August 2018 Babies

I've decided on private scan at 16 weeks. :) I wanna know early this time.
We've got our first scan on Wednesday...! Finally! Feels like I've been waiting forever.
DH has mentioned a private gender scan before our 20 week one as he's not sure if he can hold out that long. Im trying to persuade him to wait as we can then have a scan later in the pregnancy if he still wants.
Im undecided whether to pay for an early gender scan or wait till 20 wk scan we shall see how I feel closer to 16wk mark Im still undecided aswell about having the checking for abnormalities scan my dating scan is tomorrow cant wait xx
Yes having a private gender scan, it’s £60 here but I’m so impatient I need to know :haha:

Good luck for the scan tomorrow Cat :D how exciting!

Flourish good luck to you for Wednesday aswell!

I lost 2lb at slimming world this week, happy with that I’m trying to lose as much weight as poss before it all piles on. I have to have the gestational diabetes’s test this time as my BMI is slightly over. So I’m trying to lose some on the way.
Got to have my scan today and both babies are doing great! Both had heartbeats at 165. The private scan was so nice, such a wonderful environment and she gave us about 10 pictures including some 3D ones. I’m usually patient enough to wait til 20 weeks but she was so great I’m going again. So I’ll be 16 weeks when we go again, 5 more weeks to go!
Are there any other people here that won't find out the gender? I really want to keep mine a surprise this time. Although I did the baking soda urine test and well it fizzed a little so I guess a boy. lol although I really want a girl I'd love another boy ... hehehe
Flourish goodluck for Wednesday just one more day to wait xx

Jenni thats great news on the weight loss keep up the good work xx

Mel thats amazing news will you find put the sexes xx

Chrissi your stronger than me if you hold out but Im just so impatient I need to know xx
Me too Ang!! I think theres a few Chrissi who aren't finding out. I know Hannah is one of them xx
I have changed my mind now and am definitely going to find out. Im now quite tempted to book a gender Scan!! Had my 12 week scan last week and baby is doing well despite the hyperemesis! I'm now due at the end of July, 5 days earlier than my first Scan! So happy to have made it to second tri!
I'm not finding out this time round, hey all glad your well sorry iv been MIA I got wrapped up in a book lmfao!!! Anyone else constantly feeling hungry but eating makes u feel sick, I haven't been sick for a little while now but eating is still a chore! Lmao. Still not had my scan date through yet either so hoping that will come soon... X
Ahh cat glad you’re feeling a little bit better! Hopefully that’s the end of it!

Oooo chelle me too! They put me forward 5 days too. We are days apart!
I don't know how those of you not finding out do it. I honestly can't imagine waiting until baby is born. I'm far too impatient! I'm going to wait until my 20 week scan with the NHS though which is the 14th of March. If for whatever reason they can't tell me the gender then I'll book a private gender scan. Don't really want to be spending extra money I don't need to! Especially with my window still needing fixed.

That's me starting to feel extra lumpy. Can't wait to have a proper bump and stop just feeling squishy!
They definitely have amazing will power LynAnne! I have a friend who kept it as a surprise and she said her whole pregnancy was torture :haha:

I feel the same! Bit flumpy and podgy! Need the proper bump to come out. Whats everyone up to today? Its a lovely day where i am so i think ill get my 3 year old out for a walk with her dolls pram.
I’ll be finding out. I don’t have that kind of will power lmao. We didn’t really keep a lot from my daughter since we moved so we have a lot of stuff we need to get despite what the sexes are. It would be awesome to go the whole way and be surprised but I just can’t lmao
I will definitely be finding out, part of me would like the surprise of it but the other part wants to be sorted, and as its our last we can then get rid of all the baby clothes we have been keeping for the other gender. Our garage is full of boxes of girls and boys clothes!

How is everyone doing? Feeling better now you are in second tri??

I am still bringing up the rear in first lol, 3 weeks till scan day (no doubt the longest three weeks of my life lol)
The past 2 days I've gone back to throwing up again. I thought for sure it would've ended by now ugh. The weather is really cold here. I'm looking forward to spring and walks in the park.

It does take amazing will power to not find out. I personally couldn't do it. My friend stayed team yellow and she thought she was having a girl, it was a boy.
My scan went really well baby is perfectly fine seen it moving and it was swallowing looked like it was sucking its thumb could see the jaw and nose and even its fingers and feet so lovely Im in love already xx

They checked the heart could see its ventricles forming and the brain split into 4 sections said all looks perfect. They did the down syndrome test checked fluid at back of head said anything over 3mm is a worry mine was 1.6mm so is perfect based on my previous bloods the scan my age and bmi they would put me low risk but I just have to wait for my new bloods to come back. Im so made up Im also ahead they said Im 12wks and 5days so new due date is 9th August xx


  • 20180130_220651.jpg
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Lovely scan picture, AngelaALA.

We had another horrible night with DS wide awake (and screaming this time for most of it) from 11.30pm to about 4am. I'm absolutely exhausted. I've also got a headache which isn't helping. I think i only had about thtee or four with DS but I've had quite a few of them already this pregnancy. It's rubbish. Anyone else suffering? Advice?

Meant to finally have some guy come round tomorrow to fix our living room window which has been broken for a week and it's got me so on edge. Headache might not be being helped by stress! I've never been formally diagnosed with anxiety but i really struggle with social things or meeting people I don't know. Especially having them in my house! Feeling overwhelmed that I have to juggle DS, the dog and the window man. Gah! Is it absolutely ridiculous of me (a 28 year old woman) to want DH to take the day off work to be here?
No its not LynnAnne and your hormones are all over the place right now which wont be helping your feelings you can take paracetemol for your headaches its perfectly safe I hope the stress and anxiety passes soon for you though and once your window is fixed that will be one less worry and your house can get safe and warm again xx
Woohoo, my nausea is finally starting to go away! I'm still super fussy about what I want to eat and feel horrible if I eat the wrong thing, but so much better - I'm so happy! Starting to look a bit round as well, I suppose that's no surprise - no way 2 12 week fetuses could fit in my body without it showing ;)

Glad to hear all the good scan news!

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