August 2018 Babies

Yay for all the sex announcements :)

Esme is a great name, and what a sweet meaning for Izzy.

Smile- that's annoying!!!! Who cares what he thinks!!!!

We know our boy name (same boy name we had picked if our daughter had been a boy) but undecided on the girl name (we originally had one in mind from before getting pregnant but I've changed my mind and haven't thought much about it since). We aren't thinking about it until we know sex.
Is anyone else staying team yellow? Lmao

Congrats on finding the sexes loads of boys in this group!

I'm bias on izzy I have an Isabella we call izzy lol and I'm bias on Alex cos Alexander is our chosen for a boy lol 😂 Evelyn is our chosen for a girl

So found out we have to have extra scans at 28,32&36 weeks because my izzy was a small grower, hope we cn stay yellow through all them scans!! Xx
Cat I want to know but as it gets closer I'm feeling cold feet- like maybe I shouldn't find out. I'm worried about gender disappointment :( of course I want baby to be healthy most of all, etc..
Saw my midwife yesterday, heard the heartbeat again and she found the baby and we were able to feel him! It was so cool! She sent in the request for my 20 week scan, she said to be prepared as they are scheduling a month out, so I'll be 24-25 weeks. I hope it's sooner, haven't heard back yet!
Ttc- a month?! Wow! That's how it was if we wanted to get one done at the hospital with my dd2. So we went to a lab to have it done.

I couldn't stay team yellow. I think it's great that some of you can. It has helped me bond tremendously even though I was disappointed for a min.
Angela- That sounds scary buy yay for choosing a name, I like Alex :D

Jen- Izzy is a super cute name and it has a lovely meaning behind it, Isabella is on our list for a girl too

Smille- How annoying, I'd tell her to keep her nose out of your business

Lynanne- Congrats again on team blue:blue:

Ttc- A month out is crazy, hopefully they can get you in sooner

I definitely find it helps me to bond knowing the gender, I can't picture them as a baby till I know if that makes sense
LynAnne congrats on team blue.

I don't tell anyone (in real life) the names we are thinking as I know people will judge. When we had our daughter we called her Lennox and had a few people saying we had given her a boys name and I felt like I had to prove that it was also a girls name and I got really down about it for a while.

The names you have all mentioned are really lovely ❤️

I want to wait until we know if it's a girl or boy before we really start thinking about names... we have toyed with a few but so far have come up with none that we like for a boy and a few we like for a girl... Mia, Harley & Evie are top of our list at the moment but as I say we are waiting until we find out the sex before we really start to make any decisions.... Sod's law says it will be a boy just because we can't think of any names haha!
Hope you ladies are all doing ok. I’m loving all the name choices. We genuinely haven’t even discussed names yet! I’m so fickle so it’s best to leave it til I’m about 35 weeks pregnant at least!

I’ve got my 20 week scan in 2 hours, looks like I’m going alone as my other half is held up at work... I also have my first consultation to discuss VBAC options straight after, I was really hoping for a second pair of ears as I hate trying to take in loads of information, but I don’t think it’s going to happen :nope:
I like the name Lennox! I see it as a girl name- the only Lennox I know is a female character on a tv show (Melissa and Joey), and I liked that show!
Congrats on team blue LynAnne :blue: :happydance:

Are boys winning the tally? :D

Ahh TTCbean that is a long time! I hope it is sooner.

Yay Vicky, its such a lovely name :)

Starlight, I'm sure once you see baby and know what sex it is you'll be fine. Even if you are disappointed for a second. Plus we are all here to listen and help :D

Flourish i think Lennox is lovely! But i know what you mean about people judging. Theres always someone who doesn't like it. If i hear a baby name i don't like i just keep my mouth shut, i couldn't imagine saying i didn't like it! Its just rude to tell someone you don't like what they've called their child i think.

Ahh Ribb thats a shame your OH cant join you at your scan! Im also like that where i feel i need someone to take in any information. Just get her to write it down too :haha:
I agree! It's your baby, you get to name them. Why should anyone's opinion matter? I strongly disliked my cousin's boys names but I didn't tell her that. It's rude. My mom hated the name Hayden and was very vocal on that. Shes still trying to get us to name Ainsley something else. Ugh. Now I see why people don't share names until they're born.
So everything went well at both the scan and my consultation. All looks well with baby and I managed to look away and stay team yellow!!
Starlight that's where I first heard the name and fell in love with it :)

Rlbb1 I'm glad everything went well. Well done for staying team yellow that takes willpower!
Amazing willpower! My friend had the gender sealed in an envelope and was going to stay team yellow. She caved lol.
Yay Im 19 wks now 1 more week till the half way point and 4 days till my anatomy scan Im feeling Alex move everyday now get a kick now and then no hiccups yet I love it when I feel him its wierd but wonderful at the same time told my Father in law what his name will be Alex Richard David and he nearly cried as his name is David my dad is Richard this will be his first grandchild and he's so excited I just wish my dad was around to hear his name he passed away 4 yrs ago, his name will be just Alex not Alexander either xx

Unfortunately they cant do anything about the bleeding its just an irritating pregnancy issues that I have to put up with I more than likely going to get bleeds all the way through and the only thing that will cure it is having Alex and my hormones return back to normal the only good thing is that atleast we know what it is and its not causing baby any issues xx

Smile Ainsley Marie sounds lovely and ignore your cousin she has no taste xx

Jenn Izzy is lovely and what a lovely story to go with it xx

LyAnne so glad all went well and congrats on being team blue xx

Cat sorry to hear that but amazing to have more scans atleast xx

Ttc gutting you have to wait longer for scan lets hope it comes sooner xx

Flourish they are all amazing names I love them all we had Harley too in mind xx

Ribb sorry to hear you have to go alone Im glad it all went well at your scan and get you holding strong on team yellow youve got more willpower than me xx

Starlight I agree you maybe disappointed at first but will be happy after especially once you have a name xx
Hey all really glad your all doing well! I feel soooo far behind you all!!! X
Rlbb- So glad everything went well, and props to you for holding out. I would have caved immediately:haha:

Lynanne- Some people can be so rude about names, if it's not their child it's not their business!

I went to mothercare today and I had totally forgotton how cute tiny baby clothes are, I can't wait till Wednesday to see baby again and hopefully find out the gender as I'm going to go crazy buying things:haha:
19 weeks today!!!! :happydance:

Good thing we found out her gender early, I have to wait 3 more weeks for a scan because I can only do evenings. I could've went the 29th but dh wants to be there.

So I gained almost all of the weight I lost back 😕. I'm still -1 lb. I told my dr I'm concerned and she chuckled. She said I'm on target and with it being winter it's to be expected. She said there's nothing to worry about. I wish spring would come so I can get busy outside and not feel so gloomy.
Well no month wait for the anatomy scan! Booked for Thursday morning! So excited... DH says we don't need it but I want to see baby one last time until birth!

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