AUGUST 2013 babies...

Hey everyone! Hope you all are doing great! I have really started to feel miserable this past week! Today is dhs birthday, it's taking everything I have to get ready for dinner tonight at his brothers. No one knows I'm pregnant so this should be interesting! I feel like the worst wife, I've pretty much just slept these past few days. Ugh I can't wait to get out of the first trimester! It's so worth it in the end though :)
I sleep sleep and more sleep.I notice since I am pregnant have the weirdest dreams and lots of it.
Scan in 2 days.
Touching down my belly like 3 fingers above the hair line I feel something rounding there and hard.I can't see it yet,because my bloat is so big above,but I can feel it...hope that is the start for a bump.

I just ordered hot and sour soup from my Chinese.... Yummy

I have the same, really weird dreams and a lot of them throughout the night. I seem to wake every few hours too. Thinking maybe its natures way preparing me for the night feeds to come, well so I tell myself anyway :winkwink:
Hello all, booking appointment done! It was really just form filling and blood / urine tests and more information booklets to take away etc. but the great news is I have my scan date, 31st Jan!! Can not wait :dance:

The midwife was really nice and put my mind a little more at ease about my lack of symptoms, she said I should just thank my lucky stars that I am not sick as a dog :haha:

Anyway, I am now back on :cloud9: and hoping the next couple of weeks fly by so I can finally see my little bean.

How's everyone else doing?

I am pretty much the same, i really don't have many symptoms to be honest, which got me worried. But I just keep telling myself I am one of the lucky ones. (As I had a scan last week and all was 100%) But you just never know, from now till 12 weeks (first week of Feb) is really a long time to wait for another scan. So till then I shall just sleep and sleep :) as that seems to be the one symptom i do have and I do well
Hey everyone! Hope you all are doing great! I have really started to feel miserable this past week! Today is dhs birthday, it's taking everything I have to get ready for dinner tonight at his brothers. No one knows I'm pregnant so this should be interesting! I feel like the worst wife, I've pretty much just slept these past few days. Ugh I can't wait to get out of the first trimester! It's so worth it in the end though :)
You already gave him the best birthday present he could ask for. Take it as easy as you like!
No she didn't check my hcg levels, said that they don't tend to during routine antinatal care because its such a variable. She didn't use a Doppler either just filled in all my paperwork and took blood / urine samples. I have to wait another couple of weeks before I can know for sure everything is ok and as it should be (can't come quick enough!!)

I have my appt with my ob next week so hopefully she will tell me something then if the nurse can't on Wednesday!
Anyone in this thread NOT suffering from ms? I have had two very small bouts of it that lasted no more than an hour! I know I am probably just one of the lucky ones, but it is still weird.
I havent thrown up in days! (and I hope I didnt just jinx myself for saying that) I feel a lot better than I did last week. I have been extremely tired lately, but I am sure it is because we are in the middle of moving and all that comes with it on top of working full time. I am SO JEALOUS of all of you ladies who get to sleep when you want! Enjoy it please!!!!!! I have to get up every day for work at 4:45! Dont have my next appt till Jan 25. I will be 10 weeks and 5 days. you dont think they will do the nuchal scan that time do you? Maybe I will get two! One that day and another two weeks later!
I have not had any ms only a little nausea when I haven't eaten in awhile. Other than being tired and some mood swings when my blood sugar drops, I have not had much for symptoms. I was worried about it at first but I had my first scan last week and talked to my re about it. She told me that more women than we realize don't have a lot of the symptoms out there. Unfortunately I am currently sick so I am more tired than normal.
I havent thrown up in days! (and I hope I didnt just jinx myself for saying that) I feel a lot better than I did last week. I have been extremely tired lately, but I am sure it is because we are in the middle of moving and all that comes with it on top of working full time. I am SO JEALOUS of all of you ladies who get to sleep when you want! Enjoy it please!!!!!! I have to get up every day for work at 4:45! Dont have my next appt till Jan 25. I will be 10 weeks and 5 days. you dont think they will do the nuchal scan that time do you? Maybe I will get two! One that day and another two weeks later!

Haha, that is what my friend of 3 says! She keeps telling me she wishes she would have slept more when she was pregnant with her first cause she couldn't at all with 2nd and 3rd.
I am not sure about your scan, it seems like even around the US it is different for everyone! I have seen women gat them at 6 weeks and another woman was saying she did not get her first until 20 weeks! I am 9 weeks tomorrow and have my first appointment tomorrow then another one with ob next Tuesday. I am hoping they will at least do a vaginal us at one of them!
I've not had any MS. Just the odd wave of nausea when i haven't eaten which disappears within 20 minutes after I have eaten. So i think I am one of the lucky ones. They say that it can be hereditary , so if your mum didn't have MS then it could explain why you may not have MS.

I just feel tired and the odd itchyness on my tum and boobies ( guess its the growing of both), which i then just moisturize.

Either than that, if this is how bad pregnancy gets then I can understand some woman having 16 kids lol :coffee:
hey ladys wante to update
The hives have gone away, my hands were left bruised.. Doc gave me Zertec
to keep them under control :)
all bloods came back negative except for (?) dont no what it was called but I have a double gean that puts me at risk for preclapsia Blood Clots and placenta eruption..I should be good as long as i take my baby asprin.. Baby looks great and he is measureing perfect.. Heart Rate 170 Im 8wks 1days Well im 8wks 2 days but thats what the baby was measureing :)
It was such a relief to see are baby and to here to doc say everythig looks great and the baby is due Aug 25th 2013


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my recurring knee problem is back courtesy of weight gain in pregnancy lol, my kids are ill and whingy too im sooo tired. Im 10 weeks 2 days today and its really taking its toll with 3 trips up the school a day
Wontgiveup, that's fantastic news about your scan, looks beautiful. I can not wait until my scan two weeks on Thursday, I will be 11+6 by then so will hopefully get a great mug shot :haha:
hey ladys wante to update
The hives have gone away, my hands were left bruised.. Doc gave me Zertec
to keep them under control :)
all bloods came back negative except for (?) dont no what it was called but I have a double gean that puts me at risk for preclapsia Blood Clots and placenta eruption..I should be good as long as i take my baby asprin.. Baby looks great and he is measureing perfect.. Heart Rate 170 Im 8wks 1days Well im 8wks 2 days but thats what the baby was measureing :)
It was such a relief to see are baby and to here to doc say everythig looks great and the baby is due Aug 25th 2013

Congratulations on your beautiful scan.
wontgive up congrats on your scan! i have my next appointment tomorrow and hope everything has been progressing ok.

i am almost 11 weeks and i thought my nausea would be getting better but i feel the last few days it has been worse! and not to mention i have started to have acid reflux!!! any of you ladies have suggestions on how to sooth acid reflux?
hey ladys wante to update
The hives have gone away, my hands were left bruised.. Doc gave me Zertec
to keep them under control :)
all bloods came back negative except for (?) dont no what it was called but I have a double gean that puts me at risk for preclapsia Blood Clots and placenta eruption..I should be good as long as i take my baby asprin.. Baby looks great and he is measureing perfect.. Heart Rate 170 Im 8wks 1days Well im 8wks 2 days but thats what the baby was measureing :)
It was such a relief to see are baby and to here to doc say everythig looks great and the baby is due Aug 25th 2013
Congrats to your scan.glad everything is fine!soon we will be out of this scary time.
Good luck to everyone else who have their scan tomorrow. Myself included.. But I am see will see:)
wontgive up congrats on your scan! i have my next appointment tomorrow and hope everything has been progressing ok.

i am almost 11 weeks and i thought my nausea would be getting better but i feel the last few days it has been worse! and not to mention i have started to have acid reflux!!! any of you ladies have suggestions on how to sooth acid reflux?

Ask doc for Ranitidine and take 2 tums before every meal and 2 more at bed time, I buy the wintergreen tums there not bad and keep heart burn away. :)
Don't drink orange juice like i do lol it only makes i worse, its he acid in it. Hope your appointment goes well.
oh and SMGP I thought he would have to do a vaginal ultrasound but he did a abdominal one and we heard the heart beat and everything... :) so maybe they can make a little easier on you, hope you get your scan soon, my next scan isnt till 20wks, but My next appointment is 2-12-13

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