I was just excessive. I watched the Business of Being Born at like 38 weeks and immediately went into "WELL that's not gonna be me!" mode. I was a little too proactive... I really could have just said, "I'd like to do this naturally and c-section only if my/baby life in danger" and been fine. But I was like, no Dr's in training, don't take baby from my room, don't give baby anything without my ok, don't bring me formula (ended up needing to)... it was just over the top. All in all, this time I'll be pretty laid back. Just as long as baby gets here in 1 piece, I'll be happy, lol
My friend had a baby weeks before me and they pushed her induction at 38 weeks, it didn't progress so they switched her off to a csection. I was worried my Dr/midwifer would try to push that on me... which she did honestly... she pretty much said "OK what day would you like to be induced??" at my 38 week appt. It really was what set it off for me.