August 2015 Rainbows

Was relaxing after passing my mc anniversary on Saturday. Having serious lower back pain and some cramps. Discharge was off color this morning when I wiped as if I am just about to start bleeding. Called the dr and they said just to keep my six week appt tomorrow am as is. I'm so sad. I know this sounds terrible. I'm just heart broken.
I am due August 26th after 9 losses hoping this is it :)
How is everyone feeling? My nausea isn't too bad. Just comes in waves. And I'm needing to eat smaller snacks more often. I usually don't est until 11-11:30am, but now I need a banana or something at 8am. Gross. I don't even like bananas lol.

Sass keep us posted on the scan.... <3
I started my sickness meds yesterday so hoping this all kicks in before my sickness x
Woke up to some annoying cramping today. Trying to stay calm and tell myself it's just stretching and normal stuff.
Had an ultrasound today! Measuring a day ahead with a nice strong heartbeat!
Hi ladies, I am in the very early stages. Expecting in August as well. I just had my first ultrasound and there was only a sac. I got bloodwork done and I'll be returning again in two days. Keeping my fingers crossed for a healthy pregnancy.
Hello, can I join? :flower:

I had a mmc back in 2012, my first and only other pregnancy. I saw a strong hb at 9+1 and then at my 13wk appt they could not detect a hb and the baby only measured 9+2. I ended up needing a d&c.

I am absolutely, positively terrified! With my mmc, I had horrible morning sickness the entire time, so I never expected a loss and it was really a shock. Im trying to relax, take things one day at a time and just be happy today!

I did speak to a certified nurse-midwife at a tour of a birthing center last night about my anxiety over a repeat mmc. She said that just because you have one mc, especially a mmc (apparently they are quite rare?), does not put you at any higher risk for another. She basically said it was likely a chromosomal abnormality which is very common and has nothing to do with your ability to carry a baby to term. She said it was truly just "bad luck". It helped a bit but I am still very nervous and havent been sleeping well...

I would like to extend my sincere apology for all of your losses. Im sure our angel babies are looking over us all as well as our rainbows :flower:
Macy, your story us identical to mine. Wow. Everything from the scans to the intense sickness. My belly even continued to get bigger.

I am so. Dr out this time but just keep telling myself I can't control it. There is nothing I can do to make this work. It's just a process going on inside. It's quite a struggle as I'm a bit of a controlling perfectionist lol. But this is one thing I need to take in stride.

So sorry for your loss, and here's to a happy, healthy august baby! How are your symptoms this time around? My nausea is only a 2 compared to 12(out of 10) last time!
Yes same for me, my only real symptoms now are sore bbs, emotional and food adversions. I only really get nauseated if my blood sugar drops. Im so sorry for your loss.

Unfortunately I think im sick :( sore throat and cough and slight fever. Im worried about the baby...anyone know if this illness could affect him?
You being sick won't affect him at all. It's actually a sign your pregnancy is going well. Your immune system has to stay low to let the fetus in your body implant and not reject it. Or something wild like that...
Just choose wisely if you decide to take any meds. Feel better soon!
Thank you hun! I just got back from the doctors and I have tonsilitis and a sinus infection. He put me on keflex which is pg safe. He also reassured me it wont affect baby. Phew!
Glad this thread exists.

Hi ladies. I found out I'm pregnant Monday of last week. I'm 4w4d today. This is my 4th pregnancy. My first pregnancy ended in MMC at 8 wks in April, then I had CPs in June and July. Things are good so far. I've had some brown discharge with mild cramping, but I'm not very worried.

I haven't been able to see my OB yet due to insurance issues, but I will after the new year. I'm remaining optimistic, taking things day by day. I won't lie, the worry of miscarriage is at the back of my mind, but I'm focusing on the fact that today, I'm pregnant.

Merry Christmas everyone
Merry Christmas kb! I had the same with the cramps and discharge. The doctor first thought it was a vanishing twin but later discovered it was a pocket of blood left from implantation. So it could be no cause to worry at all. Fx for us all!
Merry belated Christmas everyone! Hope you ladies and baby beans are doing well! Kylas it must have been such a massive relief to have sch a good ultrasound. Congratulations!

I had my hcg done at 18dpo and it was 910 so I'm happy with that (with dd2 it was only 300 at the same stage) and I have an US booked for the 5th of Jan when I'll be 6+4 and hoping to see a little heartbeat. ATM i'm not feeling pregnant at all so maybe after the ultrasound it will sink in (if there is indeed a heathy baby in there).
I also have an ultrasound on the 5th of jan... I'll be 8w4d... It is going to get more and more nerve wracking as it gets closer. Hoping to see a beautiful bubba and heartbeat.
Welcome to the new ladies. So glad everything is going well so far for everyone. My biggest issue lately is the amount of cm I have. There are a few times each day where I panic and run to check to make sure it's not blood :(

I have my ultrasound next Tuesday and I'll be 8w2d. I'm hoping all will be well. DH is able to go with me but his family will be visiting. I'm not too sure I want to tell them where we are going before hand so I'm trying to think of an excuse where we can both leave for the appointment. Then if all is well afterwards we can tell them. I'm nervous and just want to be sure before we tell them again.

No ms for me for the last 3 days. I am so relieved. Every day around 3pm I start to feel really tired and like nausea is coming on but it never fully hits.

I also am not as tired as last time. It could be because we've had company and it's been go go go. But I seem to remember feeling much more tired around now last time. I know every pregnancy is different so just trying to remind myself of that.

Are any of you experiencing differences between your pregnancies?
I was never, ever sick w dd. Ever. Always super hungry and thirsty but never feeling bad. And warm too. This time is totally the opposite on every level. I'm freezing and almost always nauceous and exhausted. I look like I have the flu. :(
Oh yes, this pregnancy is completely different than my last one! With my m/c pregnancy I had terrible all day ms from before I even missed AF and that was my #1 symptom along with headaches.

This time around my big symptoms are extreme fatigue and feeling out of breath/dizzy. It is unusual for me because I consider myself to be in quite good shape :haha: so it feels weird to get winded just walking around. The only time I feel nauseated is if my blood sugar drops. My bbs are also sore on and off.

I checked with the dr because I was considered I havent been sick and he said it is absolutely normal for symptoms to vary from pg to pg. I found that reassuring!

Sending <3 and :hugs: We've got this ladies!
Holy baby bloat! Aka eating lots of Christmas food hehe. Never got real big with my loss so it's reassuring.

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