~*~*~August 2012 Baby Fire Fly's~*~*~

Mummylanning - My sickness came back at 24 weeks aswell! I wasn't actually sick but I woke up feeling as if I was hungover, just really nauseous and yucky. I had a massive craving for poached egg and after I'd eaten two I felt so much better, my body must have seriously been lacking in something :shrug:
Hi, just wanted to say baby and me are fine. I sang at a choral concert last night and baby loved the orchestra (or at least I think he did). He kept kicking and bouncing when they played. :)

Hope everyone's doing well.
My morning sickness is back :( And it seems I am no longer allowed to even smell coffee anymore, let alone drink it!!
Spoke to the doc at my 24 week apt and she said that I definetly didnt have a bug, it was the return of the dreaded evening sickness and she has given me some yucky stuff to take to help get me through the night! Woohoo!
Seems to be a common theme with morning sickness returning at 24wks, the baby hormones must be in full flow or something! Congrats on your V-day spiceeb, it feels so good to finally get to that milestone :happydance:

I'm so ill ladies, I feel yucky and horrible. Think I've got a sinus infection, I've had a cold for the last few weeks but yesterday I was burning up and today I've had a constant (but mild) headache, which gets really bad when I bend over - not had anything like this before. I'm going to give it a few days and see if it subsides, but I'm 180 miles away from my doctors surgery and will be for the next week so there's not much that can be done. I want my bed! :sleep:
Everyone seems to have the ick in one shape or form. I just got over a cold (which was accented with a virus that settled in my throat) and I couldnt even take anything for it. It was awful.
Yes my morning sickness has returned for sure!! Threw up a lot this morning. I though it was supposed to return during the third tri, but I guess different people are different eh?
yikes, that sounds awful ladies! I didn't have any ms to begin with so I hope it doesn't start now!! I do feel like I'm coming down with a terrible head cold though...or maybe it's my allergies picking up. I can't tell yet. I was up all night blowing my nose but mucous is still clear so probably allergies. I'm going to load up on vitamin c today though just in case!
24 weeks today! Woohoo!

Sorry to all of you suffering the return of morning sickness. I never had any so I don't think that will happen but my exhaustion has returned. Yesterday I took a 3 hour nap... Which is crazy... I still went to bed at 10:30pm like normal and slept through the night. So weird.
Sorry everyone is sick and not feeling well. :(

I'm just plain old exhausted from exam week. I'll be SO glad when it's done!

Boyfriend and I still can't think of a boy's name. We like several names, we just can't make up our minds. :(
Hi everyone. I had another growth ultrasound today. During the ultrasound, everything seemed fine. She measured them, told me their weights, and acted like everything was normal. When I met with my doctor it was a different story.

She told me that I am now considered high risk and will be going to a perinatal doctor at the hospital. The growth percentiles between the two babies is a huge difference. They are both measuring on track for their weights, but Baby A is not growing as fast as Baby B. Baby A is in the 30th percentile and Baby B is in the 80th percentile. This deals just with their growth, not their sizes. Baby B is larger than Baby A, but she is worried about their growth differences. So, it means 1 of 3 things. 1 - I will have one large baby and one tiny baby. 2 - Something is wrong with the umbilical cord to Baby A. 3 - There is not enough blood flow to Baby A.

So, I have to go to the hospital this week to get more scans done. If they stay on the same growth track, that's good. They will just be different sizes and I won't go all the way to 37 weeks. If something is wrong with the umbilical cord or blood flow, they will monitor me at least once a week at the hospital, and if Baby A keeps slowing down, I will be put on bed rest, and if that doesn't work, then hospital bed rest so they can check the babies daily. If Baby A slows down too much, they will deliver them really early. I was told to start packing my hospital bag just in case I end up on hospital bed rest

I am so not ready for this. I found out at 3:45, and have been crying ever since. I know I need to be strong for them, and need to keep calm, but I can't. I just want both babies to stay in there and keep growing. I think the thing that upset me the most is I asked my doctor if that means they will still both make it and I won't lose Baby A. She hesitated and said "That's why you will be going to see the perinatal doctors so they can keep a close eye on them." I know after 24 weeks the are viable outside the womb, but what are their chances if they are born early?

Here are their measurements: (I'm 23w2d according to the dr)

Karissa (Baby A): 23w0d, 1lb4oz, 145bpm
Corinne (Baby B): 23w6d, 1lb7oz, 141bpm

Sorry it's such a long post. I'm just worried.
I don't feel nauseous anymore :happydance: Still bringing up bile every morning when I brush my teeth mind you but I've been doing that throughout this pregnancy, starting to think it's psychological!

Kcoennen - I don't have any experience of your situation so can't offer any useful advice but I really hope they manage to find out what the cause is. Atleast the doctors are aware of the problem now and will do all they can to keep your babies safe and sound. I can't imagine how worrying this is for you, fingers crossed your babies are able to stay put for a while longer. Keep us updated :hugs:
K- I hope it works out. Please keep us updated, as I am thinking about you!! Hopefully they stay at a good rate, and no worries about anything! PMA, right?

I totally understand your stress though. I would worried, but you are getting good medical care!
I'm so sorry to hear of your worries, its what everyone dreads hearing. I thought you were further along than 23 weeks so did you change your ticker? If not, then what they are measuring isn't that far off what you should be? Only a matter of days? I'm hoping thats a really good thing. At least they will monitor you weekly although you could do without the stress of it I am sure.

Viability is recognised from 24 weeks onwards - a lady at work had her twins prematurely at 28 weeks, they went into special care and were there about 3 months and came home absolutely fine. They were very small and needed help to breathe etc but they made it. You're not far off 28 weeks so I am sure if anything does happen early, you will be okay.
I had a dream last night that Lily came early. She came out with four eyes, and the doctor looked at me and said



Crazy eh? Thank goodness it was just a dream... did leave me with the shivers though.
Candy Cane - Nope my ticker hasn't changed. My due date on the main page is different because that's they latest day they will let them stay in. If I make it to that day then they will induce me.

Everything is good!!! My doctor had us worried for no reason. First of all, I absolutely love the Perinatal doctors. They are so relaxed, answered every question, didn't rush, and explained everything in detail. He said that yes there is a growth difference; however, it is not a huge one at all. The measurements they got today were totally different than yesterday, and I believe today's measurements more. So, he said it's up to the doctor (and me) if I want to keep going to him or go back to my regular doctor. I'm seriously thinking about going back to him for the rest of this pregnancy.

He explained that 50% of twins come before 35 weeks and that's why my cervix should be checked every 4 weeks, and then explained what can be done if it starts becoming shorter or softer too soon. He also said that my uterus is measuring 30 weeks, and at 28 weeks it will think it's 40 weeks along and therefor start contracting to try to get the baby out (it doesn't know there are 2 in there). He went over all the preterm labor symptoms, which are everyday symptoms, and he said it's very hard to decipher between them, so if I get most of them for a prolonged period of time which is more than 2 days then to call in and get checked out. He said it's not like tv where bam everything happens at once and it's noticeable. It's a slow process.

So, in the end, everything is great with the girls. Their hearts and every other organ is perfect and functioning correctly. It was such a relief!!!! Thank you girls for your thoughts. It really means a lot to me!!!

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