****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

Ugh, just back from hospital for a quick check. Nice lovely night (sarcastic) of false labour. Dilated to 1cm. Basically nothing. How irritating!
:hugs: Jasmak! At least you know it's only a few more weeks tops! I know it doesn't help loads but it's something.
13 days top. Booked a section for August 24th. Hoping it happens on it's own (but for real, not this fake stuff).
Aww :hugs: JASMAK, 1 CM is something! Might not seem like a lot but thats 1CM closer to meeting your LO! https://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k116/sparky710/Blinkies/labordust.gif
hey, its absolutly pissing down here !! mum took hj to nursery but i hav to take ella docs at 11 so im hoping it stops by then !!

hope your all good, iv been reading but my memories rubbish...... x

congrats n hugs where appropriate !! cant wait to get my regular brain back so i can form some kind of opinion again :)

love to ladies, bumps, babies, n families....... x

me + three


God the rain was terrible yesterday wasnt it?

Afternoon ladies!!
I'm so proud of my self :D It sound's really daft like but i'v managed to go out on my own :) OK it was only to MIL's house but it's the first time i'v drove on my own for age's!! I usually start panicing when i go out in the car on my own so not done it in month's, but today, thought sod it, im not sitting around the house on my own thinking stuff that's going to get me down...so off I went :) Reminded me how much I actually love driving :D

Go you, few more trips and you wont think anything of it

Yey Moggy that came from nowhere, gives me hope it can just happen :D I have been washing cloth nappies all day that the postman brought me look:


:happydance: :happydance:


ohhhh im due on the 27th of this month!!!

Oh and I've finally packed my hospital bag :happydance::happydance:

Just packed?! I'd be going crazy :wacko:

WoopWoop! on packing the Hospital bag too Babyfrance x x Mine has been repacked and unpacked and repacked lol! I think I need to astop fretting and STEP AWAY FROM THE BAG now hahaha!

My baby sister is the one who's drove me insane! I've had at least 2/3 text's a day since last week saying 'any signs?'...'any twinges' etc, etc.. I wouldn't mind but she's on our phonecall list to look after Jacob so its not like she wouldn't know first anyway!!

She said yesterday that 'I've had enough of waiting now Louise, I'm getting very impatient and think you should have the baby now'. I had to smile through gritted teeth!!

And after her 7am message again this morning, I sent her one back saying, no, no signs. How about we go back to me ringing you when I'm in labour because if you ring me again you will die!!

Bless her x


Baby Jack Luca born on 09/08/10 at 11.24am weighing 7lb 8 and a half oz

Congratulations x

baby zachary born on 8/8 10pm weighing 7 10

(skipped over from july babys as went years overdue)

Congratulations x

We had our beautiful baby girl on August 2nd. She weighed 6lbs 2oz and was 18 3/4 inches. Thanks so much and congrats to all the new mommies!

Congratulations x What did you call her hon?

Hi, my yellow bundle turned pink on 7th Aug, weighing 8lb 5oz


Congratulations :happydance:

What did you call her?

Wooo Happy due date to meeeeeeeeeeeeee! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

Happy due date sweetie xxxxx

Baby Jack born 9th August at 21.50pm weighing 10lb 2oz - only 8 days late but worth every minute :happydance:

Congrats to all other new mummies and I hope the overdue Mummies get to meet their little ones soon :hugs:

Fab news, congratulations george :kiss:

We had our beautiful baby girl on August 2nd. She weighed 6lbs 2oz and was 18 3/4 inches. Thanks so much and congrats to all the new mommies!

:happydance: congrats hun

Lliena, I have a date for Sunday, but I'm going to ask MW today about what needs to happen if I decide to wait, adn then also what happens if I chnage my mind back again!! Lou, yes hopefully a sweep this morning - and a slightly more useful one lsat week (Cx high, thick and 1-2cm last week) so we'll see! Oh and happy due date for tomorrow Lliena!
Engagement ring sounds good Lou :) Oh, and no action with green papya salad...
Nik, chilled evening sounds good shame on the lack of cheesecake! We have lunch in Ikea yestrerday and I was gutted they didn't have in the white choc and raspberry cheesecake I had last week! Oh and Ilove the sound of that status, gofor it! I just wouldn't be brave enough! In fairness it's only my cousin that's been bothering me with messages and the n only every other day or so...

Youngling, beatnick, westbrja, linsg congratulations!! :happydance: can I be next pleeeease!

Danielle, hope it's not a cold coming on... I have MW too this morning, and luckily C decided to get dressed herself nice and early, and I'm dressed too - I'm a skank and skipped my shower as we're going swimming afterwards, don't see the point in showering twice :blush: I also feel a bit like a cold coming on, sore throat when I swallow etc, here's hoping neither of us are struck down!

So like I said, MW this morning, then swimming - I'm a weeee bit worried sweep will dislodgesomething which could be awkward at the swimming pool - do you think it's OK to use a tampon for just a couple of hours?

Hope Swimming goes ok, I wouldnt bother with the tampon! I am sure you'll be ok! Booo to No cheesecake in Ikea too! I LOVE the strawberry tarts they had in there last time I went! we'll be going for a few bits of furniture soonish so I can see a trip to the cafe coming on lol. Good luck for the Midwife today! I think it'd be great if you were next! :thumbup: :flower:

Baby Jack born 9th August at 21.50pm weighing 10lb 2oz - only 8 days late but worth every minute :happydance:

Congrats to all other new mummies and I hope the overdue Mummies get to meet their little ones soon :hugs:

Check you out Missus!!!! Congratulations! I am So pleased for you! :flower:
I love the name Jack too! :happydance:

AFM, Well had a disturbed nights sleep as there were some STOOPID cats hollering outside our window, Mat went down to try and shoo them away, and he said they were laid on their backs looking like they were drunk blokes, singing and wailing at each other in the bush outside our house haha! made me giggle, but I did end up throwing water out the window at them haha!

Have some very sharp twingy backache this morning, so thats a whole new pain for me haha! the fun never ends! Feeling pretty good tho! although I have had 2 texts already asking am I in labour lol, and its only half 9!!!! :dohh:

Had a really good long bounce on the birth ball last night, and feel like bubs is even lower today! I am waddling like I have something shoved up my bottom this morning, lol. Mat says I look like a duck! NICE!!!:wacko:

Might venture out to our mums and tots group this morning! although if I am goin I should be gettin ready now instead of sitting on here lol!

Have a lovely morning guys x and lets get popping babies out x

You do make me laugh

Hey girls,

moggy big congratulations! Love the name Jack and wow 10lb!!!! Super pusher or what! xx

Lliena happy due date to you! x

mercy lets hope the cat does one so you can get a better nights sleep tonight, if not get some bricks and aim close to their bottoms! Watch em run then!

Hwm, fingers crossed the sweep is the start of something, that combined with a swim hopefully may ease LO out! x

Congratulations to all the other mommies who have had their babies!

Afm, well i miss being pregnant! :-(. I know i moaned but now i just look at my saggy belly and miss my little table i had going on.
Peter is growing like a good en. He now weighs 8lb 4! So the mw has discharged us this morning. However i know have thrush! Sods law i get something.

Hope everyone has a good day though


Oh thrush not nice, hope it clears up real soon xx

Happy due date Lliena!!! :D
Congrats on the arrivals of your little ones westbrja and linsg!!!

AFM had my sweep yesterday and nothing yet...DH and I had :sex: last night to try and speed things along...might go for a long walk today. If it doesn't happen today I'm going into the hospital tonight to get the gel inserted to help me dilate....then my induction is scheduled for Friday...but I think I might request to have it pushed back if all is fine, I really want a natural birth!

Fingers crossed wont be long x

I had my baby on the 28th july If you could update first page not quiet a august baby but he was due on the 1st :)

Well done hon. What did you call him and how much did he weigh?

My beautiful Emily is finally here!! she was born last Saturday 7 th August and she was 6lb8 at 38 weeks 4 days Thanks Melmalta


I'm not saying I won't have it, just not saying I will, it's going to be one of those thing's where it will be decided in the moment. If I say oh I defiantly dont want it, i'll feel i'v let my self down if I had it, so I just say i'm going to try and go with out it aslong as I can.

Go with the flow hon. I asked for an epidural but Si talked me out of it but talked me through the pain as I would have felt like I'd let my self down cos deep down I knew I could do it xx[/QUOTE]

He weighed 6 pound 14 ounces and hes called tobias
Hugs Jasmak, hopefully things will happen soon!
Lliena, I dont think My backache is a sign of anything impending lol,I was just a bit freaked that bubs may have turned back to back, As riley was back to back and didnt fancy doing THAT again lol!

Had some yummy chocolate which The fab Mr B went and got for me! And now am curled up watching four weddings and then masterchef and then I shall have my bubbly bath! BLISS! lol!
There is some weeeiiiirrrrddd stuff going on in the 3rd tri forum today! :nope:

How is everyone doing in here? Usually there is a lot more chatter.... please don't tell me everyone is off having their babies and I am here alone! I will cry. The only ladies that get reprieve are the overdue ones!

Oh, honey, I'm still here...:haha:

Thats not saying much, I'm a quiet one most of the times. I'm sure I'll be the last one to go in August so you have one up on me! Ha ha!

You're right, its quiet, everyone's popping! I'm counting down the next 20 days!

I wont be the last in August...because I'll be going over to September! I lay odd's on this child being late.

I'v realised something today....I'm going to be a mummy and a step mum before my 21st birthday....:O
Tho it was nice today going out shopping and buying stuff for Henry and being able to look at little girl stuff! (ended up buying a doll for Mike's daughter that's dressed as a boy)
Got my cot mattress :D do the bottem sheet's in cot's have to be fitted, I know those are the safest, like but I'm struggling to find some that are fitted that will fit out cot and I can afford :/ I'll deffinatly be getting fitted when he start's to sleep in the cot at night and can move about, but while he's only going to use it for nap's in the day, I should be ok with unfitted ones shouldn't I? :S
Also our bumper thingy doesn't fit :( It's too big!
and now i'v just re-read my post...i feel so dumb for having to ask that lol
Hi ladies!

Guppy thanks for keeping the august mummies updated!

I am home now, sore and tired, things are going well, I am going to post pics in my journal and do up my birth story sometime tonight! So stayed tuned.

Congrats to everyone else who had their babes!

Oh his name is Skyler Caelan Kelly
Born Aug 9th at 12:07pm, 7 pounds 13 ounces 22.5 inches long!
Hi everyone!

Congratulations to all the new mums! There are so many of you!!

:hugs: :kiss: :flower: to everyone that needs them and labour dust to all those overdue mums! (me now included!)

I had a sweep and stretch this morning and would like to say that to those ladies who said that it doesn't hurt YOU LIE :growlmad:. She had to tell me to stop running away. I know I had one with Jacob but my god...that really hurt!

But I'm 1-2cm dilated, cervic is mid/anterior, soft and length is 1-2? Not sure what that all means TBH! It says the 'station' is -2?

And I can finally say that I've joined a few of you and can happily (?!?!) say I HAVE GUNK!!! Now I never thought that would be a sentence I would be happy to say! BUT..nothing else and I don't think its going to happen.

They've booked my induction for 21st August! In the meantime, I'm going to RUN up the stairs, jump on Kev, soak in the bath and have long walk tomorrow. We'll see eh!!

Hope ladies, bumps & babies are ok!

Still not heard from Flutter...
I'll keep my fingers crossed it's the start of something for you Lucy :D

Mercy, am so with you on the backache been having it on and off all day, sometimes it creeps round to the front and kinda squeezes me so I dunno if its a contraction or not :shrug: Also lost two big globs again of plug all green coloured. Have told myself am not getting excited till I have a set pattern of pain though so think I'll take a bath and relax tonight and see if anything further happens :)

Here's hoping :) yours sounds promising though!!

Ugh, just back from hospital for a quick check. Nice lovely night (sarcastic) of false labour. Dilated to 1cm. Basically nothing. How irritating!

Boo... yeah fakeness sucks

Hugs Jasmak, hopefully things will happen soon!
Lliena, I dont think My backache is a sign of anything impending lol,I was just a bit freaked that bubs may have turned back to back, As riley was back to back and didnt fancy doing THAT again lol!

Had some yummy chocolate which The fab Mr B went and got for me! And now am curled up watching four weddings and then masterchef and then I shall have my bubbly bath! BLISS! lol!

we've masterchef on now, then I'm making some charlie and lola dvds for C and friends (need to clear harddisk)

I wont be the last in August...because I'll be going over to September! I lay odd's on this child being late.

I'v realised something today....I'm going to be a mummy and a step mum before my 21st birthday....:O
Tho it was nice today going out shopping and buying stuff for Henry and being able to look at little girl stuff! (ended up buying a doll for Mike's daughter that's dressed as a boy)
Got my cot mattress :D do the bottem sheet's in cot's have to be fitted, I know those are the safest, like but I'm struggling to find some that are fitted that will fit out cot and I can afford :/ I'll deffinatly be getting fitted when he start's to sleep in the cot at night and can move about, but while he's only going to use it for nap's in the day, I should be ok with unfitted ones shouldn't I? :S
Also our bumper thingy doesn't fit :( It's too big!

I never used a cot bumper...
With the sheets, would it not make more sense to get the fitted ones now even if they cost more rather than have to buy two lots? I've found matalan to be very good value for that - 2 for £8 I think...

well, still tummy cramps, have been bouncing like mad. wtching masterchef and dvds and early night i think. may try a wee bath with clary sage though...
Hi ladies!

Guppy thanks for keeping the august mummies updated!

I am home now, sore and tired, things are going well, I am going to post pics in my journal and do up my birth story sometime tonight! So stayed tuned.

Congrats to everyone else who had their babes!

Oh his name is Skyler Caelan Kelly
Born Aug 9th at 12:07pm, 7 pounds 13 ounces 22.5 inches long!

Congratulations hun! FAB name!!!!:happydance:

Hi everyone!

Congratulations to all the new mums! There are so many of you!!

:hugs: :kiss: :flower: to everyone that needs them and labour dust to all those overdue mums! (me now included!)

I had a sweep and stretch this morning and would like to say that to those ladies who said that it doesn't hurt YOU LIE :growlmad:. She had to tell me to stop running away. I know I had one with Jacob but my god...that really hurt!

But I'm 1-2cm dilated, cervic is mid/anterior, soft and length is 1-2? Not sure what that all means TBH! It says the 'station' is -2?

And I can finally say that I've joined a few of you and can happily (?!?!) say I HAVE GUNK!!! Now I never thought that would be a sentence I would be happy to say! BUT..nothing else and I don't think its going to happen.

They've booked my induction for 21st August! In the meantime, I'm going to RUN up the stairs, jump on Kev, soak in the bath and have long walk tomorrow. We'll see eh!!

Hope ladies, bumps & babies are ok!

Still not heard from Flutter...

Fingers crossed for you that the sweep is successful hun! al sounding good tho x x and YEY for gunk lolx x

I'll keep my fingers crossed it's the start of something for you Lucy :D

Mercy, am so with you on the backache been having it on and off all day, sometimes it creeps round to the front and kinda squeezes me so I dunno if its a contraction or not :shrug: Also lost two big globs again of plug all green coloured. Have told myself am not getting excited till I have a set pattern of pain though so think I'll take a bath and relax tonight and see if anything further happens :)

Here's hoping :) yours sounds promising though!!

Ugh, just back from hospital for a quick check. Nice lovely night (sarcastic) of false labour. Dilated to 1cm. Basically nothing. How irritating!

Boo... yeah fakeness sucks

Hugs Jasmak, hopefully things will happen soon!
Lliena, I dont think My backache is a sign of anything impending lol,I was just a bit freaked that bubs may have turned back to back, As riley was back to back and didnt fancy doing THAT again lol!

Had some yummy chocolate which The fab Mr B went and got for me! And now am curled up watching four weddings and then masterchef and then I shall have my bubbly bath! BLISS! lol!

we've masterchef on now, then I'm making some charlie and lola dvds for C and friends (need to clear harddisk)

I wont be the last in August...because I'll be going over to September! I lay odd's on this child being late.

I'v realised something today....I'm going to be a mummy and a step mum before my 21st birthday....:O
Tho it was nice today going out shopping and buying stuff for Henry and being able to look at little girl stuff! (ended up buying a doll for Mike's daughter that's dressed as a boy)
Got my cot mattress :D do the bottem sheet's in cot's have to be fitted, I know those are the safest, like but I'm struggling to find some that are fitted that will fit out cot and I can afford :/ I'll deffinatly be getting fitted when he start's to sleep in the cot at night and can move about, but while he's only going to use it for nap's in the day, I should be ok with unfitted ones shouldn't I? :S
Also our bumper thingy doesn't fit :( It's too big!

I never used a cot bumper...
With the sheets, would it not make more sense to get the fitted ones now even if they cost more rather than have to buy two lots? I've found matalan to be very good value for that - 2 for £8 I think...

well, still tummy cramps, have been bouncing like mad. wtching masterchef and dvds and early night i think. may try a wee bath with clary sage though...

Masterchef making me hungry again haha! that Moroccan Lamb dish looked a bit yum!
Good luck for the clary sage bath! I have a few drops of it on a tissue near me in the lounge, fingers crossed it helps you along! tummy cramping sounding good!:happydance:
Yeah go for the clary sage oil :D

Im thinking gah this place can be mental sometimes. One person posts something then every woman and her dog(baby?!) starts to fret. I swear this place can do more harm than good sometimes for worrier's! (Not our thread btw! This is one of the few places thats balanced :) )
For the love of god.......! FOOTBALL?!?!?!

Haven't we had enough????? The bloody season starts in days! It really isn't fair!

Sorry for the rant and hello ladies! Hope everyone is well?

Danielle, asda do fairly cheap fitted sheets for the cot I think.

Its really exciting to read about all these new mummys :D Congratulations to all of you xx

Im still here waiting :) so your not alone lilfooshfoosh :hugs: I was on here earlier but had a busy afternoon of sorting through all my clothes and having a good clear out. Whats been happening in 3rd tri? I saw the kick off about the girl who was bleeding and people thought it was all a lie :wacko:

Mercy and lliena, the backache sounds promising, how are u feeling now? Hope something is happening for you both :) xx

Good luck melissa with your induction, hope it all goes well...look forward to hearing all about it and seeing some gorgeous baby pics :hugs:

Awww Tina I really thought this was it for you, I was really jealous haha. Your body has really played tricks on you this pregnancy hasnt it. You will be glad when baby is here and you can relax a big. I really feel for you honey :hugs: How come they are leaving it so long after your section that was booked last week before booking you in again?? xxx

Babyfrance, sounds like your body is going in the right direction, FXed it wont be too long for you now :)

AFM, I think I may finally be starting to nest, have sorted out a load of my clothes today that I never wear (even before I couldnt fit into them lol), have done a load of ironing (which is definitely not like me, we iron things as we need them in this house haha)

I have back ache now, dont know if its from the ironing or something more :shrug: I also feel like I need to pee constantly, as soon as I stand up from the loo I feel this pressure. 38 weeks pregnant today, only 2 weeks til my due date :happydance: hope I dont make it that far though!
I'll keep my fingers crossed it's the start of something for you Lucy :D

Mercy, am so with you on the backache been having it on and off all day, sometimes it creeps round to the front and kinda squeezes me so I dunno if its a contraction or not :shrug: Also lost two big globs again of plug all green coloured. Have told myself am not getting excited till I have a set pattern of pain though so think I'll take a bath and relax tonight and see if anything further happens :)

Here's hoping :) yours sounds promising though!!

Ugh, just back from hospital for a quick check. Nice lovely night (sarcastic) of false labour. Dilated to 1cm. Basically nothing. How irritating!

Boo... yeah fakeness sucks

Hugs Jasmak, hopefully things will happen soon!
Lliena, I dont think My backache is a sign of anything impending lol,I was just a bit freaked that bubs may have turned back to back, As riley was back to back and didnt fancy doing THAT again lol!

Had some yummy chocolate which The fab Mr B went and got for me! And now am curled up watching four weddings and then masterchef and then I shall have my bubbly bath! BLISS! lol!

we've masterchef on now, then I'm making some charlie and lola dvds for C and friends (need to clear harddisk)

I wont be the last in August...because I'll be going over to September! I lay odd's on this child being late.

I'v realised something today....I'm going to be a mummy and a step mum before my 21st birthday....:O
Tho it was nice today going out shopping and buying stuff for Henry and being able to look at little girl stuff! (ended up buying a doll for Mike's daughter that's dressed as a boy)
Got my cot mattress :D do the bottem sheet's in cot's have to be fitted, I know those are the safest, like but I'm struggling to find some that are fitted that will fit out cot and I can afford :/ I'll deffinatly be getting fitted when he start's to sleep in the cot at night and can move about, but while he's only going to use it for nap's in the day, I should be ok with unfitted ones shouldn't I? :S
Also our bumper thingy doesn't fit :( It's too big!

I never used a cot bumper...
With the sheets, would it not make more sense to get the fitted ones now even if they cost more rather than have to buy two lots? I've found matalan to be very good value for that - 2 for £8 I think...

well, still tummy cramps, have been bouncing like mad. wtching masterchef and dvds and early night i think. may try a wee bath with clary sage though...

It would if I had money now, we have to be careful with what we spend, even more so now Mike's seeing his daughter, because even tho he is paying the amount of CSA he is, they are still expecting him to pay for her where ever they go and buy her meal's, plus travel fair for the friend who is supervising, and this is going to be our first wage that we will have to learn to spend with a baby (I should have had him before next pay..even if I go over, Mike doesn't get paid until after the 14th sept) matalan didn't have any fitted one's, I went there first :/
He's only going to be in the cot during the day and it will only be on the odd day, for the first few month's. I know i'll find other use's for them when I do find some fitted sheet's that go with the bedding and arnt ridiculously priced.
hello ladies i'm home lol sorry baby france i didn't text as the was nothing to say went in they gave me jelly and no pains yesterday i was 2cm long and fully closed this morning i was 1 and half cm long and 2 cm so not much went on they gave me more jelly and i'm now 3-4 cm with no pains at all they was supposed to break my waters at 3 o'clock but guess what fucking nhs no spaces on the labour ward they let me sit on ward waiting for 3 hours and just said it won't be tonight hun ...................... then i was TRIPPING packed my bags and gave them hubby and discharged myself mw wasn't happy gave me a list of reasons why i shouldn't go blah blah so i gave her a speech about my 3 other children needed there mother and said labour ward was empty when consultant told them to break my water so they should of got there asses in gear before it filled up and was tripping over the fact that yet again i'm with all the first time moms please do not take offence anyone puffing and panting all bloody night and running taps slamming the toilet doors etc and i wasn't happy about that and today had a woman come in breathing away panting etc 2 seconds later she called mw over and said my contractions have stopped wtf was she breathing like a dog for i told mw all this so they finally agreed i could go home tonight and go back tomorrow morning i feel so much calmer now and have packed my ear plugs for tomorrow
hello ladies i'm home lol sorry baby france i didn't text as the was nothing to say went in they gave me jelly and no pains yesterday i was 2cm long and fully closed this morning i was 1 and half cm long and 2 cm so not much went on they gave me more jelly and i'm now 3-4 cm with no pains at all they was supposed to break my waters at 3 o'clock but guess what fucking nhs no spaces on the labour ward they let me sit on ward waiting for 3 hours and just said it won't be tonight hun ...................... then i was TRIPPING packed my bags and gave them hubby and discharged myself mw wasn't happy gave me a list of reasons why i shouldn't go blah blah so i gave her a speech about my 3 other children needed there mother and said labour ward was empty when consultant told them to break my water so they should of got there asses in gear before it filled up and was tripping over the fact that yet again i'm with all the first time moms please do not take offence anyone puffing and panting all bloody night and running taps slamming the toilet doors etc and i wasn't happy about that and today had a woman come in breathing away panting etc 2 seconds later she called mw over and said my contractions have stopped wtf was she breathing like a dog for i told mw all this so they finally agreed i could go home tonight and go back tomorrow morning i feel so much calmer now and have packed my ear plugs for tomorrow

:hugs: Sounds like you've had lots of fun! Try and get some sleep and hopefully things will look brighter tomorrow :hugs:
Yeah go for the clary sage oil :D

Im thinking gah this place can be mental sometimes. One person posts something then every woman and her dog(baby?!) starts to fret. I swear this place can do more harm than good sometimes for worrier's! (Not our thread btw! This is one of the few places thats balanced :) )

I agree, and lately I have noticed a great tendency on other threads for people to start randomly arguieing like children just because someones opinions may differ from their own! Uft!!!! Bloody people lol!
I agree tho! this thread is a little haven of sanity sometimes lol! P.S. which thread haha! I am too nosey! heeheehee!!

For the love of god.......! FOOTBALL?!?!?!

Haven't we had enough????? The bloody season starts in days! It really isn't fair!

Sorry for the rant and hello ladies! Hope everyone is well?


I know! I saw it on earlier and cant believe we're almost at footie season already! Luckily hubby likes rugby, and not football, and I like men with muscly legs haha! So I am onto more of a winner with that one! lol

Danielle, asda do fairly cheap fitted sheets for the cot I think.

Its really exciting to read about all these new mummys :D Congratulations to all of you xx

Im still here waiting :) so your not alone lilfooshfoosh :hugs: I was on here earlier but had a busy afternoon of sorting through all my clothes and having a good clear out. Whats been happening in 3rd tri? I saw the kick off about the girl who was bleeding and people thought it was all a lie :wacko:

Mercy and lliena, the backache sounds promising, how are u feeling now? Hope something is happening for you both :) xx

Good luck melissa with your induction, hope it all goes well...look forward to hearing all about it and seeing some gorgeous baby pics :hugs:

Awww Tina I really thought this was it for you, I was really jealous haha. Your body has really played tricks on you this pregnancy hasnt it. You will be glad when baby is here and you can relax a big. I really feel for you honey :hugs: How come they are leaving it so long after your section that was booked last week before booking you in again?? xxx

Babyfrance, sounds like your body is going in the right direction, FXed it wont be too long for you now :)

AFM, I think I may finally be starting to nest, have sorted out a load of my clothes today that I never wear (even before I couldnt fit into them lol), have done a load of ironing (which is definitely not like me, we iron things as we need them in this house haha)

I have back ache now, dont know if its from the ironing or something more :shrug: I also feel like I need to pee constantly, as soon as I stand up from the loo I feel this pressure. 38 weeks pregnant today, only 2 weeks til my due date :happydance: hope I dont make it that far though!

Nesting is great! My house has never been so sorted and organised haha! Backache and needin to pee more sounds good! Bubs rob engaged a little more??

hello ladies i'm home lol sorry baby france i didn't text as the was nothing to say went in they gave me jelly and no pains yesterday i was 2cm long and fully closed this morning i was 1 and half cm long and 2 cm so not much went on they gave me more jelly and i'm now 3-4 cm with no pains at all they was supposed to break my waters at 3 o'clock but guess what fucking nhs no spaces on the labour ward they let me sit on ward waiting for 3 hours and just said it won't be tonight hun ...................... then i was TRIPPING packed my bags and gave them hubby and discharged myself mw wasn't happy gave me a list of reasons why i shouldn't go blah blah so i gave her a speech about my 3 other children needed there mother and said labour ward was empty when consultant told them to break my water so they should of got there asses in gear before it filled up and was tripping over the fact that yet again i'm with all the first time moms please do not take offence anyone puffing and panting all bloody night and running taps slamming the toilet doors etc and i wasn't happy about that and today had a woman come in breathing away panting etc 2 seconds later she called mw over and said my contractions have stopped wtf was she breathing like a dog for i told mw all this so they finally agreed i could go home tonight and go back tomorrow morning i feel so much calmer now and have packed my ear plugs for tomorrow

BIG hugs hun, sounds like you have been messed about a little there! :hugs:
Hopefully a much smoother experience next time!

AFM, Still got the backache, but think it may have been Toilet business related lol! :oops: As I have not been to the loo today and just went (no2) about 3 times in ten mins. Not like clear out, more like constipation easing lol! Had my bubble bath, and decided to pop some clary sage onto a tissue and prop it on the edge of the bath instead of putting it in the water! I wanted my frothy bubbles!! lol.

Think I might Jump the hubby tonight too! See what that can do to help haha!

Oooooo and while I remember, Lucy did you think about the expressing colostrum?? I managed another 35 mls tonight! It is REALLY thick and yellow and creamy looking tonight! It feels good to know I have a few smalls top ups should baby need it for any reason! And so far so good on the Not-leaking-front!!!

Hugs all x Nik x

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