We're in a 2 bedroom apartment, the location is really convenient for us so we don't want to move until we really have to! My two boys share a room obviously, and we'd probably put a bunk bed there eventually, and move in the babies. Once they're old enough to be in beds we'll just have to move!
Actually, tomorrow is my appointment with the high risk doctor, where I'll be able to ask all my questions. I didn't really share everything here because I was terrified, but the smaller twin had a small sac at the last scan, and although the tech said it was fine, I did some googling and worried myself. So tomorrow I'll ask to see if it's still doing okay or not, and get the doctor's opinion. I'm terrified to be honest. But at least the doctor is an expert and will be able to tell me what's going on.
At how many weeks are you planning to announce if you haven't yet? Just after your 12 week scans? I'm thinking that if everything is going well we'll announce to close family already tomorrow. And then everyone else after a 12 week scan or whenever I end up having a scan!