August 2018 Babies

Cat I was about 17.5 weeks with movement and even now I really only feel movement when laying down.
My anatomy scan went well for the most part, except we have cord insertion issues with both babies. Baby A is a marginal cord insertion, meaning it’s inserting more to the left rather than in the middle. And Baby is velamentous cord insertion meaning it’s going through the membranes and then into the baby more towards the left. I’m gonna have to be closely monitored with growth, which was gonna happen anyway due to having twins. But both have great growth right now, A is 14oz and B is 10oz. It’s really nerve wracking but I’m hoping everything goes well. I’m hoping we don’t need to schedule a csection sooner than we want to, this type of insertion is a risk for rupture
I can't believe I'm almost half way. Sorry I haven't checked in at all. Hope you all are doing well. Strangers recognize that I'm pregnant now, which is exciting. But I too have anterior placenta, so I pretty much only feel slight movement when I'm lying on my back in the morning with my kitty. Sometimes when I sing a good high riff, I get a thump, don't know if that means baby likes or hates it :haha: Thank god my migraines are gone, now I just get a headache about once a week. Headaches are so much more manageable than migraines. So glad those are gone. I was getting them nonstop for weeks, and throwing up. It was awful. But still so thankful for all of my symptoms, as annoying as they may be. Better to have symptoms and be pregnant.

We started our birthing classes a few weeks ago. We are going with hypnobabies. It's a good class. Very relaxing. Of course my husband is the class clown, always making everyone laugh. I love that about him. We are the only one in the class doing home birth. Everyone else is doing a hospital birth (which seems so strange considering one class was entirely dedicated to telling you how you're going to have to stand up to the hospital and fight them on everything. I say, why bother?)
Glad to hear you're doing good happy. We are the same date so glad to have someone in it toe to toe. I went over 5 days with DS, so will be interesting to see who pops first!!

I wouldn't be too scared about hospitals, if home birth doesn't work out, BTW. I was awful (I had a 3 page delivery plan with DS) that said no to everything!! No pain meds, no induction, no c section. I demanded a shower (there was no tubs at my hosp) mid labor, and only let me stay on the machine half the time. You do have to say no to them on a lot of things but mainly because the average momma probably goes with what they think Dr's say is best.
Oh how fun that we have the same date!!

I'm not scared about hospitals, I just personally believe that hospitals are for people that are in emergency or need medical help. If all is going well with my pregnancy, and there's no complications or anything, I would prefer to stay in the comfort of my home and leave space at the hospital for someone that needs it. That's the plan A. I also have a plan B and C. I am prepared that if something happens, then I will roll with it, but I am setting myself up for home birth. :) Hope I explained it well. I know in the US, a lot of women just feel more secure at a hospital, and frankly, I don't. I have only been to the hospital once, for a surgery, and that's what I see it as. I'm glad it was there for me when I needed it, but I do not see it as a security blanket. I am much more comfortable at home. Just personal opinion. I do not judge other women's decisions as they are theirs alone.
Why do you believe you were terrible with your birth plan? I believe that you have a right to wish for whatever you wish for. And who are they to question it? I think a thorough birth plan is nice, it leaves little room for misunderstanding or misinterpretation.
Hey all thanks for your support, I have midwife today only the second time I will be meeting her, but I have some really exciting news I lost a stone and a pound since being pregnant, I'm very overweight so it's a good thing x
I was just excessive. I watched the Business of Being Born at like 38 weeks and immediately went into "WELL that's not gonna be me!" mode. I was a little too proactive... I really could have just said, "I'd like to do this naturally and c-section only if my/baby life in danger" and been fine. But I was like, no Dr's in training, don't take baby from my room, don't give baby anything without my ok, don't bring me formula (ended up needing to)... it was just over the top. All in all, this time I'll be pretty laid back. Just as long as baby gets here in 1 piece, I'll be happy, lol

My friend had a baby weeks before me and they pushed her induction at 38 weeks, it didn't progress so they switched her off to a csection. I was worried my Dr/midwifer would try to push that on me... which she did honestly... she pretty much said "OK what day would you like to be induced??" at my 38 week appt. It really was what set it off for me.
My friend just had a home birth in December. Not exactly “home” as she had to go to the midwife’s house. She lives near the Amish so home births are more common and she said it was the best labor and delivery out of all 3 of her kids. She was so happy with the experience.
I'm really down about having complete placenta previa. I won't be able to enjoy being pregnant with the worry of it not moving up etc. and I'm so concerned about having a bleed and going on bedrest!
Star that sounds terrifying, do they think yours will move? I wasn't told where my placenta was and today at midwife I asked and she said they hadn't put it down, guessing that me and mines in a normal place lol x
They will check again in about 7 weeks to see if it's moved. I read it's unlikely to move before I've had a prior c section.
OhhappyZ - I am planning a home birth, my 3rd one! :) I'm in the US.
Oh Starlight I'm sorry you're so worried, hopefully you won't have to be put on bed rest. I know a few people who have had placenta previa and they've managed to avoid bed rest so fingers crossed you do too:hugs:

How's everyone getting on with names? I absolutely love the name Jude but my OH doesn't like it :( I feel like that's his name though and can't find any others that I like
We are set on Ace Jackson but I’m second guessing Landon James. At first I thought it was just the middle name but now I’m not even sure about Landon. I keep going back to Lincoln but that was the name we picked hen i miscarried so I don’t feel comfortable using it. But idk what to do! I hope it’s just me being hormonal
Vicky, I'm the same wih names. I'm in love with Brody and baby feels like Brody to me but DH is a firm no on it. Obviously I understand that we need to both agree on a name but I feel like because I've become so settled on Brody (even though I know it's not happening) it's put a block on all other names. Nothing comes close. Would be nice if he at least came up with some names he really likes instead!
Starlight here's hoping your placenta does move you dont get bleeding and be put on bed rest being pregnant is stressful enough no one tells you about all the bad stuff xx

Our name is set in stone it looks like Alex is the name we've chosen with his 2 grandads names as middle names which are Richard David

My tiredness is creeping back in anyone else getting tired again think I might need to go get my iron levels checked x
We're set on Ainsley Marie. We were originally going to go with Hayden but I just don't love it.

Lincoln was on the top of my list for boy names, but dh wanted Ethan. I like Landon, I think it's cute. Boy names are difficult for me.

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