****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

Here it is... the ever dropping 39week bump! lol.
Not sure if it can get much lower! lmao!


Loved every second of carrying this bump tho! Cant believe at 6 weeks we thought we had lost little Baby B! and now look at the size if him or her haha!
My little "Rice" turned into something much larger! the bump nickname no longer seems appropriate haha!
I have tried expressing some but don't have to much just a few drops each time. It can help get contractions going, been getting the DH to work on the nipple stimulation but to no avail, he even tried some recommended pressure point on me last night.
I haven't had anything coming out of my boobs at all yet!!! haha
I'm hesitant to pull out the breast pump just yet though... don't really know why!
I wouldn't use a pump to do it, most times you can do it manually and get stuff. I haven't given it an honest go to get a larger quantity though, I do it to clean out the ducts and see if I'm still producing.
Dear body,

I'd quite like at least one full nights sleep before this baby is born. Are you listening? :haha:

Love your owner!
Congratulations to all the new mommies! Just ran down the list in the front page and all I can say is WOW!!!!

Hope you're all having a great day and if your waiting not so patiently to be in labor then fxd that you make it soon!

My little man is getting bigger and bigger ever day and I wish daily that he would stay small for a very long time! Tomorrow the 10th he gets his 2wk check up.

Hope your all doing well will check back with all you lovely ladies very soon!:thumbup:

Mercy Bump is very low! i say blue btw!

OMG it's my due date today!!!!!!!!!!! :wohoo:
OOOO btw Pops had a baby girl Iris Juno 7lb 6oz on 6th August x
i'm off to bed to, got court tomorrow :(
May nip on in the morning before I go!
finger's crossed to my back ache going away and a decent night's sleep!!

Night x

Night chick, hope tomorrow goes ok, and the backache eases x

thank's backache is still about tho:/

other then back ache tho i'm feeling loads better today :) just munching a egg and bacon sandwhich then going to get OH's shirt irond :/ I hate ironing shirts :/
Then off I pop to get robbed by Sheffield council at the price's of the'r parking!! I hope we arn't there for age's :(
Hi girls. It only 3AM here and I'm up sitting in front of a fan trying to cool down. Seems I get nightmares from being overheated. Wiped myself down with a cool wet wash cloth and hanging in front of the fan as we speak.

Decided to check on my lovely BnB Girls and I saw this message in Tiffanys (Kelly9) journal!!!!

I can't believe I'm finally getting to say this but........
WE HAVE LABOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Her forewaters broke at home. She is at the hospital now, and the attending will break the rest of the membranes in the morning.

Stay tuned. Amazing things are to come................:cloud9:
Whooooop Go Kelly! xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Good luck Danielle.6 yrs i have been in and out of sodding courts x
oooh best not be at this for 6year's! Tho I know his ex will make it most difficult for him :( and prob's try and cause us as much stress as possible! Especcially while i'm a beach whale.
Aww hugs xxxxxx i hope yours is simple.mine just drags on and on and on x
well with his ex, it wont be lol

She's the sort of person who will try and ruin someones life...when they split up, she rang police and tried getting him done for sexual assult, then found out other day that she told her midwife he had bad depression and that he had said he was going to kidnap the baby when she was born(social service's was rang on him). Also wrote a letter to council (don't know if it got sent or not) claiming she needed to move as the "sperm donor" of her baby was going to kidnap the child.
She want's his violent past being checked up on and his depression...he's not violent :S least he's not been these past 2year's, and his depression was over them braking up and not had it for 2year's! Pretty much got through it when we got together.
see it annoys me as she'll get all rights etc and she sounds a fruit loop.Same as my ex husband he has my children but he's the one who put me in a refuge and took my kids.And he now neglects them.wish I was a judge some days i really do x
Great bump Nik!! Loooow...
Lliena, did your body give you a break ?! hope you slept well!
Congrats Pops!
Yay for Tiff being in labour!! Thanks for the update Guppy :)
Danielle, hope it goes well today, I hate it when people 'use' depression like that. It's an illness, not something somoeone does on purpose, so even if he was depressed then it shouldn't be held over his head as a threat.

Well, I'm only up an hour, and already feeling down today. Yesterday I was all for bouncing, walking, sex etc (which we diid actually manage :)) today I just can't see the point, seems like nothing I do will make a difference anyway, so why bother :( 8 days over, still not as overdue as when I was induced last time. Feel like my body is a failure.
Great bump Nik!! Loooow...
Lliena, did your body give you a break ?! hope you slept well!
Congrats Pops!
Yay for Tiff being in labour!! Thanks for the update Guppy :)
Danielle, hope it goes well today, I hate it when people 'use' depression like that. It's an illness, not something somoeone does on purpose, so even if he was depressed then it shouldn't be held over his head as a threat.

Well, I'm only up an hour, and already feeling down today. Yesterday I was all for bouncing, walking, sex etc (which we diid actually manage :)) today I just can't see the point, seems like nothing I do will make a difference anyway, so why bother :( 8 days over, still not as overdue as when I was induced last time. Feel like my body is a failure.

you are not a failure :kiss: bubba obviously likes it in the hotel and refuses to check out x
Starting to think towards my appointment tomorrow afternoon now, My Mw was saying last week that when I go for my Scan and Doc check tomorrow, If My fluid remained low then they'll likely give me a sweep! Are first attempts usually successful???
I guess it will really depend on the state of my cervix!
Ideally, I would hope that the fluid isnt as low any more, I have been rehydrating like MAD this past 2 weeks since my last appointment! Much to the displeasure of my poor bladder haha!

I am thinking maybe the Bloody show type thing I had on Friday late on, May have been a sign the cevix is dialating? I guess I shall just have to wait and see x

Anyone heard how Jasmak got on?? Or hav I just totally missed it lol!

Good luck for your appointment today x

hey girls...just letting you know i gave birth on friday the 6th to a little baby boy. we called him Andreas Deabreu. he weights 6lb 13oz was meant to be due on the 21st of august but was induced on friday :)

here he is xxx



here is my storie :)

mrs p - did you go brittans secondary school near rainham?

Congratulations hon. He's cute!

No I didn't I went to Abbs Cross in Hornchurch.

Hi. Just had a message from JASMAK - she wanted me to update you all.

"I didn't have my baby. I got there right on time, and it was super busy. I felt really stupid for being there. The lady beside me in the assessment room just about had her baby alone, because they were that busy. She was 8.5cm and screaming she had to push when they finally paid attention to her and wheeled her into a room! We waited and waited. My OB came, checked me, said I wasn't ready and told me to go home! I felt so stupid and after all the medical mistakes and everything else, it was the last straw. I have been crying constantly since yesterday and I am so DONE with the hospital and my OB right now. I am seriously in such a funk right now. I am thankful that all is well, of course, but I don't understand how they could do this to me, after ALL that I have been through. I am either yelling at my hubby or bawling my eyes out right now."

Will update more as and when.

Oh bless her. sending lots of :hugs:

Hey ladies

congratulations to those mamas who have had their babies. Anyone feel close to pushing theirs out????

Well was really worried about Peter this morning. Could not get him to eat and just wouldn't settle. Took him to the walk in clinic where the doc checked him over. Said he seemed ok but gave us a suppository to help loosen him up as she thought there was a bit of stubborn poo blocking everything up.

Took him round to my moms so we could come back and get some sleep. Within 10 min of us walking through the door my mum rang to say he had done a poo 3 times!!!! He really is a different baby, had all of his milk, got his wind up and is now out for the count!

Health visitor is coming tomorrow so will speak to her about it and see what she says.

babyfrance, i've tried the water but he just wouldn't drink it. But i will keep trying though. Defo and early night for us!!!

Hope everyone is well though


Glad Peter is a bit better now. Hope it continues x

i think i'll tyr tomorrow then, once i find all the kit!
a b it of nipple stimual;tion can't do any harm at this stage!

here's my 41 week bump!!


Here it is... the ever dropping 39week bump! lol.
Not sure if it can get much lower! lmao!


Loved every second of carrying this bump tho! Cant believe at 6 weeks we thought we had lost little Baby B! and now look at the size if him or her haha!
My little "Rice" turned into something much larger! the bump nickname no longer seems appropriate haha!


Dear body,

I'd quite like at least one full nights sleep before this baby is born. Are you listening? :haha:

Love your owner!

Oh Emma, bless you!! I've had enough for you now! I hope you get some sleep or labour if not both real soon xx

Congratulations to all the new mommies! Just ran down the list in the front page and all I can say is WOW!!!!

Hope you're all having a great day and if your waiting not so patiently to be in labor then fxd that you make it soon!

My little man is getting bigger and bigger ever day and I wish daily that he would stay small for a very long time! Tomorrow the 10th he gets his 2wk check up.

Hope your all doing well will check back with all you lovely ladies very soon!:thumbup:


Glad you're well hon x

Hi girls. It only 3AM here and I'm up sitting in front of a fan trying to cool down. Seems I get nightmares from being overheated. Wiped myself down with a cool wet wash cloth and hanging in front of the fan as we speak.

Decided to check on my lovely BnB Girls and I saw this message in Tiffanys (Kelly9) journal!!!!

I can't believe I'm finally getting to say this but........
WE HAVE LABOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Her forewaters broke at home. She is at the hospital now, and the attending will break the rest of the membranes in the morning.

Stay tuned. Amazing things are to come................:cloud9:

Thanks for update. Good luck Tiff :kiss:

Great bump Nik!! Loooow...
Lliena, did your body give you a break ?! hope you slept well!
Congrats Pops!
Yay for Tiff being in labour!! Thanks for the update Guppy :)
Danielle, hope it goes well today, I hate it when people 'use' depression like that. It's an illness, not something somoeone does on purpose, so even if he was depressed then it shouldn't be held over his head as a threat.

Well, I'm only up an hour, and already feeling down today. Yesterday I was all for bouncing, walking, sex etc (which we diid actually manage :)) today I just can't see the point, seems like nothing I do will make a difference anyway, so why bother :( 8 days over, still not as overdue as when I was induced last time. Feel like my body is a failure.

Oh sweetie!!! It's not even 9am yet. I hope your day does pick up.

its a lovely day here in Essex, I shall send you some of our sunshine if you havent any of your own!

With regards to introducing :baby: to C, mum bought E to the hosiptal and she took her own interest in Henry. We had a present for E and a teddy for her to give to the aby to which she delicately launched into his cot!! :haha:

I think it will just happen.

AFM - Having a good crack at the housework today. I have my Grandma coming to stay, have to collect her from station at 5pm and need to fit in a trip to Tesco.

Tomorrow I have my aunt and cousins coming too oh and mum so a nice girlie day, well plus H. I hope the weather stays nice.

Other than that not too much else to report. xx
Dear body,

I'd quite like at least one full nights sleep before this baby is born. Are you listening? :haha:

Love your owner!

awww hun, I think a nap some time today is in order for you! :hugs:

well with his ex, it wont be lol

She's the sort of person who will try and ruin someones life...when they split up, she rang police and tried getting him done for sexual assult, then found out other day that she told her midwife he had bad depression and that he had said he was going to kidnap the baby when she was born(social service's was rang on him). Also wrote a letter to council (don't know if it got sent or not) claiming she needed to move as the "sperm donor" of her baby was going to kidnap the child.
She want's his violent past being checked up on and his depression...he's not violent :S least he's not been these past 2year's, and his depression was over them braking up and not had it for 2year's! Pretty much got through it when we got together.

Good luck today hun, glad ur feeling a little better, and yey for the sarnie! yumyum!
She sounds like a delightful woman! (note sarcasm in tone lol) WHY is it that men have to have crazy ex's in the woodwork! Mats ex decorated her kids bedrooms using a Next Directory account that was in his name and never paid the bill, so not long ago I had to pay hundreds of pounds worth of HER debt! bloody women!
Hope she disappears into the past asap x

AFM, woke at about 4am with horrible backache and Braxton hicks, and couldnt decide if I needed to pee or not lol. SO, went to the loo and had what can only be described, as "GLOBS" (couldnt think of a better less gross word) were coming out of me! Kinda Bloody and Jellyish, there was definate lumps of bloody substance in it. Are we reckoning this would be more plug??? How much flippin more of it can there be up there haha!
I couldnt sleep for about an hour or so, I was getting the BH's and the backache came and went with each one! after that I managed to get back off to sleep, so not too bad!

I have a scan and the MW and Docs this afternoon, and I think that if the amniotic fluid is still low, they are gunna do a sweep! EEK!!!! scary stuff!
DO they hurt?? I was thinking probs a bit uncomfy??
I have noticed (or Mat has commented) that I am walking like I have a "broom shuved up me arse" this morning haha! I think I am past Waddling, and have hitb "UBER WADDLE" hahaha!

and Eoz, I think Bump has dropped to the max! surely it cant get any lower without coming out!

Great news about Tiff too! :happydance:

Sending tonnes of labour dust today to us all, and hoping some very well deserved overdue ladies get some signs today x x

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:

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