August 2018 Babies

Starlight glad to hear from you sorry to hear your having a rough time but it will all be worth it in the end when your holding your baby in your arms xx

Smile hppe scan goes well and Ive got the GTT coming up in 2 wks not looking forward to it either xx

Mel glad all went well at your scan hopefully all the confusion gets cleared up soon though xx

Waiting my god you really have been through a lot of stress I really hope thats the last of it and things go smoothly from now on xx

TTC sorry your having a hard time too Ive got 2 dogs and 2 cats and hated the puppy and kitten stage it took ages training them but it will happen in time heres hoping DH can help you out soon xx
Smile, that is annoying! What did you want to name your first? Haley is our girl name (we both like it, but my husband is 100% committed to it while I was considering others for a bit).

Viability tomorrow. Still on modified bed rest.
Hey all sorry iv been MIA, been a manic week. Hope all gets sorted for you all, feeling some weird stretchy type pains at the bottom of my stomach is this normal x
Anyone else feel like they've been pregnant forever? Omg 23 weeks and dragging.
Anyone else feel like they've been pregnant forever? Omg 23 weeks and dragging.

Yes! It is dragging.

I ordered a maternity support belt. My back hurts so bad so I'm hoping for relief.
Hey all sorry iv been MIA, been a manic week. Hope all gets sorted for you all, feeling some weird stretchy type pains at the bottom of my stomach is this normal x

Not sure if it’s the same, but I’ve been having what I can only describe as period pain in my lower abdomen, as low down in my bump as possible, and across my lower back. I was pretty worried the other day and rang the maternity department at the hospital. They assured me it was “probably” just growing pains. I was advised to look out for bleeding and any changes in my discharge, otherwise they weren’t overly concerned. I feel so heavy and low in comparison to my first pregnancy. I don’t think I ached like this until about 39 weeks before!

Other than achey pains and this heavy feeling low down, I’m doing ok. I started a weekly prenatal Pilates class last week which I loved! I have the “dome effect” on my stomach so I had to miss out on a few exercises. The instructor told me my stomach muscles have parted a few inches and that I need to be especially careful. She runs a mother and baby class for after the birth so I’ll attend those too and hopefully we can bring them back together the proper way!

We booked a holiday to Greece at the weekend, for the 18th of October... So baby will be 9-11 weeks old... Eeeek! I’m going to have to be so organised, registering the birth and getting a passport in time. We’re going away with 20 other family members, so I’m not too worried about the actual flight or holiday itself.

I hope everyone’s ok :flower:
Mel that’s great news!!

I hope everyone else is doing ok. Starlight i hope you aren’t too bored and coping with bed rest ok!

I’m just having my GTT and I’m so bored!!! Never had one before but I’m starving!
I've had my GTT this morning Jen. So pleased it's over! I've been dreading it as I'm still suffering with nausea and vomit most mornings. Fingers crossed that both of our results come back normal.
Smile, that is annoying! What did you want to name your first? Haley is our girl name (we both like it, but my husband is 100% committed to it while I was considering others for a bit).

Viability tomorrow. Still on modified bed rest.

I wanted to name her Olivia, but he said no. We both agreed on our 2nds name.
LynAnne we aren’t finding out gender but are having a bear of a time finding a boy name we like!

Starlight and waiting how are you doing? Sorry it has been rough for you.

ribb I have been having the same types of pains. I went in to be checked Friday night but all was well.

Good luck to you ladies on your GTT. I got notified this morning that I failed my 3-hour so now I will have to meet with a diabetes educator.
Chelle I bet that was awful for you! I bet you’re glad it’s over! Fingers crossed our results are normal :)

Ahh Duster atleast you will get the right advice for it. Have you ever had it previously?
Hey ladies - good luck with those GTT tests! Hope you all pass! I have 5 weeks till I am doing mine - midwife said she will give me forms at 26 weeks which is my next appt.

We have yet to come up with names too, jealous of those of you who have figured it out already!

Starlight - still thinking of you, hope your bedrest is going okay!

Holiday here today which is nice. Having a nice relaxing day, life is returning to normal now which is great. Far less stressful and my boy is doing much better and should be back at school next week! Hopefully thats it for sickness and run arounds for a bit - although we heading into winter so who knows!

have a lovely day all!
JenniferAnne no I haven’t, I passed my 1-hour with my son. I knew I had it all along this time based on how my blood sugars wouldn’t regulate early on, and baby has been measuring big for quite a while now. I have also been craving meat and anything low-carb.

This should be interesting since I deal with IBS and am a vegetarian because of it.
Sorry I'm rubbish at keeping updated here. I do read along often but rarely get a chance to respond to anyone. I'm 26 weeks tomorrow and can't quite believe that I'm creeping closer and closer to third trimester. I've barely begun to prepare for baby but this week I've at least written a list of what we need and what I need to do around the house in preparation! Little steps in the right direction. Doesn't help that DS has been sleeping horribly!

I think we may have finally chosen a name. Well, at the very least we have a front runner! Hurray! Still a tiny bit disappointed that DH wouldnt go for Brody or Elliott but we are thinking of Blair Orion Fox. Think it goes quite well with our surname and DS's name.
Duster gutting you failed it hope you pass the next one xx

Chelle and Jenni crossing fingers all comes back well xx

Rib & Cat Im sure all is okay I get pains too but not sure they're anything like yours xx

Starlight glad all is still well with you xx

Waiting glad your son is getting better xx

LynAnn atleast youve written your list now Ive literally done with the buying of stuff which is crazy just need to put it all together in the room now xx
Angela- thanks but there is no next one. That was it! So now I will have to manage sugars. I meet with a specialist tomorrow.
Duster- sorry you failed it :hugs:. I'm so worried about mine. I've been craving unhealthy foods like cheese fries ugh.

Luckily we don't need much for this baby. I purchased a different carrier than what we had. This one is more supportive for your back. We found a double stroller but need to buy it.

My friend just found out she has placenta previa and has to quit her job because she's on her feet all day and her dh doesn't want anything to happen. She's not handling the news very well. They're in the process of moving too. My heart goes out to those who are struggling during pregnancy.
Ugh sorry to hear you failed the GTT duster! I actually saw my doctor today and she said because my Dad has diabetes I need to do the three hour glucose test soon! Argh! I only did the one hour with my last two pregnancies... I've also put on 4 kilos in just over a month, eek. I was underweight to start with but this is crazy. I'm hungry ALL the time and can't stop eating everything in sight! I don't know how to slow the weight gain without feeling faint and snapping at everyone around me! I'm trying to be healthy but I keep reaching for the junk food...

Anyway, they did another quick scan and the twins are doing well - both head down but that can change from one minute to the next at this stage although I'd do anything for another natural birth...
Ella I’m hungry all the time too- I’ve gained 20-25 pounds so far. Good luck with your GTT. I hope you pass; I’m nervous for my appointment with the educator tomorrow. I’ll keep you ladies updated on what happens.
I've been popping in but not responding much-- hoping everyone is ok!

Smile, I feel for your friend. How far along is she?

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