Yay cazi!
So i had this super cute idea to tell my family on christmas, but well, ive been so emotional i just couldnt keep it from my mommy any longer! Drove 40 minutes to see her tonight and had kylar in his "big brother" shirt! i thought she would be shocked but excited, but she was just shocked! the first thing that she said was "was this planned?" bc obviously i hadnt told her we were TTC, i wanted it to be a BIG suprise ! Well she thought i was shocked and wasnt sure if i was happy about it or not, bc i had told her on many occasions a while back i wasnt ready for another yet. but ya so i couldnt believe she reacted that way and just started BAWLING!! it took her a min but she came around and we talked a lot about it and i told her how hard we had been trying and how much ive been wanting to tell her and stuff and she apologized for reacting that way, and that she was very excited, but idk she just made me feel stupid! my mom is my biggest supporter and i value her opinion so much! she really did feel bad about how she reacted and i dont blame her being shocked or anything, but it still made me feel so dumb and bad and i cant get over it.. how would you guys feel?