weeks

Yep, me too! Kev asked me the other day if I wanted to do a sky dive....er ask me again when I'm not about to give birth you prat. To be fair he did say in a couple of months but still?! Men!!

Danielle You make me laugh...I can imagine a man like a little boy running towards his shed!

Nik :hugs::hugs: Hope you're ok honey!! Not like you to be down!

How you feeling now Lliena

Im ok hun just trying to forget how mean they were and enjoying my roses and watching tv. Eastenders was so good tonight :D
lliena you made me fancy some rose's earlier so I got my mum 2go get some for me!
retail therapy and cheesecake all sound good!
I have a a cookie recipe I want to try out, need to start wearlier in the evening though I think...
have just watched celeb masterchef on my ball - never laughed so much at poached egg and hollandaise sauce, how she got through I don't know!
Early night methinks, have Charlotte free day tomorrow... Bloods with nurse, waxing and pedicure, scan... may pop back to mamas and papas with my cossie as it's falling to bits and I've barely worn it...
oh and my retail therapy will consist of a pack of granny knickers from Sainsburys or Asda!

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