Aussies trying to get duffered aged 20+ !!!

Hey Everyone! Back from my run! ouch, that one hurt! as you know i was running for cure cancer Australia, and to fund young researchers who otherwise couldnt get a grant etc. I had a few people i did my run for...and 2mums i added your aunt! (hope that was ok) it just said 2mums aunt!

I have some experience with saying goodbye to loved ones. (not a lot thank goodness but some). The last time i saw my grandfather he was pretty sick, but not yet at the end. we had a really nice goodbye. A little while later when he was at the end i had the choice to go and see him or not. I decided not, we had a nice goodbye and i wanted that to be my final memory! He had a good death, with his wife next to him telling him it was ok to go...and actually his eyes that were once sparkling blue had in his last years turned brown with meds and such. and on that last day they went back to bright blue...which felt nice.
its a hard decision, you dont want to regret not going, but you dont want to risk going either. Its not just the flight stress, but seeing a loved one at that point is heartbreaking.
I will pray that she hangs on for you, people do all the time. Mostly its important for you to have a good goodbye (in person, over the phone, with a letter, whatever is the best), and that if she isnt going to be able to get better, that she has a good death (i hope that doesnt sound too morbid, i mean it in a loving way)

how did your run go?? good job - you did a great thing today! xx:hugs:
Thanks! it was a hard run today actually. didnt break any record speeds! but I made it, GPS tells me it was more like 10km!

At the end i got a bit upset, and may be you can all tell me if im being a bit dumb! i am naturally a shy person, i dislike group exercise and avoid it! and so for me to go through 10weeks of training with people i dont know, and run was out of my comfort zone (all for a cause i believe in and so worth it). I also HATE my photo being taken. I dont think im unattractive but the camera has different ideas. my training group force me into photos all the time, and so i stand at the back (im short) and you just see a bit of me.
Any way my mother was waiting at the end of the end of the race (long story) and she was a little sloshed...she started insisting that i pose for photos, then my brother got in on the action, "c'mon, its just a photo, you are being too sensitive". If i hate my photo being taken on a good day, picture me after a 10km run!
it really made me upset.

am i being dumb?
Thanks! it was a hard run today actually. didnt break any record speeds! but I made it, GPS tells me it was more like 10km!

At the end i got a bit upset, and may be you can all tell me if im being a bit dumb! i am naturally a shy person, i dislike group exercise and avoid it! and so for me to go through 10weeks of training with people i dont know, and run was out of my comfort zone (all for a cause i believe in and so worth it). I also HATE my photo being taken. I dont think im unattractive but the camera has different ideas. my training group force me into photos all the time, and so i stand at the back (im short) and you just see a bit of me.
Any way my mother was waiting at the end of the end of the race (long story) and she was a little sloshed...she started insisting that i pose for photos, then my brother got in on the action, "c'mon, its just a photo, you are being too sensitive". If i hate my photo being taken on a good idea, picture me after a 10km run!
it really made me upset.

am i being dumb?

Course you're not being dumb - they were being insensitive.
(hugs) - you did a great thing today, don't let a little tiff about photos spoil the pleasure in that xo
Yep, damn right number2!!

Well done Abby, great effort!! I hate photos as well, and in fact now tell my father he gets 3 a year, and any more at $100 each!! Means he can get a fam shot every year but I don't get harassed to much otherwise!!!
Hi everybody!

Thank you for the birthday messages. I had a great day! Kiddies party in the daytime, party for the adults in the night time! perfect!

Angel - great house! I also love the deck, but really like the layout of the house. it's really great! good luck!

Abby - good work on the fund raising!

Melainey - glad we were having a drink together! haha

Nana - hope your pup is ok!

Pammy - so are you still ntnp now, or does he want to use contraception again? It will happen when the time is right. Are you going to stop charting/OPKs now? sucks for you, glad you're feeling ok about it tho. Life is a comprimise - and thats what a god relationship is all about!

2 mums - so sorry you have such a hard decision. I kind of live by the motto "if it's not a yes, it's a no" - so if you're not absoultely 100% sure, it's probably not right. I think go if you feel good about it, but if there is any reason not to go, then stay here and look after yourself. I know that's not helpful! sorry! Thinking you you though! xxxx

Ginny - video was great, so glad you shared! Will you tell people at 12 weeks, or will you wait an extra week or so? So excited for you! xx

Hi everyone else! hope you're having a great day xxx

we are ntnp and going with the flow.... i understand what is needed... if money looks better i will be hitting him up to start ttc... ohh and I will continue charting and agnus castus. unless i get utd
I agree - of course you're not being dumb hun! It's perfectly understandable, and I think that after a huge run, you would be exhausted & that would make it even worse. They should have backed off & supported you!xxx
Hi everybody!

Thank you for the birthday messages. I had a great day! Kiddies party in the daytime, party for the adults in the night time! perfect!

Angel - great house! I also love the deck, but really like the layout of the house. it's really great! good luck!

Abby - good work on the fund raising!

Melainey - glad we were having a drink together! haha

Nana - hope your pup is ok!

Pammy - so are you still ntnp now, or does he want to use contraception again? It will happen when the time is right. Are you going to stop charting/OPKs now? sucks for you, glad you're feeling ok about it tho. Life is a comprimise - and thats what a god relationship is all about!

2 mums - so sorry you have such a hard decision. I kind of live by the motto "if it's not a yes, it's a no" - so if you're not absoultely 100% sure, it's probably not right. I think go if you feel good about it, but if there is any reason not to go, then stay here and look after yourself. I know that's not helpful! sorry! Thinking you you though! xxxx

Ginny - video was great, so glad you shared! Will you tell people at 12 weeks, or will you wait an extra week or so? So excited for you! xx

Hi everyone else! hope you're having a great day xxx

we are ntnp and going with the flow.... i understand what is needed... if money looks better i will be hitting him up to start ttc

sounds like a good plan to me! From what people say, thats how they get preggy anyway, so hopefully it will happen at a time that fits in perfectly with the financial situation!
thanks guys, they made such a big deal about it! Does it really matter that i didnt pose for a photo? i dont get the big deal. Nana i like you style re your father! i should do that.
Any way im glad its over, and we made it, and I run through the finish line nice and strong! that was my goal! during the run kids were whizzing by me! hahahahaha

Now i havent had a drink in about 4 months....combo of training and TTC....DH (bless) just poured me a glass of wine!
Plus Pammy if you arent UTD now, then you can hopefully get your cycle in a good place with Vitex!
you did have a little Dip there at 5DPO, but you dont need to have an implantation dip to be UTD though. Are you pleased with your results with Vitex so far?
Plus Pammy if you arent UTD now, then you can hopefully get your cycle in a good place with Vitex!
you did have a little Dip there at 5DPO, but you dont need to have an implantation dip to be UTD though. Are you pleased with your results with Vitex so far?

yes so far... i am sure 5 months ago i had a 29 day cycle... but when af came around it only lasted 2 and a half days? lets see what happens...
also not too nauseous or boobs too sore... i think it is working well
abby- ty, you are a doll! I'm glad your run went well, and I agree with the others you were not being dumb about the pictures
abby/mum2q- def taking what you said into consideration. I did have a great time with her in June, she had a few really good days. My mom may be flying in to see her, and said she would take her laptop to try to skype. just waiting on everything at this point..
mum2q- birthday sounds fabulous, how'd the firetruck cake go?? fantastic?? :)
i've slept all day, got up at 11, then took a nap an hour later and just got up again, its over cast and such a blah day. Hope you all are having more exciting sundays!!
Hey y'all! Just had a chance to read up. You all post so fast :)

Angel, lovely house. Love the deck! Looks like a good layout for a family with small children with all the bedrooms near each other. We have a big block like that, my DH is obsessed with his new lawnmower, which is a good thing :thumbup:

Pam, sounds like you have a good attitude, if you are happy to wait and not stress then it will probably happen when you least expect it. Are you absolutely sure DH will be okay with a BFP if it happens? Or are you hoping the sight of the lines-on-the-stick will convert him :winkwink:

Abby, yuk photos. After 10km I'd be as red as a tomato so no way would I have been participating in that picture fun-fest :nope:

2Mums, why don't you ask your Aunt what she thinks. Of course that means you have to be upfront about your concerns (the spotting etc). It's entirely possible she doesn't want you to see her in her current state anyway. BUT if there's any doubt, then I'm a "do it" kind of person. I just couldn't stand the guilt that would stick with me if I didn't. But I'm not UTD, my views might be entirely different if I were!

AFM only 2 weeks until we meet up with DH, I really can't wait, this separation has been too long. I was pissed off when I realised yesterday that I missed my Dr appointment (GP, not the specialist) on Friday. I was so upset about SIL's pregnancy that I just totally forgot. Boo. :growlmad:

Everyone else, hope your day is grand!
2 mums - things like this have a way of working themselves'll know what's right when the time comes. The firetruck cake was a HIT! so great, he loved it! and he got a bit upset when we started cutting it up & giving it to the other kids... lol poor little man!

Pammy - doesn't mean you can't be here talking if you're not TTC!! everyone is in a diffferent boat!

maddy - sorry you forgot your docs appointment!

I have had such a busy end to the week/weekend, that I have only just realised that we should be able to get DH's SA results tomorrow! I will be ringing the doctors office in the morning to find out I think! Finngers crossed!
:hi: hi there girls,

Hope you are all having a wonderful sunday. Last night was my last night out for a very, very long time. I am not up for this travelling around going out each night anymore :) LOL Too old for it. But today I start a fresh. Even when I was having those drinks last night I kept apologizing to my "baby boy" Ethan. I have named him (future baby) and going to give that a go and hopefully the gods, the universe or whoever it is delievers him to me this month. I have upped my EPO, green tea and of course I have my preseed so fingers crossed. All my temps looked great last month so maybe my body is just getting ready. Our next clinic appoint is 15th Oct so I really want to cancel that :)

I am catching up on the news so will comment on them (thanks to paper and pen) as I go along

GINNY: oh my god your little video of "baby" is just so cute. Prayers that this little bean sticks

ANGEL: love the house. Fingers and toes crossed you get it. Great deck and when I come home next can I come to the pool party to??? :)

2MUMS: if you can I would say fly over to see your aunt especially while you can. Drs don't like you to fly long haul when you are over 6mth pregnant and you don't want to regret if you are not there. I know there is a massive expense but what if you went now instead of Christmas?? Would that mess anything up? But Ginny is right if you can skype her that would be great. I know its not the same as seeing them in person or hugging them but it does help.

ABBY: well done on your run and big congrats on raising $2000 for an extremely amazing cause. Well done to you. and you're not being dumb for hating photos. Try and forget about them and remember you did a great thing today, don't let them spoil it for you

MADDY: i hear you about your brother and SIL announcing their pregnancy. You are genuinely happy for them but your heart is just ripping apart. I get so jealous everytime i visit the inlaws as DH 2 sisters have kids (one has 3 the other has 1) and every time I see them I get upset and wish I had one which I know is a little silly. Also with this fert clinic stuff it hurts even more when people are aroudn getting pregnant (especially rough, yuck people that comes into my work) I can't quiet understand and I also get the why me cries to the heavens. Thankfully this month when AF showed up my friend was with me so I had to control myself. :hugs: to you. Us "oldies" time is coming!!!

EVERYONE ELSE: hope you are all having a great day. I am wrecked. Could easily curl up here on the couch and nap (which I will probably do). The weather outside is pretty crap so perfect day for pjs, doona and couch.
Hope you get to cancel that appointment Kiwi!!

Sounds like you had a fun time traveling though :)
I have had such a busy end to the week/weekend, that I have only just realised that we should be able to get DH's SA results tomorrow! I will be ringing the doctors office in the morning to find out I think! Finngers crossed!

Good luck for the SA results tomorrow - hope it shows some super swimmers! :spermy:
Big Hello to everyone,

Just a quick pop in to say hello & that I am thinking of you all xx

Hope your all having a good night xx
on the plane... ready to travel back to perth... yippee.

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