@Brit95 any news? Thinking of you, dear.
Same here. I haven't had nausea for a few days, just slightly sore boobs. I feel cramping but IDK if it's pregnancy related or something else since I keep bleeding slightly and I even passed small clots during the weekend.
I'm having a hard time contacting my OB or his nurse. I still have a scan on the 21st but that's almost 2 weeks from now so I called the office and requested another hCG. (My doctor sent me a message on Friday and he goes by hCG ranges every 2 weeks. Apparently I can still get bloodwork.)
I had bought a onesie to give my mama for Christmas. It says something like "guess who'll become a grandma again?" Now I don't want to send it until I know what's going on. Praying, praying, praying.
Are you ladies getting ready for Christmas? Surprisingly I finished my shopping already (thank you Amazon!)