~*~*~August 2012 Baby Fire Fly's~*~*~

Hi ladies, I hope this finds u all well.
Is anyone else, like me, suffering with swollen feet/ankles? Mine are so uncomfortable & the swelling in my right foot has caused a nerve irritation resulting in pain and numbness over the top of my foot to my big toe!
I'm soaking my feet in freezing water & sleeping with my feet elevated on 2 pillows everynight!
I hope they improve/ease soon!
I haven't had the swollen feet thing yet, but I have to sleep with a pillow in between my legs. It's getting harder and harder to get comfortable these days. And I know if will get worse. All worth it for my sweet girl though! :)
yeah I cannot sleep unless I have a pillow between my legs. I don't even get why it helps... lol!!
My feet are killing me lately but not really swollen yet. I have an office job and try not to sit still for more than an hour at a time and keep my feet elevated under my desk. My husband has been pretty good about giving foot massages when I ask though so that's helped.

And I definitely need a pillow between my legs to fall asleep but have found it's rarely still there after all the tossing and turning all night long.

Hope you're all doing well!
Ah! I'm leaking! I felt wet on my shirt tonight and I looked down and had wet marks on my shirt. Anyone else have this yet? I thought it happened a few weeks ago but I wasn't sure. I didn't realize it happens so early!
Nope, no wet patches for me...fortunately! I am however losing control of my bodily functions. If i sneeze i also pass wind, if i am blowing my nose i may drool or burp! Its quite funny in private but hugely embarrassing in public.

I can sleep as long as I have a pillow supporting bump, basically to stop me rolling on to it.

Had my 28 week appointment with the world scattiest midwife, who imformed me she hadnt actually been on a maternity ward in over a year! All going well, bump is still a cm over the top end of the scale but I am all fluid, baby is in a good position with a good heartbeat. I was told he should be kicking 10 in a 12 hour period. My husband and I were half shocked, half amused as my LO kicks a good 5-10 times in one hour most days! So we seem to have an active one!
I havent had any problems with my feet or leaking still...but ive had horrible heartburn shortness of breath and feeling like a sumo wrestler who cant sleep lol I have a dr's appointment today ... cant wait to hear my LO heartbeat :)
I have to sleep with a pillow between my legs too - I've never used so many pillows!
I haven't had any leaking, yet, so I'll be grateful for that!
I have had a little bit of leaking... also didn't realize that it could be this early. Luckily no swelling yet!! That part can stay away as long as possible.
I've started getting slightly swollen feet this last week - only towards the end of the day and by morning they have gone back down again. Feels horrible when I walk as I can feel it.

I too use a pillow but can't really roll over in bed anymore - hurts too much, well not hurt but its a huge effort!
Oooh I just noticed I am a squash this week! I hate the slow moving tickers now we have hit third tri!
Hi everyoneee! Congratulations to all of you! :) Only just found this thread! I am 27 weeks on wednesday and baby girl is due on August 29th! Just 8 days after my 21st birthday! Soooo excitedddd!

Have added you - sorry for delay, getting tired these days and don't get on here every day :sleep:
Ah! I'm leaking! I felt wet on my shirt tonight and I looked down and had wet marks on my shirt. Anyone else have this yet? I thought it happened a few weeks ago but I wasn't sure. I didn't realize it happens so early!

My bbs have been leaking for a few weeks now. Not a ton, never through my bra yet, but it's getting worse so I've ordered those disposable pad things.

Had my 28 week appointment with the world scattiest midwife, who imformed me she hadnt actually been on a maternity ward in over a year! All going well, bump is still a cm over the top end of the scale but I am all fluid, baby is in a good position with a good heartbeat. I was told he should be kicking 10 in a 12 hour period. My husband and I were half shocked, half amused as my LO kicks a good 5-10 times in one hour most days! So we seem to have an active one!

My 28 week appt is this afternoon and I'm going to ask for a gender re-check just to be sure. Abigail is very active also. I feel her moving around almost all day long. Most days it seems she wakes up about every 45 minutes for about 30 minutes kicking and rolling and I'll easily feel her 5-10 times in that 30 minutes! I'm sure it will slow a lot as she gets bigger and starts running out of room though.
Does anyone else seem to have more aches and pains now? I have been doing fine up until the last week when the aches seem to have got a lot worse - my back aches most of the time and I find it hard to get comfortable if I sit in the same position for too long, ie on the train or at work. I just feel really heavy and like a beached whale now! Its getting really hard to turn over in bed now as well!
I'm finding that my hands hurt, especially my knuckles, as well as my knees & feet. I too feel really heavy & like a beached whale when I try to roll in bed or get out of bed! Urgh!
Thats interesting re the knuckles and hands hurting, do you get pins and needles in some of your hand/fingers but not other bits?

It might be carpal tunnel, I read about that in my pregnancy book at this stage. I believe it goes away after the birth. I get pins and needles in my right hand when I am in bed but never know if its carpal tunnel or whether I have laid funny on it or kept it elevated for too long, like raised on my pillow or something.

Have you packed your hospital bags yet? We go away on holiday for a long weekend on 6th July and my midwife said be sure to take your hospital bag and a car seat.....I thought she was joking, she wasn't! Made it all feel very real although obviously hope we're not that early!!
No, thankfully I have no numbness in my hands, and all fingers are involved, including my little finger, which doesn't happen with carpal tunnel syndrome. My knuckle stiffness is just due to hand swelling!
I do have compression of the peroneal nerve in my right foot which is painful & has left my right big toe, top of foot & outside border numb, which is no fun!

I haven't packed my bag yet, have been thinking about what to pack, just not done it yet! I have so much still to do & buy!
Have a great long weekend away in July.
I get numbness in my feet sometimes now... with the pins and needles.

Wow packing your bag already? I just set up my nursery!! I can't imagine any of that yet.
I packed my bag yesterday! :) Spent a while at Target with a list in hand and bought everything I think I'll need. (OMG, newborn diapers are the cutest ever; they're so tiny!) I also bought an extra package of the extra heavy overnight maxi pads so DH wouldn't have to be lost in that aisle after the birth, lol, even I felt completely lost in that aisle! We still need to get the carseat though so not completely prepared yet. Baby shower is June 30th and I know someone is getting our stroller/carseat combo for us so we'll have it soon and then be all ready! And I gave a list to DH but he's responsible for his own bag...
Hey ladies!

28 weeks today, and of course I had the worst night sleep ever haha. Anyways... What are you guys packing in you hospital bag? I'm going to get
out a bag today and place a few things in it just to start getting prepared. Are you having your dh pack a separate bag for himself or are you putting everything in one bag?

I haven't had any numbness or tingling, I'm sorry that's happening. I just noticed recently I can be completely comfortable, then I will get up to grab something, come back and get in the same position and be horribly uncomfortable! So weird. Poor dh has to rub my back every night now. Thankfully he doesn't mind.

Can't believe we are in the home stretch!!

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