August 2018 Babies

Zofran was a life saver when I was pregnant with my daughter! I started taking it at 14 weeks. Definitely made me feel better.

One more week til our gender ultrasound!
Ladies I have ENERGY! I am nesting like crazy - re-organized my whole apartment, cleaning everything, up-to-date with the laundry... I hope this carries on for at least a while before I get super tired again, I'm getting so much done! I'm usually the laziest, sleepiest person on the planet!
Sorry I have been MIA on here I've been chatting on the Facebook posts though can't believe how quick this thread still moves along xx

Jenn how are you now have your platelets gone back up x

Smile hows the MS going has it gone for good yet xx

Waiting gutting that you couldnt get any pics but great that she's so active means she's happy and healthy in there xx

Nuthatch bless you I guess the worry wont go till you hold you bany in your arms Im the same keep worrying and wont stop till I hold him/her. I think boy by the way xx also congrats on the low NT scores it is a releaf when you hear them words low risk I hope the MS clears up soon too xx

Flourish sorry to hear MS is still bad for you too xx

Vicky sorry to hear that your son was in hospital hope he is okay now and your cold is gone xx

Mel glad your babies are doing great xx

TTC amazing so made up for you a boy xx

Ella lol so glad you got loads of energy could you pass some this way please xx

Ive not got a doppler Dr and midwives dont recommend them as it can give you false reassurance its the kicks from 26wks Ill be monitoring xx

Im 16+5 slim and got a bump already but unsure if Ive felt any movement yet thought I felt something the other day but really not sure as this is my first just want the movements to get stronger so I feel it properly xx

I have my antenatal consultant today with Dr not sure what happens but we shall see and my 20wk scan is only 3 wks today away now I just cant believe I didnt cave and wont cave to get an early gender scan so excited to find out what Im having xx

I've bought more baby stuff this week cant help myself and this time I bought some neutral baby clothes couldnt help myself lol xx Im still getting tiredness cant remember the last time I actually slept right through guess that's my body preparing me for what is about to come sleepless nights lol xx Im still getting pains now and then Ill speak to the Dr about them today xx
MS is gone, but still with the help of meds. I will try to stop taking them at 5 months and see what happens. The only downside to them is constipation. I've tried metamucil, but it did nothing. So yesterday I got some Colace. It helped a little so far. I hate being on all of these meds. Out of all 3 of my pregnancies, this is the worst. It's my last though so I'm trying to enjoy.

My dh is leaving today for a month. I'm devastated, but it's good money and I need a new vehicle as mine is about to die. I will have to try to schedule the gender scan around a day off of his, but if not we'll have it put in an envelope and wait until he returns.
Smilesorry to hear you will be on your own for a month but if it helps get a new car then its only a month out of the rest of your life x

Well my srandard appt at hospital wasn't a standard appointment Im going under dual care between my midwife and Dr at hospital about 12 yrs ago I had abnormal cells removed off my cervix they said back then they did something called a loop excursion something like that and could of taken a large chunk away which may have shortened my cervix which means I may not be able to carry full term and might have to have a stitch put in which they'll take out at 36 weeks but means I could go at any point when the stitch is taken out I'll know more at my 20 wk scan as they will also check the length of my cervix and to top it off I had another bleed yesterday which I havent had since leaving 1st tri Ive called hospital left a message just waiting for a call back xx
Angela can't they book you in early to get it done ? I'd definitely look more into it. Could that be related to the bleed ? Just a thought. Praying for you but I'm sure all is well xx

Booked in with my midwives yesterday so so happy I love them so much. -and now I'll get massages as well this time around which is fab as my blooming shoulder has been a pain in my butt so painful. Anyone had any crazy snow like us here in London. Like winter wonderland out there !

Hey all Angela that sounds really scary I hope your OK xxx
Thanks guys and yep had snow up North too sick of this weather now bring on spring. well all was well this bleeding is something that I just have to put up with Ive got crevical erosion which is caused by pregnancy and quite common pregnancy sympton so they say the only thing that will cure it is having the baby then it should go away. The bleeding isn't effecting baby at all or causing any issues it's just an annoyance more than anything but with any bleeding Im still to call hospital and get it checked just to be on the safe side xx Well baby beautiful healthy and happy no issues at all baby also had legs completely spread wide open so we found out its a boy couldnt not see it it was waving it at us lol xx


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I booked a gender scan for Tuesday! I had an appt on Monday, but I got confused as to when my dh would be back in town. I'm super excited!
Hope everyone’s doing ok?

So a week ago I felt my first pokes and jabs, having totally missed the fluttery stage. And all of a sudden, I’ve just felt full on kicks... on the OUTSIDE!

It suddenly feels REALLY real x
Congrats again Angela:blue:

Smille- so exciting, can't wait to hear if you're team pink or blue!

Rlbb- that's so exciting! Yay for kicks!

We've had a fair bit of snow here, I hate it tbh and just want it to be sunny and warm:haha: I've been feeling a few little pokes (I think) and I had a really vivid dream last night that I gave birth and it was a girl
Ooohhh Vicky you finding out or team yellow xx Im same sick of this weather its flipping spring now where is my daffodils and tulips xx

Ribb thats amazing xx

Im 17+1 dont think Ive felt any movement yet Im not sure but I know all is okay cant wait to feel a kick though xx
16 weeks today here. Had little peak at baby yesterday, but was a little disheartened. Midwife didn't let me get a good look at baby (was very clinical), unlike my OBgyn who made my 12 week scan amazing & personal!

Midwife also said that she doesn't think it's a boy and said she didn't see anything yet to be definitive. Now I'm all bummed out and sour about the whole visit. Not just gender, but really not getting to see baby. It's like having something nice waved in your face and yanked away.
Drudai- that's awful! I hate drs with horrible bedside manners.

Ugh it was 70° the other say, now 30° and snowy today. I'm over it!!! My LO is over it. One day she is able to play outside, the next it's like caging an animal. Spring can't come soon enough.
Angela- will deffo be finding out, I'm far too impatient to wait! 20 week scan in just over 2 weeks so no point in booking a gender scan but we're having a 3D/4D one later which will be better :D

Drudai- that's horrible, as if she didn't even show you for a little bit :(
I would complain Drudai she sounds like she needs to be told about her bedside manner

Vicky thats great Im going to book a 4d scan around the 30wk mark cant wait to do it x
If I wait for my 20 wk scan and a time DH is available to be there, I'd have to wait until April. No thanks! Tues can't come soon enough.

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