**August Beached Whales**

I'm tired but didn't get much sleep last night so that's probably why. Also got a sore belly/boobs on and off and I can barely go to the toilet :( it's either non existant or the runs!!

Snap, I'm also having the most random dreams, completely weird.

Mark&Annie ewww turtle tank good job you haven't got ms yet or you wouldn't get that job done x

Congrats EMBO78 Welcome to the Beached Whales :haha: sorry still makes me laugh the name...

Kylarsmom :hugs:
I've had loads of random dreams too but that's not unusual :haha:

My legs are hurting for some strange reason :wacko:
Hiya all my EDD is August the 1st! I am a bit disappointed with the lack of pregnancy symptoms but i'm sure I wont be complaining in a couple of weeks!!

I'm a Radiographer so got a friend to do a quick scan today to check the sac is in my uterus and it was! To early to see a baby tho!!

Congratulations to you all on your BFP's and i'm looking forward to sharing the journey with you xx

Mark&Annie- I'd be careful cleaning the turtle tank. Turtles are full of bacteria and other germs that can make a normal person sick and since you are now a house of two I would maybe suggest putting the job onto someone else if you can.

I'm feeling alright today, a bit rundown which is to be expected. I was given a proper scare earlier. I had a pinching feeling in my cervix which I get from time to time alongside the stretching uterus pains. I ended up going to the bathroom and wiped light brown. I lost all my symptoms too, less bloat, no sore nipples and no nausea. I was terrified. Luckily some of my lovely lady friends on here reassured me that everything was more than likely fine. I know early spotting is common but it's so hard to stay calm when it's happening to you. I've checked several times since and haven't seen so much as a drop. Sadly I'm stuck on my feet at work for the next 3 hours. I'm going to test again in the morning just to make sure my line is still dark. I can't wait for my symptoms to come back and make me feel miserable.
Yay cazi!
So i had this super cute idea to tell my family on christmas, but well, ive been so emotional i just couldnt keep it from my mommy any longer! Drove 40 minutes to see her tonight and had kylar in his "big brother" shirt! i thought she would be shocked but excited, but she was just shocked! the first thing that she said was "was this planned?" bc obviously i hadnt told her we were TTC, i wanted it to be a BIG suprise ! Well she thought i was shocked and wasnt sure if i was happy about it or not, bc i had told her on many occasions a while back i wasnt ready for another yet. but ya so i couldnt believe she reacted that way and just started BAWLING!! it took her a min but she came around and we talked a lot about it and i told her how hard we had been trying and how much ive been wanting to tell her and stuff and she apologized for reacting that way, and that she was very excited, but idk she just made me feel stupid! my mom is my biggest supporter and i value her opinion so much! she really did feel bad about how she reacted and i dont blame her being shocked or anything, but it still made me feel so dumb and bad and i cant get over it.. how would you guys feel?
Mark&Annie- I'd be careful cleaning the turtle tank. Turtles are full of bacteria and other germs that can make a normal person sick and since you are now a house of two I would maybe suggest putting the job onto someone else if you can.

Thanks for the concern, but I was careful :D I am a vet nurse so dirty animal based jobs are a daily occurrence! I worked till 36 weeks last time :wacko:

Neeeeeed to get out today! Mark has a 4x4 so I can leave the house! woo hoo!! Going for family fun and lunch day :D
Hi Ladies,

So many posts to catch up with!!!

Not been on for a couple of days as have a horrible cold and cough, its now really starting to hurt my tummy when im coughing so feeling very sorry for myself :(

Sorry to hear that some of you are starting to feeling sick etc. I still have no symptoms but I did my last digi test on Friday and it came up 3+ weeks so was very happy!

Welcome to all the newbies!

Daisybee you are due on my birthday :thumbup:

Cazi im due the same day as you so great to see some scan pics!!

Kylersmom :hugs: im so sorry you didnt get the reaction you had hoped for from your Mum. I would feel a little upset too! When we told OHs parents they didnt seem overly excited either! Its a very strange feeling when you are so happy and other people dont share your excitement. Im sure next time you see you Mum she will be a lot happier and if not then just ask her why she doesnt seem to happy about it xx

Annie I finally got out of the house today just to Sainsburys to do a little shopping but I so needed to as was going insane being stuck inside! Hope you have a great day!!

We put our Christmas tree up yesterday!! :happydance: But Bobby thinks its great fun to take all the decorations off and hide them around the house :shrug: Nevermind it was to be expected really!

Right hope everyone has a great day xxx
KylarsMom - I finally found you! I had to go to your profile to find the thread, but I got it! :)

Hi all! I just got my BFP yesterday - and I'll probably be due around beginning/mid August! :)
Yay!Abs is one of my TTC buddies! She's the coolest guys! lol ;)
Mark&Annie- I wasn't aware you were a vet so I apologize for telling you what you already know. I spent several years working around various animals and cleaning cages and what have you so I know just what a mess they can cause.

Kylarsmom- I'm sorry your moms reaction upset you, but I can see why she would react that way. You said you had told her several times that you were ready for another one then came over last night and told her the news. I'm sure she didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I'm sure she was just confused. That's a difficult spot to be in afterall. I think she was probably trying to determine how she should react based on whether or not you were happy. If it wasn't planned she was probably looking to reassure you that everyhi g would be okay and that you would be a lovely mother again. If it was planned I'm sure she would be bouncing for joy.

Mummy- I'm sorry to hear you've been not well. Hopefully you've gotten plenty of rest and are feeling much better. We put our tree up last Friday. I just couldn't wait. I love the Christmas season and couldn't wait to get started. It's kind of funny you have someone hiding your ornements. I have a kitten who likes to pull allthe garland and ornements off the bottom of my tree.

Edd for me is August 3rd! Evie we can be due date buddies lol.
Yay cazi!
So i had this super cute idea to tell my family on christmas, but well, ive been so emotional i just couldnt keep it from my mommy any longer! Drove 40 minutes to see her tonight and had kylar in his "big brother" shirt! i thought she would be shocked but excited, but she was just shocked! the first thing that she said was "was this planned?" bc obviously i hadnt told her we were TTC, i wanted it to be a BIG suprise ! Well she thought i was shocked and wasnt sure if i was happy about it or not, bc i had told her on many occasions a while back i wasnt ready for another yet. but ya so i couldnt believe she reacted that way and just started BAWLING!! it took her a min but she came around and we talked a lot about it and i told her how hard we had been trying and how much ive been wanting to tell her and stuff and she apologized for reacting that way, and that she was very excited, but idk she just made me feel stupid! my mom is my biggest supporter and i value her opinion so much! she really did feel bad about how she reacted and i dont blame her being shocked or anything, but it still made me feel so dumb and bad and i cant get over it.. how would you guys feel?

Crikey I missed your post this morning.... It's always a surprise/shock I think for Mums when their babies have babies! Also, being a woman, as we are all very well aware, we are all subject to emotional outbursts whether it's actually the way we feel or just a burst of emotions at the time. I'm sure she'll be absolutely fine and you'll look back on it and smile! Don't feel silly, it was a good idea!!! :hugs:
Thanks kylarsmom!! :) So glad I'm here!! :)
hey everyone! adding all the new girls now :hugs: I went through with a pen and bit of paper to make sure i didnt miss anyone haha! Embol78 and abs07 I dont have due dates for you would you like me to put you as no due date yet?

I have been run off my feet and havent had 5 mins to myself getting ready for christmas! trying to do it all now because Im sure by christmas I'll be in the thick of 1st tri exaustion and wont be able to think!

Speaking of thinking, I feel like Ive lost my mind! total baby brain! everything is taking twice as long to do because i keep forgetting everything! having to write detailed lists on how to make STEW which Ive made 100 times before! forgot to put the meat in! craaaaaaaaazy. making bottle for lexie is a nightmare too have to count out loud the number of scoops, have even resorted to making a mark on a piece of paper for every scoop or im lost!

lovebinary- RE: spotting, I spotted loads in my last pregnancy right up till 6 months (i think, baby brain again) but this time I wiped brown blood and my heart sank, my symptoms disappeared for a couple days (such as they were) I did BD out of sympathy for my poor OH:haha: so it could have been that but the syptomes come and go especially this early

Kylarsmom- my mum accused me of lying to her lol!! So I went and got the digi and she just went "right". I was so annoyed! But she called me and told me she was so excited she was just worried about me as my last pregnancy was difficult and now I would have lex to deal with at the same time.

Hope everyone is well and looking forward to a pate, soft cheese and alcohol free christmas xoxox
Hey all - can I join?
I am due aug 2nd, my birthday is on aug 7th so me and baby will be close!

I already have a 5 year old son who was unplanned so we have waited untill we felt ready for number 2, I came off the pill and was unsure how long it would take - 4 weeks later I got a bfp @ 11dpo!
We are so happy and really want this bean to stick! I am looking forward to pregnancy again as I had such a nice preg with my son, although it may be different this time I guess!

Hi emily! I'm due August 6th and my partners birthday is the 7th!! :haha:
Congrats! x
Hey all - can I join?
I am due aug 2nd, my birthday is on aug 7th so me and baby will be close!

I already have a 5 year old son who was unplanned so we have waited untill we felt ready for number 2, I came off the pill and was unsure how long it would take - 4 weeks later I got a bfp @ 11dpo!
We are so happy and really want this bean to stick! I am looking forward to pregnancy again as I had such a nice preg with my son, although it may be different this time I guess!


congrats and welcome:flower:
Well I guess I didn't give my information! Ok, I'm Carli, 26, & husband is Kyle, 25. I've been TTC since March, so it's taken about 8 months! So excited it's finally here!

I tested & got my first :bfp: on Friday (12/3) and have one more test left - I think I'm going to test again today (12/5)!

I went online & got an estimated due date - you can add this date along with everyone elses & when I get the actual date from the doctor I'll update that too! My EDD is (drumroll please.......) August 9, 2011!!!!! :happydance:
Sarah- I know exactly how you feel about baby brain. I'm finding that my mental train often leaves the station before I've finished putting it together lol. It almost seems like remembering has become a chore, and one I'm not all that good at anymore. I've been keeping a close eye out for any more signs of blood and so far so good. I'm having mixed feelings about my lack of symptoms. With my mc last year I had the worst mornin sickness. For a while I wasn't eating much of anything. This time I'm having little to no morning sickness. The only real sickness I seem to get is from the prenatal i've been taking. If I take it on an empty stomach it gives me pains, if I take it with food it gives me the runs. I'm beginning to think that this prenatal isn't very good for me and that I'll have to pick a different one.

I'm very much looking forward to this Christmas. Oh and I are getting married. Nothing big, just making it official down at the courthouse and planning a nice ceremony for either next Christmas or the following February on the day we met.
Congrats on your marriage love :)
Christmas is always a beautiful time of year to be married :)

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