Hey all I just joined the fb group! I have my first midwife appointment on Friday but still don't have the date for my scan. My drs has confused me because (I'm in the UK) and I went beginning of Dec to tell him I was pregnant and he told me to book my first midwife appointment with the receptionist, so I did and I haven't heard back from the midwife or has a scan date? X
Ah OK thank u, I guess I'm just being impatient, can I just unload on you all a second but I just don't feel pregnant, like iv had morning sickness but not really bad more nausea, tiredness but that is a symptom I get from my fibro anyway, I have had the early scan and saw a heartbeat but I just don't feel it! This is so weird! I'm not sure if it is because I have been through soo much this past year or because I struggled with coming off the medication I was on or what but I just don't feel pregnant, and I keep having moments of fear where I think I can't do this but then il be fine again. Iv felt all my babies very early so I'm hoping I do with this one aswell so I can try and get my body to come to terms that I'm pregnant. My last labour was soo traumatic that I'm terrified of going through it all again... Not much you can all say but I just needed to vent xx
Smille is that the one where you look to see if the ring goes in circles or up and down?
Great news LynAnn
Chrissi I'm one of the people that usually have every drug on the planet and still complains but this time round I'm totally against hospital!! My mum had 4 and was there for one of my previous and I told her that she would probably end up delivering Because it may be different now but you weren't allowed a home birth in my region last time I had a baby because there wasn't enough midwives, x
Sorry Ive been MIA on here but you all know from the FB Group that Im still exhausted all the time and had issues with bleeding which has taken it out of me xx
So guys Id like to ask a question to all the mummies already with kids and also ones without that have spoken to mums what is the necessity items you cant live without for baby that you recommend and what was a waist of money xx Ive been told a milk prep machine is a must have if not breastfeeding and a changing station is a waist of time xx