~*~*~August 2012 Baby Fire Fly's~*~*~

Spice- rest rest rest. So glad bubba is okay though!

Emma- woah! Good luck and Prayers cOming your way for a safe delivery! Will be stalking your thread!
spiceeb - did they give you a steroid shot? FX she stays in a little longer. You're almost past the nicu stage!!
Definitely checking up on you Emma from time to time! Hope your are doing well
Not that anyone asked but I am giving an update because I want to feel like someone cares. This has been the lonliest pregnancy EVER for me.
I am 36 weeks and 1 day. SPD is not any better at all. Started weekly NSTs 2 weeks ago. No sign of baby wanting to come out any time soon. Hungry as hell but get so full so fast that I cant even finish a meal. Suffered 2 anxiety attacks in the past week. Desperately need a trigger point injection in my shoulder but no insurance. Florida medicaid sucks! I need a massage and a good soak in a warm bath. (No bathtub at home :nope: )
SPD sounds like just about the worst thing in pregnancy :hugs: I hope you can get some relief!

Sorry about not asking for an update, usually I just wait till people feel like updating themselves, its nothing personal I promise!! Its too bad you don't live in OK, all that stuff is paid for on soonercare (our version of medicaid) I'm not on it but I know someone who is, and everything is covered... literally! Woot for almost being full term though! Hopefully Baby is an early arrival!
Babyquiro: Don't worry, I think we all volunteer info. And hugs to you. I understand about feeling lonely in pregnancy; I am, too. I don't really have advice, but I'm thinking of you.
Babyquiro- hugs! So sorry about your spd, I pray you get some relief.

Had my second baby shower yesterday which was lovely. Got our stroller/car seat combo from my dh's mom and lots or clothes and things from everyone else. Feel like we have pretty much everything now.

The one thing that sucks is that we changed insurance because my dh got a new job and now we have this crazy high deductible and are having a hard time affording these bills. We have been trying to be so responsible with these bills and now 6 weeks before we are due it's like we are starting all over again. It's pretty upseting.

Sorry, I will stop being a downer now. Ugh.
that's got to be awful! Is there anyway that you can buy your old insurance? It might be more affordable. Here in OK we have COBRA which means we can purchase into our employer's plan for a year, I have to do it for August, or I would be in the same boat! I know that Kansas has a COBRA thing as well, is there anything like that in washington?
Not that anyone asked but I am giving an update because I want to feel like someone cares. This has been the lonliest pregnancy EVER for me.
I am 36 weeks and 1 day. SPD is not any better at all. Started weekly NSTs 2 weeks ago. No sign of baby wanting to come out any time soon. Hungry as hell but get so full so fast that I cant even finish a meal. Suffered 2 anxiety attacks in the past week. Desperately need a trigger point injection in my shoulder but no insurance. Florida medicaid sucks! I need a massage and a good soak in a warm bath. (No bathtub at home :nope: )

Hello and welcome :flower:, we don't seem to have you on the front page (which might be why no one asked for an update) so I have added you today - I have worked out your due date to be 11th August, is that right? I've put it as that for now and you can always let me know to change it if wrong.

Sorry to hear you haven't enjoyed your pregnancy so far. The good thing is that you don't have too long to go now so hopefully your mood will be lifted when you get to hold your bundle of joy and the world will seem a better place.

Do you not have anyone nearby whose bath tub you could use? Maybe a good friend or a family member who has one and would understand? You could go swimming in the local swimming baths, its very relaxing for those with hip and pelvic pains as the weight is completely lifted?

Do keep us updated - as a couple of others have said, just volunteer your update because there are so many people on the thread we would no doubt forget someone if we asked for updates so feel free to let us know how you're doing and we look forward to hearing news of your arrival! :hugs:
Hey all -

babyquiros - hope your ok ... I generally just update everyone on how I am anyway and just hope for some support from the ladies!

Well I am going to have a little rant!!! My iron levels have been low since 24 weeks so have been taking iron tablets since then. My midwife said it had been steadily decreasing for the last couple of months so I needed to see a consultant. Well I finally saw a consultant yesterday who had no notes on me, no idea why I had been sent to see him and was very rude. He told me to take three of these iron tablets a day for another 2 weeks and then he would see what my iron leves were like ........ I have been taking 3 tablets a day (the tablets make me feel really ill) for the last 3 weeks what difference is he expecting in another 2 weeks. Anyway so I have made a midwife appointment for 11.30 today to try and sort this out because I cant physically do another 2 weeks feeling this run down and trying to look after my daughter.

Sorry for the rant just needed to get it off my chest! Hope everyone is ok x x x
Babyquiros - Sorry you're having such a rough time of it :hugs: Any time you feel like you need to vent, the ladies in this thread are more than willing to listen and offer advice (as I've found out many times :blush:). It's so much better to post any worries you have in here rather than bottling them up inside and letting them fester. I have to admit I feel far more comfortable posting in this thread than I do posting in any of the main forums!

Hope&faith - Eurgh I can imagine how irritated you are! What crappy care you recieved from the consultant. Surely he realised you'd already been taking the tablets and they'd not really helped? Unless they actually need to be in your system for atleast 5 weeks before you notice any effects? :wacko: Hope your midwife manages to sort something out for you.

I'm a bit rundown today, well actually that's a lie - I physically feel fine but can't keep any food in, though at the same time I'm constantly hungry! TMI now but I spent half hour on the loo this morning before I'd eaten anything and although it wasn't diarrhoea, I was *constantly* pooing for the whole half hour. Didn't realise it was possible for my body to hold that much waste! When I'd finally finished I felt a bit sick but was starving at the same time, so I had a bowl of cereal and a banana and within half hour I was back on the toilet again :dohh: I'm really hungry again now but I can't decide what I want to eat - normally when I feel like I need food it's for something specific that I'm able to pinpoint. Think I'll have some grapes and see how I go from there. I'm not sure what's brought this on, we had homemade beefburgers for tea last night but I made sure they were cooked through and my OH is fine today. I have to stop writing this now, I need the loo again. Arrrgh!
Cin - its funny you say that ...I spent half the day yesterday on and off the loo and considering I have been really constipated with the iron tablets it was a bit of a relief but when I felt like that in my last pregnancy I went into labour the next day so it was obvoiusly my 'clear out' - So i got excited yesterday that it might all kick off today but no such luck.
The day is still young, you still have time yet :) Personally I really hope this isnt my clearout! I want my baby to stay put til atleast 38 weeks, just so I can be sure he's fully cooked. How far along were you when you had the clearout in your last pregnancy?

I feel so greedy now, munched my way through a whole 500g bunch of grapes but I've managed to keep them in! Feeling very proud of myself :haha:
I went a week overdue with my first pregnancy and had a clear out at 40+5 I think and I just wanted to make it past 36 weeks with this one - I am so tired and irritable and feel so ill with low iron I either need my iron levels to go up or baby to come out! I am guessing she wont make an apperance for another few weeks but her head is engaged so at least everything is going in the right direction!
I'd really like for my Abigail to come at 37-38 weeks but have a feeling I'll be late. She isn't even head down yet - she's very transverse with her should against my belly button and her bottom under my right ribs. :(

Will any of you be doing anything to increase the likelihood of delivering? If so, what?
Hahah Cin I love that shirt!!

Hope - Goodness, sometimes doctors... I mean without notes? Seriously? Hopefully your midwife sees how much nonsense that is.

Cin - Wow a clearout eh? I've heard of that on the main forums, but I haven't had one yet. You're getting close to 36 weeks yes? Hopefully LO stays in for just maybe a week or so more...

Gardens - I think I will at least try sex, and I absolutely love fresh pineapple, so that's in too. Nipple stimulation will be something I have to work up to, but the nurses at the hospital actually told us that this one works. I'm definitely going to use sex though, as there are other benefits even if it doesn't start everything off, it will at least help to soften everything.

My feet have suddenly swollen! I haven't had swollen feet or hands or anything all summer long and then BAM suddenly I wake up this morning and my ankles are gone! I feel kinda funny too, I'm really glad I have a prenatal on Thursday. I to can't keep anything down... I keep throwing up! The grapes in the fridge look fairly delicious though so I will try that.

Last time at my doc's appointment I had a little bit of high bp, but the doctor wasn't too worried because it was the only time. I still don't think I have Pre-E, I wasn't leaking proteins in my urine or anything, but I have definitely started to take it a lot easier at home! ( I was nesting pretty hardcore, trying to set everything up in the nursery.) I do still need to complete the hospital bag.

I think my DH told me not to eat anything salty, but I can't figure out why, does it make things worse? I really would love to eat the peanuts that we have. I would ask him why (he told me this morning while I was really groggy) but he's at work!
Wow! I am shocked by the amount of support in this thread. It is greatly appreciated!!! I had a long conversation with my husband last night and I think its going to bring us a little closer which is all Ive wanted from the day we found out we are expecting. I think the one thing he didnt understand is that he is all I have out here in florida. I have no family and no friends here. Everyone I know is in Texas so naturally Im gonna cling to him like nobodies business. I admit I have been maybe somewhat unbearable but understandably my emotions are through the roof which completely over exaggerate any desperations I may have. Im working on it though cause I truly do love my husband.
I have noticed that everyone does kind of just offer their updates which I will continue to do cause it makes me feel better. :happydance:
God Bless everyone and good luck with your pregnancies. I look forward to hearing your updates as well! It almost time we get some babies around here! :winkwink:

Cin-cute shirt!
Hahah Cin I love that shirt!!

Hope - Goodness, sometimes doctors... I mean without notes? Seriously? Hopefully your midwife sees how much nonsense that is.

Cin - Wow a clearout eh? I've heard of that on the main forums, but I haven't had one yet. You're getting close to 36 weeks yes? Hopefully LO stays in for just maybe a week or so more...

Gardens - I think I will at least try sex, and I absolutely love fresh pineapple, so that's in too. Nipple stimulation will be something I have to work up to, but the nurses at the hospital actually told us that this one works. I'm definitely going to use sex though, as there are other benefits even if it doesn't start everything off, it will at least help to soften everything.

My feet have suddenly swollen! I haven't had swollen feet or hands or anything all summer long and then BAM suddenly I wake up this morning and my ankles are gone! I feel kinda funny too, I'm really glad I have a prenatal on Thursday. I to can't keep anything down... I keep throwing up! The grapes in the fridge look fairly delicious though so I will try that.

Last time at my doc's appointment I had a little bit of high bp, but the doctor wasn't too worried because it was the only time. I still don't think I have Pre-E, I wasn't leaking proteins in my urine or anything, but I have definitely started to take it a lot easier at home! ( I was nesting pretty hardcore, trying to set everything up in the nursery.) I do still need to complete the hospital bag.

I think my DH told me not to eat anything salty, but I can't figure out why, does it make things worse? I really would love to eat the peanuts that we have. I would ask him why (he told me this morning while I was really groggy) but he's at work!

Sex has been really painful ever since I got pregnant so we've had a long dry spell but I definitely plan to change that as soon as we get back from our camping trip next week. :haha: I'm sure DH will be pleased!

As for your swelling, are you keeping your feet elevated? I've had a few really bad afternoons but the dr wasn't concerned because it's always dissipated by morning. From what I've read online, avoiding salt doesn't really matter unless it's obscene amounts of it of course but increased water intake will certainly help. Maybe you're dehydrated? Feel better!
Hello and welcome :flower:, we don't seem to have you on the front page (which might be why no one asked for an update) so I have added you today - I have worked out your due date to be 11th August, is that right? I've put it as that for now and you can always let me know to change it if wrong.

Sorry to hear you haven't enjoyed your pregnancy so far. The good thing is that you don't have too long to go now so hopefully your mood will be lifted when you get to hold your bundle of joy and the world will seem a better place.

Do you not have anyone nearby whose bath tub you could use? Maybe a good friend or a family member who has one and would understand? You could go swimming in the local swimming baths, its very relaxing for those with hip and pelvic pains as the weight is completely lifted?

Do keep us updated - as a couple of others have said, just volunteer your update because there are so many people on the thread we would no doubt forget someone if we asked for updates so feel free to let us know how you're doing and we look forward to hearing news of your arrival! :hugs:
Thank you for the warm welcome! I will continue to update and hope to read everyones updates as well! I am due August 12 so your calculation was very close.
The only people I know here in Florida are my inlaws but they travel during the week so no one is home. Ive put a plastic chair in my shower so at least I dont have to bear the weight and the water can hit my back or belly. Although its kind of funny trying to suck in my belly so the chair and I can switch positions! Lol

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