August 2018 Babies

Our gender scan is in 2 days! I can’t wait! So curious to see what they are. We are going to the Penguins hockey game tonight, probably leaving within the hour, game starts at 5pm. I’m feeling huge as my jersey is tight around my belly. I’m at that weird stage where I look more fat than pregnant.

My one friend is 8 days behind me and had her gender scan today so I’m quite jealous that she is finding out today and I still gotta wait. But I’m thankful I’m not waiting til 20 weeks!
I've always wanted to go to a Penguins game. We love hockey! Good luck at your scan!
Hope your scan is wonderful!

Complaining at this clinic wouldn't do me a lick of good! They're already quit... subpar. Not in terms of making sure my baby is healthy, they're fine at that. Just the... bedside manner as you say! Can be quite rude. I'm really only there to see baby on the u/s and it's just around the corner.

Everyone is telling me to switch to another OBgyn in the next town over, but doing that would require taking additional time off work to go there. And he'd request that I have the baby in the hospital in the next town over, which I don't want to do that either. :( I shall just suck it up. Only saw my son at 8, 20, and 32 weeks. I can be patient with this one too...
So sorry I've been missing for a while! We have had one thing after another recently! We were all poorly with a cold, and then the sick bug got us all :nope: Worst couple of weeks ever! Hope you're all well?

Angela that sounds so scary but I'm glad everything is ok and what a wonderful scan photo!

My platelets haven't gone back up, they have dropped even more. So i have been to a consultant and if they drop again at my next blood test (2 weeks) I will have to go and see a haematologist to discuss treatment.
Really hoping they go back up!!

Hows everyone coping with the cold weather? Its bloody freezing!!!
Oh Jen I'm sorry to hear that. I hope they figure out a way to increase your levels. I'm sorry your family has been battling illnesses. I've been trying to avoid anyone with a cold because this winter has been rough on us.

I am sick of the cold weather. I am looking forward to spring. My LO has gone nuts being trapped in the house and really needs to get out and let loose.

I haven't seen my dh in a week. It's so lonely. 2 days until our scan!!!! I keep dreaming of a boy. Last night it felt so real. He was born weighing 9 lbs with had brown hair and eyes. His cheeks were so chubby. I was so in love. However, I keep telling myself it's a girl so I'm not disappointed.
Thanks Smille me too! Ahh i hope you manage to dodge it all! I also hope the weather warms up for you soon. Its bit milder here today at 4 degrees (Celsius) feels so much warmer than the -4 all last week and all the snow!
It does drive the kids crazy being stuck inside doesn't it!

Oh no has he been working a lot?
So excited to find out what you're having!!! :blue: :pink:

This is bit TMI sorry, but obviously I've not been well. When i went to the consultant last week i was well, they did another urine test which showed positive for something but asked if i had had some discharge as this could be why. I had but not much so they didn't worry. Anyway I've just been to the loo and i had quite a lot of white discharge (so sorry i know this is bit blergh) it didn't smell or anything but should i be worried? It was just more of an amount I've ever had before. Wondering if its because I've been ill or because of something else?
Jenn- I've had a lot too. I'm not concerned about it though. I think it's normal :shrug:. He's been out of town working at a different site. He has to work there until the 31st but will try to come home when possible. His days off were so wonky which is why we booked an earlier scan. It was either that or wait until April.
Thank you! I had a google and it says if it comes with no other symptoms its complelty normal. So much to worry about!

ahh thats really rubbish, i hate it when mine works really long days but atleast i get to see him for a couple of hours. Its so hard with 2 children as well especially your youngest still being little!

What time is your scan tomorrow?
It's at 12. We're going to wait until my oldest gets home and do a reveal for her before telling anyone.
All these gender scans are getting me SO excited!

My 20 week scan is next week but I am determined to stay team yellow, despite my boyfriend pestering me to let us find out!
Smile only one more day to wait till your gender scan exciting xx

Sorry to hear that Jen have they said whats causing it do they know what is going on and can it affect the baby xx the weather is starting to warm up here now thank god Im done with this cold weather now I want spring to come xx also Ive had loads of discharge no issues but if your worried speak to your Dr xx

Well I'm 17+4 today and finally felt the baby move not like butterflies but like something is physically moving around inside me its crazy but I love it xx

Ribb I dont know how your doing it staying strong I just couldnt xx
These gender announcements are making me so excited for my scan a week tomorrow! Cannot wait to find out. Thinking boy but really not bothered. It'll be nice to finally know what to do with DS's old clothes (donate, pass on to sister, keep, bin). I have 5 or 6 bin bags full and he's only 15.5 months old. Oops.

Speaking of DS he had a horrible temperature over the weekend but is completely back to normal today. Throwing silly tantrums over little things and everything! Oh well! Would rather that than him feeling poorly. I felt so helpless.
Sorry I haven’t been on! Very busy weekend! Gender scan went great yesterday and we are team blue! Both babies are boys :) we are ecstatic! I had s feeling both were boys (or at least one was) and my husband wouldn’t believe me. So he was super excited to see. I can’t wait to start getting everything together!
LynAnne I know what you mean, I'm so excited with these announcements as well. I still have just under 3 weeks until my scan!

I've been to see the midwife today, listened to baby's heart beat which I'm sure sounded like a galloping horse.... apparently that means girl, can't wait to find out!

I got the new midwife to change my notes as the last midwife was rubbish and got lots of the info incorrect. She has said that I will have 4 weekly scans from 28 weeks to monitor growth after my daughter stopped growing. I feel reassured by that now.

Hope everyone else is doing okay.
Ahh so exciting all the scans that are to come!! I cant wait to see what you're all having!
Smille im so patiently waiting :haha:

Angela they can just drop in pregnancy with no reason. She said as its never happened before in my previous pregnancies it will literally just be down to this pregnancy. It cant affect the baby as of yet but they won't let me go lower than 100 without treatment which I'm hoping doesn't happen. It is just basically to do with labour, as you don't want to be giving birth with blood that doesn't clot as it should! Im hoping they've gone back up next week. Ive been eating foods that are naturally supposed to increase them.

I have my 20 week scan on Monday I'm so excited!
<3 I'm so happy for you all!!

Twin boys!!
Girls girls girls!!

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