~*~*~August 2012 Baby Fire Fly's~*~*~

Hey there ladies- I feel like I'm in the same boat even though I'm a few weeks behind you I'm due august 27 and will be 30 weeks on Monday but this constant discomfort is getting to me. And I love feeling this little girl move around by now it's starting to hurt, especially when she makes a big movement. Im starting to get freaked out about having to move in just 2 weeks and we still haven't bought hardly anything because there was no point before we moved. Thankfully I do have a baby shower like a week after we move. I just wish i had the time to slowly put her room together because it's something I have been looking forward to but knowing me.. I will want it done quickly so I feel slightly more prepared. Is anyone taking any birthing or parenting classes?

I'm with you Happily. I'll be 30 weeks by ovulation on Sunday (yesterday by LMP) and Abigail's kicks and jabs are getting really uncomfortable. DH and I haven't bought anything yet either (well except clothes!) because every time I tell someone I'm going to, they tell me to wait until the baby shower. I'm getting REALLY stressed about not having everything set up yet but the shower is the 30th so hopefully we'll get some of what we need and then I can go on an online shopping spree to buy the rest!

As for classes, yes. DH and I attended a Breastfeeding class this morning which was interesting and informative. He was the only DH to attend, poor guy, but he seemed to get some out of it and is ready to be super supportive with any troubles that may arise.

We have our first of four birthing classes on 6/26, a pediatrics appointment in early July, and I start a 6 week long Prenatal Yoga the first week of July also. It's all starting to feel so much more real in the last few weeks as everything is coming together!
It's 105 degrees outside and 81 inside my house! (No A/C) This is going to be a LONG summer!!!
It's 105 degrees outside and 81 inside my house! (No A/C) This is going to be a LONG summer!!!

Holy cow. I feel for you I really do, last summer the AC could not keep up, and it was constantly 85 in my house.

Of course I was not pregnant 3rd tri, I can't imagine... sit on an ice cube I guess. Take off all your clothes and sit on an ice cube.
Congratulations! So how is your anxiety level? Mine is through the roof! Some days I feel like I just cant go on. I wanna give up but I cant. I often wish I could just sleep for the next 9 weeks and wake up just in time to breastfeed! Is that selfish of me? I feel horrible for feeling that way but gosh Im exhausted! Lol.

Exactly how I feel. Sometimes. Sometimes I feel like its going to happen tomorrow and nothing is ready. My emotions seem to be on a roller coaster.
I am anxious, too. I am pretty sure all new moms feel it.

At any rate, I was looking at cribs today and am overwhelmed at the choices. Standard, convertible, etc... my mom is buying (very sweet of her) but I have no idea what is best and, more importantly, what is best for us. Eek!
Hi Ladies -

I saw my new doctor today. I'm measuring 38 weeks, so he said my body will try to "kick them out" soon bc it thinks it's full term already. He said everything is looking good, and he's happy I got the steroid shots. Our goal is to make it to 35 weeks, which is the end of July, but he doubts I'll make it that far. I'll be going for an appointment every week now, and I get an ultrasound next week, which might be my last one. It's so crazy and scary to think that the girls might be here within the next 5 weeks. But I'm happy he isn't worried about everything and it all looks good to him so far.
Are you all prepared as in got everything for your nursery etc? How exciting! I know its worrying for you but it sounds like the Doctors aren't too worried and they will be okay if they arrive early! This is the start of the 'who will be next' game for us August ladies!
We just moved so we're setting everything up finally and we're all prepared. I have my hospital bag and the girls' hospital bags ready, so I'm all set! lol We'll have to post everyone's birth dates when they began happening. It will be interesting to see who goes early, on time, and late.
Ugh... I'm so fed up with my boss. I am counting down the seconds till i am done. I show up to work last week and she is sick and kept her daughter home from preschool because she is sick but has me come anyways. I slowly start getting sick. I have a horrible sore throat and cough. I worked today but I was miserable. I feel worse tonight. I call her to tell her that I probably shouldn't come in. She says she can't stay home so I have to come in tomorrow. Maybe if she had stayed home last week when she was sick I wouldn't be sick now. I'm sorry for the rant I'm just so mad. I feel so awful and I have to go and work tomorrow feeling this way. That will be really fun...
kcoennen, things are sounding a bit more positive. hope you make it to 35 weeks. Its so close!

Im starting to feel the drain beeing pregnant and having a toddler, is really tiring me out, especially when i wake up every hour then she decided 5am is a good time to get up, :sleep: achy back and my spd is returning . Still havnt got anything ready so best get a wiggle on! :)
I'm curious who will be early, on time and late, too. The fun of guessing! :D

The hot weather is tiring me out. Does it bother anyone else? I feel like I"m hit by a truck when I'm outside! I feel terrible for my boyfriend; he's been working 12 hour days outside 6 days a week. I don't know how he does it.

Hang in there, everyone!
Argh I am also feeling drained with looking after my toddler as well as being pregnant ... mornings arent so bad but by this time in the afternoon I am exhausted and Amy insits on playing with her noisiest and most annoying toys!

I am definately not ready for the baby ... the builders have finally finished in Amys room but we are waiting for the plaster etc to dry and then new carpet etc to arrive. I guess by the time I am 36 / 37 weeks ish I will have the nursery ready for the baby! Then I will be relaxed and ready!
Good luck guys with children already...

I had such bad heartburn last night I threw up through my nose and mouth! I didn't even know it was possible. Tomorrow I have an OB appointment, and will definitely ask about it.
I had such bad heartburn last night I threw up through my nose and mouth! I didn't even know it was possible. Tomorrow I have an OB appointment, and will definitely ask about it.

It definitely possible, I am doing it at least once a day at the minute, its horrible!
I've had problems with heartburn recently but nothing that bad thankfully. It's so horrible!

KC - Fab news about your little girls, I've got my fingers and toes crossed that you make it to 35wks :D

Happily - I'd expect your boss to be a little more understanding considering you're pregnant! She sounds like an arse. How much longer do you have left in work before your baby's due?

Warning!! Rant alert:

I've spent the last few days stripping years-old woodchip off the ceiling and walls of what is going to eventually be our nursery. I had to do it all on my own because OH has been doing a ton of overtime at work. (He's just worked eight 6am - 6pm shifts in a row, after today he has two days off and is then working 13 6pm - 6am shifts in a row. I do appreciate him putting in the extra hours but I'm not even sure that it's legal to work that many hours in a row!)

I spent 5 hours solid at it yesterday and only stopped to have a sandwich. When I picked OH up from work he asked what I'd been doing all day so I told him (I didn't bother to mention that I'd also hoovered and tidied our living room, kitchen and dining room because that's something that I do everyday). His response? 'Not alot then.' This was after he told me he'd been watching movies on his laptop and had even been able to have a nap whilst in work. When his alarm goes off at 4.30am it wakes me up and the majority of the time I can't get back to sleep. For some reason I can't take naps or sleep during the day, never have been able to.
I told him it was bloody hard work (it was, I'm acheing in places I didn't know existed) and it's not easy constantly going up, down and balancing on ladders when you're 7 months pregnant. He replied that it's not that hard and that I'm not 'that' pregnant - I asked him what the hell he meant and he said 'Well you've not got a bump as big as other women' er hello just because I'm not showing doesn't mean the baby isn't growing! He still weighs 3/4lbs which I'm constantly carrying around! Not to mention the amniotic fluid, placenta and everything else! According to OH 3/4lbs isn't that heavy (this coming from a man who can weightlift 23 stone) and I'm moaning about nothing. Apparently I'll never survive once I enter the 'real world' and get a full-time job. Oh and he expects a meal cooked from scratch every night. If the main part of the meal I serve is something from a packet all I get is 'That was tasty, though you did only put it in the oven', regardless of whether I've made a sauce or something to accompany it. Last night I suggested we get a takeaway because the last thing I felt like was standing in the kitchen chopping stuff up and waiting for it to cook. OH's reply? 'You've stripped two walls and think that means you deserve a Chinese?' Arrrrggh :growlmad:

Now today I have to somehow get the splinters and plaster out of the carpet in the nursery. Of course they're only miniscule so it wont actually look like I've done alot despite probably spending a good few hours on my hands and knees picking them out by hand. And that'll give OH more ammo to moan that I've been sitting on my arse all day watching TV while he's been hard at work. I swear I should buy a CCTV camera and record myself all day so he can watch it back and see that I'm not the lazy bitch he thinks I am.

Enough ranting now, it feels so good to have somewhere to vent. ](*,)
I've had problems with heartburn recently but nothing that bad thankfully. It's so horrible!

KC - Fab news about your little girls, I've got my fingers and toes crossed that you make it to 35wks :D

Happily - I'd expect your boss to be a little more understanding considering you're pregnant! She sounds like an arse. How much longer do you have left in work before your baby's due?

Warning!! Rant alert:

I've spent the last few days stripping years-old woodchip off the ceiling and walls of what is going to eventually be our nursery. I had to do it all on my own because OH has been doing a ton of overtime at work. (He's just worked eight 6am - 6pm shifts in a row, after today he has two days off and is then working 13 6pm - 6am shifts in a row. I do appreciate him putting in the extra hours but I'm not even sure that it's legal to work that many hours in a row!)

I spent 5 hours solid at it yesterday and only stopped to have a sandwich. When I picked OH up from work he asked what I'd been doing all day so I told him (I didn't bother to mention that I'd also hoovered and tidied our living room, kitchen and dining room because that's something that I do everyday). His response? 'Not alot then.' This was after he told me he'd been watching movies on his laptop and had even been able to have a nap whilst in work. When his alarm goes off at 4.30am it wakes me up and the majority of the time I can't get back to sleep. For some reason I can't take naps or sleep during the day, never have been able to.
I told him it was bloody hard work (it was, I'm acheing in places I didn't know existed) and it's not easy constantly going up, down and balancing on ladders when you're 7 months pregnant. He replied that it's not that hard and that I'm not 'that' pregnant - I asked him what the hell he meant and he said 'Well you've not got a bump as big as other women' er hello just because I'm not showing doesn't mean the baby isn't growing! He still weighs 3/4lbs which I'm constantly carrying around! Not to mention the amniotic fluid, placenta and everything else! According to OH 3/4lbs isn't that heavy (this coming from a man who can weightlift 23 stone) and I'm moaning about nothing. Apparently I'll never survive once I enter the 'real world' and get a full-time job. Oh and he expects a meal cooked from scratch every night. If the main part of the meal I serve is something from a packet all I get is 'That was tasty, though you did only put it in the oven', regardless of whether I've made a sauce or something to accompany it. Last night I suggested we get a takeaway because the last thing I felt like was standing in the kitchen chopping stuff up and waiting for it to cook. OH's reply? 'You've stripped two walls and think that means you deserve a Chinese?' Arrrrggh :growlmad:

Now today I have to somehow get the splinters and plaster out of the carpet in the nursery. Of course they're only miniscule so it wont actually look like I've done alot despite probably spending a good few hours on my hands and knees picking them out by hand. And that'll give OH more ammo to moan that I've been sitting on my arse all day watching TV while he's been hard at work. I swear I should buy a CCTV camera and record myself all day so he can watch it back and see that I'm not the lazy bitch he thinks I am.

Enough ranting now, it feels so good to have somewhere to vent. ](*,)
Keep your chin up! I know its hard to have a husband that doesnt understand anything about pregnancy. I have one. Hang in there and hope for the best. And dont kill yourself just to prove ANYTHING to him. Its not worth it!!! You take it upon yourself to take care of you and take your time getting the nursery together. I will offer a little trick that I use on my husband because I know his weaknesses. If I can do one unexpected thing for just him, I can get away with doing nothing the rest of the day. Doesnt always work but worth a shot. Lol. Good luck!
There's a story that goes that a woman who stays at home didn't do anything all day one day. When the hubby got home from work there was stuff everywhere, all the kids' toys were out, the dishes were piled high, ect. ect. and he asked her "what happened?"

So she said

"You know how you always ask me what I do everyday?"


"well today I didn't do it"

Maybe you should try this one :D
Thanks for the advice ladies :flower: Don't get me wrong, he is an amazing man most of the time and I truly love him it's just he doesn't seem to understand, or WANT to understand, a thing about pregnancy or the physical toll it takes on a womans body.

Well I've just finished sorting out the carpet - it took two hours of using the smallest hoover attachment and carefully going over every inch of the carpet three times but atleast it's done now. There's still some wallpaper left above the window but I can't scrape it off for the life of me, and my arm feels like it's about to drop off, so I'll ask OH to do it tomorrow.

Hmm I'll try to think of something unexpected to do for him, I mean he does deserve it after all the overtime he's doing. I can think of one thing in particular but it's not fit for posting on here haha :blush: I don't think I could honestly not do anything all day when he's at work though, I'd feel far too guilty and lazy! Now I'm going to sit down with a nice cup of tea and watch some trashy daytime TV. Aah :)
Cin- thankfully my last day is next Tuesday. Normally I probably would have worked through the end of July but with us moving at the end of the month the money I would be spending on gas alone would make working for them not worth it as a majority of my paycheck would go to gas. Oh well. I will have plenty of time to set up the nursery and get our stuff unpacked the way I like and decorate properly. we didn't do much with our last place because we moved a week before Christmas and I just found out I was pregnant and was so tired all the time.

As for your OH, guys will be guys. I think all the things he said are rude but husband has said the same stuff to me. I have so much I would like to be doing (getting stuff ready for hospital bag, packing, etc) but I have be so sick the past few days. My Hubby made a comment about it last night and I gave him a look and he apologized. He knows I would have been doing alot more if I felt well. I would just tell him that until he can get pregnant and do everything u do everyday then he needs to shut his trap and keep the comments to himself. I'm shocked that he wants a "from scratch" dinner every night. My husband is content of there is dinner on the table. I do think your oh is working crazy hours but so are you! Your carrying his lo!

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