August 2018 Babies

Yeah I am, am stressing a lot at the moment about how I will cope when he/she is here.
You seem like a really good mum so you will cope just fine x
Hi all! I really need to try and keep up to date with this group, life is so busy! We are currently having an extension and along with working, being pregnant and looking after the girls its tough! We are moving to my MIL's on Sunday as the kitchen and dining room will be un-livable for a while, so i should have more time then as she wants to do everything! I won't complain!

Cat I'm glad to hear your scan went well :)

Starlight I'm glad to see you back, i bet it must be awful constantly worrying and boring being on bed rest especially with your toddler but try to take it easy!

Waiting oh dear that does sound stressful! Im glad he's on the mend! I hope its plain sailing for you from now!

I have my GD test next tuesday, I've never had one before either so hoping i pass!
Hi, I disappeared for a while. Things have been crazy for me. DH has been bugging for a puppy for ages, so I gave in and the day we got her he became ill. So I was doing puppy care, putting out all night, two kids under 5 all house work and pregnant! I was a mess emotionally. DH got better but came down with another sickness a few days ago and I’m so tired. I like the puppy but it doesn’t feel right. Kids love her though so she stays. If she would learn where to potty I’d warm up to her. Stress has been a too frequent visitor. She will be about 6 months when baby is due, please tell me there is hope she’ll learn??
There is hope ttc just persevere and really go ott with praise when goes in the right place, hope your other half is well soon xx
Our dog is a little over a year. We’ve had him since 5 weeks and it took til about 6 months that he became potty trained. It’s rough. My husband wants another one and I refuse. I told him the only way we would get another dog is if it’s a rescue and potty trained already. If we didn’t have two babies on the way I’d be more on board with getting a puppy. But they are a lot of work. My mil just got a puppy and they’ve been really on top with taking her outside so so far they haven’t had accidents inside.
She will learn. It takes time. We hung a bell on our door and every time we let our dog out we smacked his paw to ring the bell then put him out. After awhile, he started ringing it on his own to let us know he had to go out. He was difficult to train. My female took 2 weeks to train.

I just took my female to get spayed. My dh had intentions on breeding her, she's an english cream golden retriever, but now with a 3rd baby on the way there's no way I'm dealing with that. 2 dogs are enough.
I started off with an alarm every 30 minutes to remind me to put her out. That gets exhausting, but it worked... then I stopped setting it and just trying to go by cues and she was peeing inside 4-5 times a day. Since Friday I've set it for 30 minutes, increased to 35, and today it's up to 45 minutes and no accidents. Our other dog, who is now 9, trained literally in a week with only 1 indoor accident. She's the polar opposite of him, even though they are the same breed (German Shepherd). She is loud, bites a ton, hyper and goes after my kids when she's in a mood. Gah!

Even with the timed outings, she doesn't seem to "get" where to go though. She doesn't go to the door or show me she has to go. When we are out though, she goes instantly. She's 12 weeks old.

I am soooooooo tired. I wish we could turn back time and I could say NO NO NO firmly, instead of giving in. The night before we got her I had cold feet again and told my DH to call the breeder and cancel but he refused. :(
I have begged my dh to part ways with my 1 dog. He has anxiety issues and although he's never lashed out on anyone, he worries me. Luckily he avoids my youngest at all costs. He constantly barks at nothing and is always getting into things he shouldn't. My dh refuses to get rid of him. My other dog is complete opposite. She's so sweet and playful. The kids can crawl all over her and she loves it. I know if my crazy dog does anything towards the kids, my dh will agree to part ways. It's just too much to take care of.
waiting, I’m sorry for all the stress. I hope it gets better soon.

TTC, it will get easier but sounds exhausting for now. We got our dog when he was 6 months and was easy to train but I know it’s not like that with every dog.

Hi to all the ladies post-hiatus!

AFM I am 24 weeks today! ALSO failed my 1-hour glucose with a 152... will be going back Monday to do the 3-hour. I didn’t have GD with DS, any stories/experiences would be appreciated. I’m feeling quite down about it but have honestly predicted it for quite a while now.
Waiting- I'm glad your son's surgery went well, it sounds like such a stressful time:hugs:

Ttc- She will learn but that does sound exhausting. By about 2/3 months our dog was toilet trained so there is hope

I need to try and get on here more often too but life is just super busy, we hit viability 2 days ago and I can't believe I've passed that stage already. It's just flying by
Duster I had GD with my daughter, it's not that bad. I just limited my sugar and carb intake. If I wanted something with lots of carbs in it I ate it alongside something high in fat as that stops your sugars spiking. Despite how it sounds I actually didn't put on loads of weight even eating high fat foods.
As soon as I gave birth it went and I make sure I get checked every year just to be on the safe side.
Thanks for the words of encouragement ladies. I bought some bells for the door since a ton of people have mentioned them, just worried it’ll be another thing my boys will want to hang off of and play with, lol. They will arrive Sunday. Sorry for turning this thread temporarily into a puppy thread! 😂
Had our scan today! Baby A’s heart is good, I was worrying for nothing lol. Both had a 9oz weight gain since last month so A is 1lb 7oz and B is 1lb 3oz :) since everything is looking good I’ll have another growth check in a month.
Anyone else still struggling to agree on a name? I think we've decided on our two middle names but this little guy is still without a first name. Any time I seem to find a name I like DH doesn't! Aaah!
Lynne- I thought we were 100% set on her name, but dh keeps saying he's leaning towards Hayden now and I just don't like it. I couldn't figure out a middle name to go with it and I'm tired if confusing my kids as is. Idk if he's just trying to get me going or if he's serious but I'm not siding with him this time. He got his way with my 1st.

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