AUGUST 2013 babies...

Jazzylady, do you mean books about newborns or books for newborns? I've got both already anyway!

Hope, yeah I have pressure in my chest, which kinda feels like my lungs can't get as much air as they want, and breathing is difficult sometimes.
Mom_Ami - Awsome that you get to see baby a few times and especially that baba looks great which is a huge relief!

Ive been feeling a little paranoid the last couple of days. I think its because I have my scan tomorrow and my worst fear is "No HB", so ive been checking baba with dopler. TBH I dont think I can rest my nerves untill the point comes where i will hold baby in my arms.

To eat or not to eat?

Well, firstly, I dont trust doctors. I will take what they say on board but I most certainly dont live my life by every word they speak. And this has a lot to do with the experience I have had throughout the years.

I remember with my first pregnancy, there was a lot of "pregnant woman should go for Flu jabs" going about (advertised by doctors). But what I knew was a good few pregnant nurses, whom ALL of them said they would not go for the flu jab and that they knew for a fact it was because they had to fill quotas. Funny 4th Pregnancy round and i have not been advised once to have a flu jab, unlike my first.

Also with my first pregnancy I was told no peanut butter under any circumstances (my dads allergic to peanuts). Well that rule was actually thrown out as there was NO Medical evidence what so ever to say that your baby will get a peanut allergy should you eat peanuts whilst pregnant. Same goes for shellfish. My mother never had shellfish when she was pregnant with me ( she still doesn't eat shell fish, just something she cant stomach the thought of eating) yet I have a severe shellfish allergy.

Caffeine?........ I have been pregnant 3 times prior (this being my 4th), I don't drink caffeine (i suffer from insomnia and caffeine just doesn't help with that problem), soft eggs, pate, soft cheese, salami etc etc, avoided them all . I lost all 3 pregnancies.

Yet with this one, I am pretty fond of my Full fat Coke (soda), I have had smoked salmon on cream cheese, I have had Stilton and brie as they are my favorite, I have also had salami. So far so good with this pregnancy, I never got this far with any of my previous ones and i followed every rule religiously.

Soft eggs is really down to the chance of getting salmonella, How many times in my entire life have I ever got salmonella poisoning? Never. Why would I now?

Basically, EVERYTHING in moderation, too much of anything is bad. And I don't see the point in denying myself things my body is craving. A craving is because your body needs it.

But I have to ask the question, how do these doctors know that these types of foods etc etc cause miscarriages? They most certainly could not tell me why I had lost my 3 babies. And my partner and I have gone for every single test available all of which came back fine. We were told there was no medical reason what so ever why we could not have a healthy bouncy baby.

My mother in-law told me a few weeks ago, when she was pregnant with all 3 her boys (youngest just turned 21) there were none of what you can eat and cant eat. She said she could eat anything and everything.

Personally I just think society is adding unnecessary stress to pregnancies, pregnancy is hard enough as it is and we should enjoy it as much as we can. Most of it is just common sense.

Hunger pains??? well they have now gone, I don't feel the need to eat as many times in a day as i did before, but i do feel like i still want to eat all the time, but i think it is down to a habit I may have created, so gotta wean myself off I guess lol

Energy Levels??? Oh wow, last 2 days I feel GREAT! I forgot how it felt to actually not be tired ALL of the time and being able to actually do things, like walk the dogs, which i did today :)

So Ladies, it does get better :)

I had a lot to say above, but its only my opinion and really holds no merit. And the fact that I am in a bit of a blabbing mood, probably because i feel so so much better :happydance:
wise wise words Pineapple!!

I also feel like i am much further along... but i am suffering from a lot of lower back pain - my muscles seems to have loosened up quite a bit already and i am waddling around like full term at 14 weeks :dohh:

Making an appointment for some prenatal chiro and massage... and start yoga
Amen, Pineapple!
I have still been eating runny eggs, medium rare steak, drinking full fat coke.. I cant stop! Theyre too good, but its not like i have them every day so i figure i might as well enjoy!

Its lovely to see all these second trimestee ladies already! Will be me soon, yay! Booking appointment tomorrow... Glad to get the ball rolling =D
Just want to say, about flu jabs, if you don't want to get one, then that's your choice, but they shouldn't be ruled out just because you've heard they are to 'fill quotas'. I have had two nurse friends of mine and my aunt who is a nurse tell me that it's worth getting. They say that while it cannot predict/prevent every strain of flu, it does absolutely no harm to you or the baby, and the fact is, you may stop yourself getting at least a strain of flu, so it's worth it for the safety of your baby, just in case. As I say, it's up to you, but don't dismiss it completely.

As for foods, if your body craves it, then it's probably fine. I used to drink coffee and now the smell of it makes me feel sick. Cigarette smoke on others makes me feel ill, as does raw fish, so I can tell what my body is telling me not to eat, but every person is different. I say go with your instinct.
I would always avoid alcohol and smoking though.

Remember, it's not that all these things cause miscarriage - it's things that have been tested to have negative effects (again not always). With things like caffine/smoking/drinking/ it's not always miscarriage, it's birth defects or mental issues/disorders. All of the food stuff is recommended, not insisted upon (although I know some doctors do insist)

Anyone else having problems peeing? Sometimes I will be dying for the loo, but then when I go it's really hard to get it to come out. Ugh, so annoying.
Hey everyone!!

Had my NT Scan yesterday and it went great!! I'm having problems with my heart beating too fast but they are just going to keep an eye on me. Baby was moving around all over the place :) DF finally got to see the ultrasound for the first time and he teared up :) it was so amazing.

Hope everyone doing well!!

Oh an tech thinks it's a BOY based on nub!!


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Just want to say, about flu jabs, if you don't want to get one, then that's your choice, but they shouldn't be ruled out just because you've heard they are to 'fill quotas'. I have had two nurse friends of mine and my aunt who is a nurse tell me that it's worth getting. They say that while it cannot predict/prevent every strain of flu, it does absolutely no harm to you or the baby, and the fact is, you may stop yourself getting at least a strain of flu, so it's worth it for the safety of your baby, just in case. As I say, it's up to you, but don't dismiss it completely.

As for foods, if your body craves it, then it's probably fine. I used to drink coffee and now the smell of it makes me feel sick. Cigarette smoke on others makes me feel ill, as does raw fish, so I can tell what my body is telling me not to eat, but every person is different. I say go with your instinct.
I would always avoid alcohol and smoking though.

Remember, it's not that all these things cause miscarriage - it's things that have been tested to have negative effects (again not always). With things like caffine/smoking/drinking/ it's not always miscarriage, it's birth defects or mental issues/disorders. All of the food stuff is recommended, not insisted upon (although I know some doctors do insist)

Anyone else having problems peeing? Sometimes I will be dying for the loo, but then when I go it's really hard to get it to come out. Ugh, so annoying.
you might have a UTI... thats sounds awful familiar to my symptoms when I have one
No no, nothing like a UTI, it's just difficult to get the pee to come out. Like I sometimes have to wait 5 minutes before I can pee (especially when I'm at work and not relaxed). I think it must be cause there's too much in the way, uterus pushing it etc. It's just such a pain in the ass.
No no, nothing like a UTI, it's just difficult to get the pee to come out. Like I sometimes have to wait 5 minutes before I can pee (especially when I'm at work and not relaxed). I think it must be cause there's too much in the way, uterus pushing it etc. It's just such a pain in the ass.

My dr told me that can happen because of the way the uterus is sitting on top of the bladder, it makes it difficult for all of it to come out. She said sometimes leaning forward while you go helps empty everything out. Also be careful because that is how UTI's form in pregnancy... The pool of urine in your bladder can grow bacteria.

Hope you feel better soon <3
No no, nothing like a UTI, it's just difficult to get the pee to come out. Like I sometimes have to wait 5 minutes before I can pee (especially when I'm at work and not relaxed). I think it must be cause there's too much in the way, uterus pushing it etc. It's just such a pain in the ass.

My dr told me that can happen because of the way the uterus is sitting on top of the bladder, it makes it difficult for all of it to come out. She said sometimes leaning forward while you go helps empty everything out. Also be careful because that is how UTI's form in pregnancy... The pool of urine in your bladder can grow bacteria.

Hope you feel better soon <3

Love love the scans, Thats one awsome thing about having bump buddies, we get to see many scans, and i just love looking at all of our bundles of love :)

Hear hear. I am not sure where i read or was told or even heard but a while ago (years) I found the same advise on leaning forward.

So I do it every time i go to the loo and it does definitely work. Even when you think you are done, lean forward and you will be surprised to find there's more.

But its just habit for me now, do it without thinking and part of my Loo routine if you like. And to be honest, I don't get any UTI what so ever.
Just want to say, about flu jabs, if you don't want to get one, then that's your choice, but they shouldn't be ruled out just because you've heard they are to 'fill quotas'. I have had two nurse friends of mine and my aunt who is a nurse tell me that it's worth getting. They say that while it cannot predict/prevent every strain of flu, it does absolutely no harm to you or the baby, and the fact is, you may stop yourself getting at least a strain of flu, so it's worth it for the safety of your baby, just in case. As I say, it's up to you, but don't dismiss it completely.

As for foods, if your body craves it, then it's probably fine. I used to drink coffee and now the smell of it makes me feel sick. Cigarette smoke on others makes me feel ill, as does raw fish, so I can tell what my body is telling me not to eat, but every person is different. I say go with your instinct.
I would always avoid alcohol and smoking though.

Remember, it's not that all these things cause miscarriage - it's things that have been tested to have negative effects (again not always). With things like caffine/smoking/drinking/ it's not always miscarriage, it's birth defects or mental issues/disorders. All of the food stuff is recommended, not insisted upon (although I know some doctors do insist)

Anyone else having problems peeing? Sometimes I will be dying for the loo, but then when I go it's really hard to get it to come out. Ugh, so annoying.

I agree with you on this. The flu jab for me was also a personal choice. I did not feel comfortable with having virus' s being injected into me in my first trimester, its just a too delicate time for me.

But saying that I will def be going for the hooping cough at 30 weeks
wise wise words Pineapple!!

I also feel like i am much further along... but i am suffering from a lot of lower back pain - my muscles seems to have loosened up quite a bit already and i am waddling around like full term at 14 weeks :dohh:

Making an appointment for some prenatal chiro and massage... and start yoga

Am right there with you!! I am looking to do some aqua type classes, which you can start from 12 weeks on wards and they are free.
I just need to get one of them tankinis, i need to cover as much as i can, not feeling " sexiest" at the moment.

I also got 2 pregnancy Yoga DVDs which I am going follow here at home, and another pre and post pregnancy exercises one

Just a good thing my energy levels are coming back :)
Any gender guesses? This was last week at 12w4d.


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hope, im gona guess boy. No particular reason, just looks 'boyish' if thats even possible!

Kelsey, i totally guessed girl for your little one! Will be exciting to see if the sonographer is correcr =D

Pineapple.. I did aquanatal classes my last pregnancy and bought a regular swimming costume, in my normal size and omg it was horrendous.. My boobs were practically poking out the top! I defintely would go for a tankini =D i may actually start these classes myself.
hope, im gona guess boy. No particular reason, just looks 'boyish' if thats even possible!

Kelsey, i totally guessed girl for your little one! Will be exciting to see if the sonographer is correcr =D

Pineapple.. I did aquanatal classes my last pregnancy and bought a regular swimming costume, in my normal size and omg it was horrendous.. My boobs were practically poking out the top! I defintely would go for a tankini =D i may actually start these classes myself.

Well I hope you're right!! Haha :) She did say it was a GUESS I have heard some people on here say their ultrasound tech said they were like 80-90% sure and she said nothing like that. Plus if you look at the pics baby was at a weird angle the whole time and the tech mentioned that that made it hard. I guess we will see! I betting on boy though lol
Any gender guesses? This was last week at 12w4d.

hope, im gona guess boy. No particular reason, just looks 'boyish' if thats even possible!

Kelsey, i totally guessed girl for your little one! Will be exciting to see if the sonographer is correcr =D

Pineapple.. I did aquanatal classes my last pregnancy and bought a regular swimming costume, in my normal size and omg it was horrendous.. My boobs were practically poking out the top! I defintely would go for a tankini =D i may actually start these classes myself.

Hope - I have no idea what so ever when it comes to guessing sex, but what I can say is, i just love your lille ones nose.

I am soo sooo soppy today :cry: I am tearing at everything on tv etc etc lol

MrsMurphy2Be - So So appreciate your feedback, made me giggle, I can totally relate with the boobies. Also I have such badly dry skin, I feel like a lizzard and its on my boobies, chest, Upper back and a bit up my neck and then my face.

Bottom half of my body is completely fine. Well either than the fact that my shaving per week has like trippled :blush:
Jazzylady, do you mean books about newborns or books for newborns? I've got both already anyway!

Hope, yeah I have pressure in my chest, which kinda feels like my lungs can't get as much air as they want, and breathing is difficult sometimes.

I mean about newborns! Are you happy with the one you have?
I've missed a few days and have to get caught up on the goings on around here. Hope you all are doing well! :)
Jazzylady, do you mean books about newborns or books for newborns? I've got both already anyway!

Hope, yeah I have pressure in my chest, which kinda feels like my lungs can't get as much air as they want, and breathing is difficult sometimes.

I mean about newborns! Are you happy with the one you have?

I've got 'Secrets of the Baby Whisperer' and 'What to Expect in the First Year'. I work in the book world so I had a lot of time to look at all the books available, and those seemed the best. The Baby Whisperer has got the E.A.S.Y method which is sorting your time with the baby into Eating.Activity.Sleeping.You, so that's quite useful. Then What to Expect is obviously the sort of bible in terms of all the new parent info you need, it's a big book but usually has info about everything you'll possibly want to know in there.

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