August 2018 Babies

Drudal- totally sounds like pregnancy!!! My heartburn comes and goes depending on the week. But when it’s there, it’s awful and antacids hardly touch it.

Cat- I was so nervous before my scan. Thankfully everything looks great! Do you know/are you finding out gender? Good luck!
Drudai that's like every night for me ;) (minus the heartburn but with many other discomforts!)
Baby is doing really well everything measuring ahead at 20+5 days except the head which was 19+5 but she said that was fine a week either way of the due date, xx
Cat, my u/s said head was week behind too. I was stressing about it, didn't ask questions as I only saw the measurements on screen. Obviously baby isn't a perfect robot being built piece by piece, things will go at their own pace, but definitely scared me.
Glad I'm not alone and tech didn't say anything.
Cat, I’m glad your scan went well.

I’m 23+1 and bub has really become strong. Tonight s/he had the hiccups with their back to the front of my belly. They were forceful!
I've been down about how this pregnancy is turning out. I had a relatively complication free pregnancy with my daughter, and I just assumed it would be the same this time. But I have placenta previa and a short cervix. I'm on modified bed rest. It's awful, especially when I can't pick up or run around with my toddler.

I'm hoping to keep baby girl in until at least 37 weeks. Seems like a long way to go.
Starlight- I'm so glad to see you back! I know bed rest is probably rough, but I hope it helps keep baby in longer.

I have to go for another u/s at 28 wks. They couldn't get her profile to make sure her structures are developed correctly. GD test in 4 wks ugh. I'm dreading it.
I'm glad you've come back as well starlight. Fingers crossed baby stays in for as long as possible. Bed rest is rubbish but it's all for a good cause.

Smille the GD test is horrible, the drink always makes me want to vomit but if you vomit you have to re do the test. I've had one GD test so far which I passed so I've gotta re take it again at 26 weeks. (I had GD in my last pregnancy)
So glad your back starlight only 8 days until v day for you try stay as positive as you can it is so hard to be on bed rest with littleuns, I had to be on bed rest from 20 weeks with my last pregnancy and in hospital for the last month and half so I know how awful it is not being able to stay with th kids u already have, think of this as just a small amount of time that u have to make it through compared to the years of joy you will get at the end, wishing you luck xxx
My appointment went well yesterday, both strong heartbeats. My OB didn’t really give me an answers for the velamentous and marginal cord insertion we have but I’m hoping to ask MFM on Thursday, which is my next scan. We had to get better pictures of Baby A’s heart and they’ll get a growth check. I’m curious to see how much they grow. My next appointment I’ll be doing my GD test. They actually have you take the drink at home, about 45 minutes before your appointment and they’ll draw your blood there. The place I went to with my last pregnancy had me go to the hospital so I thought that was interesting. I’m also getting conflicting advise as last appointment they said NST would start at 27 weeks and this doctor says 30 weeks unless something comes up on my ultrasounds.
Glad to see you back starlight, that must be really tough but fingers crossed baby girl stays in as long as possible:hugs:

Smille- GD tests are no fun! At my hospital the actual drink isn't actually that bad it's the waiting around for 2 hours after that sucks. I don't think I have to have one this time around though:shrug:
I hate the gd test! I will get an appointment for mine at my next midwife which is the 4th May not looking forward to it, will be for 28 weeks + x
Hey ladies - sorry I havent posted in ages but have been reading through all your updates. Had a horrible month really, my boy had his major spine surgery in Mid March which went pretty well, we managed to get out of hospital half way through easter weekend and have a week of normal life before he got a chest bug and went back in on the Friday. Was okay enough for discharge on Tuesday just been so came home about 7.30pm and then we had a massive storm that night and power went off at 8.30pm and only got it back yesterday morning. We had to have him on his breathing machine so had to fork out for 3 nights in a hotel so we had power. Have been stressed through the roof this week, was exhausted yesterday when we finally back at home. Today have to go through at catalogue our freezer contents for insurance and throw it all out - then things can hopefully return to normal. Haven't had time to think about myself and being pregnant so just hope little baby doing okay in there. Have my anatomy scan this Wednesday so will finally find out what we are having :) Been so long since have seen whats going on in there that I cant wait!
Waiting- I'm glad your boy's surgery went well. Only a few days left how exciting!

I've never had gd thank goodness so I hope to pass this time as well. Ours is only an hr unless you fail then you have to go for a 3 hr test which is brutal from what I've heard.

Baby girl is moving a lot and I can see it. I'm so excited to hold her.
Oh god waiting that sounds so stressful! Hope your son is OK now? X
Hey everyone!!!

Hope al is well :) sorry I’ve not been around in here for ages!!! Xx
Basically ok again now, another night in Hospital last night but getting discharged again soon. Need life to calm down!!
Busy busy busy for u bless! Bet your glad baby isn't here yet lol xx

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