Aussies trying to get duffered aged 20+ !!!

Growing veggies is soooo much cheaper, especially tomatoes. The kids love it too
Hey Melainey I would try the hood but my car is a 4x4 jeep... so short I am... lol
smithy - I agree...I just don't have a green thumb! lol Someone bought us a parsley plant for our wedding cos its an old wives tale that if you get given a parsley plant you'll fall pregnant very soon. It was dead in less than 6 weeks... and that was me actively caring for it! I said to DH if I can't keep a damn plant alive, no wonder we can't get pregnant! lol

Lainey - I have reduced alcohol intake significantly since starting. Almost completely in the first 6 months, then after, just drinking when I feel like it, but not going crazy. Last month I had a 'fuck it' month where I ate & drank like crazy...this month I'm going to try to be super good!! nothing works, so I don't know why I don't just live my life how i feel like it...

I just got a letter from the Gyno saying my appointment has been re-scheduled to the 27th November. (It was 24th Feb) and I don't knwo how I feel about it. I kind of wanted to give myself to Feb to give myself the best possible chance to conceive between now & then. But At the same time I want to get checked out ASAP so I know if there is a problem or not. I just don't know what to do. I dunno if it's cos deep down I know there is nothing wrong with me, or if it is cos deep down I'm in denial about there being a problem & I want to do it on my own..

any opinions?? I think I will sleep on it before ringing to confirm my appointment time!
Take the appointment sweetheart. I have no doubt that it will be good news and you can move towards a baby with full confidence :) that's what I would do anyway

I usually suck at plants. I'll leave the caring for them to the kids :haha:
Take the appointment sweetheart. I have no doubt that it will be good news and you can move towards a baby with full confidence :) that's what I would do anyway

I usually suck at plants. I'll leave the caring for them to the kids :haha:

I think you're right! I originally thought I was happy with Feb cos I'd be anxious by the time I get there if not preggy. I suppose it's better to get checked out while I'm still feeling good about it rather than getting myself all stressed out!

Yeah, I might save the gardens for when I have kids too! lol
Squigly: i think i would be the same, you had mentally prepared for the wait, and figure you will hopefully be duffed by then any way, so by the time you had the appt you wouldn't need it! November is still a little way off, so i think you should take it. I think we all on some level fear that we cant conceive naturally. i know i do all the time! that is just normal. the thing is, its actually nothing to be feared.
I think i would be the same, take a night to think about it, and my 2cents to take the appt.

I love having a vegie patch. i dont consider myself a green thumb but my garden seems to love growing tomatoes, and last year i had a zucchini that weighed over a kilo! it was as long as DH arm!
Squigly: i think i would be the same, you had mentally prepared for the wait, and figure you will hopefully be duffed by then any way, so by the time you had the appt you wouldn't need it! November is still a little way off, so i think you should take it. I think we all on some level fear that we cant conceive naturally. i know i do all the time! that is just normal. the thing is, its actually nothing to be feared.
I think i would be the same, take a night to think about it, and my 2cents to take the appt.

I love having a vegie patch. i dont consider myself a green thumb but my garden seems to love growing tomatoes, and last year i had a zucchini that weighed over a kilo! it was as long as DH arm!

:happydance:nice one on the zucchini!!!:thumbup:

Thanks for your advice! I think it's just something I've always wanted so badly, so just worry it won't happen. I think it's a bad sign I have irregular periods, but hopefully I am just being stressy & impatient for no reason! I will just love to know it's going to happen - wish I had a crystal ball!
:happydance:Oh oh oh I just got a positive opk! I hope a temp spike to follow! I think I get late positives too, so not sure what my chart will say. Dh is away tonight, so we bd this morning. Hope it's o time so I can catch it!
That's one hell of a zucchini!
We planted zucchini, tomato, capsicum, cos lettuce, onion, strawberries, and have popped some dwarf bean seeds in some seedling pots. Surely something will live
Now let me tell you a little story! i had three friends, two with VERY irregular cycles and 1 with a "you could predict AF to the 15min" gal.
2 out of my three friends have had two kids fairly 1st time every time, and the other within about 6-8 months of trying. Those two ladies were the ones with the irregular cycles!
My point is that having an irregular cycle does not = fertility issues. I thought this too! and believe me it had me worried for years. Its just not a factor to worry about i dont think
(my regular friend is still trying, and i hope she gets her BFP soon)

I wish someone could tell me too that it would be ok. that it will happen so relax. i think thats the worse part. So...i see for you a beautiful bubba! in the very near future xoxo
Go catch that eggy!

Yes it was a huge zuch, and it was quite a shock, i hadnt looked at them in a few days, and then went out the back and was OMG it was huge! it mustve grown so quickly too! ....we ended up stuffing it and serving it for Christmas lunch! big hit!
Hi girls,
Cos clearly I am super-dooper busy atm I have attempted to do a roll call from all of my chart-stalking from the last hour (insert evil laugh mwaaahhhaaaaaa!). I even declined lunch so that I could sit at my desk and "work"!!! We are missing angel so I hope you all don't mind:) Please amend as necessary as I have probably got people's day wrong (apologies!)

Two Week Waiter’s
Halliwell: TWW (10DPO)
Abby: TWW (6DPO)
Lisafr: TWW (6DPO)
Newbie (nanna): TWW (3DPO)
Lisa S (Smithy): TWW (3DPO)
Melainey: TWW (3DPO)
Kiwi: TWW (3DPO)
Rosie: TWW (2DPO)
cossime: TWW (2DPO)
Squiggles (M2Q): About to/already O (CD17)

Waiting to Ovulate
Maddy: WTO (CD5)
Jelly Bean: WTO (CD4)
Pammy31: WTO (CD4)

Angel: NTNP
Jayney: NTNP

Our ‘baking’ ladies (I’ve only guessed so please excuse me if I have it wrong!):
Ginny: 13 weeks
2Mums: 11 weeks
LLMP: 6/7 weeks
Number2: 6 weeks
Cannon: 5 weeks

Look how many of us are in the TWW!!!


Cossime you are unreal!!!! Top effort luv and great to have another reference point whilst Angel is hopefully off sunning herself chillaxing on hols!
Hi all, have read but am in the library killing time before parent-teacher interviews so no paper & pen to make my "cheat sheet" to respond to everyone! But I am thinking of you. And wondering how many pages I will need to read when I come back from 15 days away!
We will miss you maddy!!!

Morning Kiwi, i reckon you will get your CH's very soon too, just another slow rise - i think last month was for you as well?

smithy - I agree...I just don't have a green thumb! lol Someone bought us a parsley plant for our wedding cos its an old wives tale that if you get given a parsley plant you'll fall pregnant very soon. It was dead in less than 6 weeks... and that was me actively caring for it! I said to DH if I can't keep a damn plant alive, no wonder we can't get pregnant! lol

Lainey - I have reduced alcohol intake significantly since starting. Almost completely in the first 6 months, then after, just drinking when I feel like it, but not going crazy. Last month I had a 'fuck it' month where I ate & drank like crazy...this month I'm going to try to be super good!! nothing works, so I don't know why I don't just live my life how i feel like it...

I just got a letter from the Gyno saying my appointment has been re-scheduled to the 27th November. (It was 24th Feb) and I don't knwo how I feel about it. I kind of wanted to give myself to Feb to give myself the best possible chance to conceive between now & then. But At the same time I want to get checked out ASAP so I know if there is a problem or not. I just don't know what to do. I dunno if it's cos deep down I know there is nothing wrong with me, or if it is cos deep down I'm in denial about there being a problem & I want to do it on my own..

any opinions?? I think I will sleep on it before ringing to confirm my appointment time!
Yeah i would sleep on it too squeegs, but i think in the end my curiousity would win and i would go for the earlier appt, im running out of patience with this tcc stuff already and you have been trying more months than me, i think im going to give it two more and then get the tests!!! XX

That's one hell of a zucchini!
We planted zucchini, tomato, capsicum, cos lettuce, onion, strawberries, and have popped some dwarf bean seeds in some seedling pots. Surely something will live

Yum! My dh has a little vegie patch, it provides me with great entertainment, it has like snow peas and sugar snaps and miniature carrots at the moment (they werent meant to be miniature....) and he gets all excited like 'im going out to harvest!!!!' (the patch is about a metre by a metre...erm ok you go then!!! bahahahaha, im such a cow!

SUPER yay for +opk!!!! Yay squeegs, isnt that early for you as well?
I say harvest to! if you have me on FB you can see my zuch (in my photo album garden)
i want a vege garden but where i live not gonna happen....
lol....hopefully you come back with more than half a dozen sugar snaps :)
Thanks Abbs!! It's really good to hear stories like that to just keep you going!

My doctor doesn't seem concerned about irregular periods either. He said my charts seem to be ovulating, so I'm probably fine. He just kind of said a combination of irregular cycles, maybe an 'off' low sperm count, eggy only hanging around for a small amount of time, busy lifestyles & only knowing for sure AFTER you O means that it just takes time. He also said that most women have been on BC for most of their fertile lives (true for me) and when they come off, they think they are irregular, but really, it's just normal for their cycle, but they have never known before.

Nana, how you feeling love? Haha DH's vege garden. good on him! Yeah, Ov is early for me! The cycle before I started charting I had a +opk on CD19. other than that I have had 23 & 34. So this is very early! I am excited! My cycles vary from 22-47 tho, so I maye have O'd earlier in other cycles, just haven't tracked it. Very excited if my temps go up!

I think It was Abbs who said I may have O'd yesterday?? Or maybe Cossi (sorry can't remember) - If my temps do rise, that's when FF gives me cross hairs, so may be spot on! will have to see!

I think if I am Ovulating, we will get preggy, cos I had a great night with DH the other night, totally relaxed & fun cos neither of us were thinking about babies - that's my idea of relax & it will happen! haha
I have a black thumb. We have land and great soil so plenty of room to grow a proper garden but I can't keep anything alive. I have a cactus on the window sill and I still manage to kill it. All of my "house plants" and even my "vegie box" on the window sill I have to replace every couple of months. And I do everything that it says on the label :blush: LOL

ABBY: I am like your regular friend (except for last month where I was 3 days late) and I still have problems. A friend of mine is all over the place anywhere from 28 to 40 days and she is having problems too so I think it doesn't matter what your cycle is. TTC can effect anyone. But I hear ya, I wish I could just relax each month. I know people are right when they say "relax it will happen when you are not thinking of it" but after controlling myself not to punch them in the face, I know they are right. I just can't switch off.

MUM2Q: WOOHOO on your +opk now go and catch that egg. :happydance: And me personally would take the earlier appointment as well. I know you wanted to give yourself till Feb but I guess you can find out either way what is going on. It is probably nothing and you can continue with your TTC plan but if there is something there then you can get it fixed before you go on. I left it for 2yrs, kept thinking to myself - next month, next month and even when I went to a clairvoiant (not sure of spelling) who told me 5-6mths I kept leaving it. Now if I am not pregnant this month I have to have some sort of treatment no matter what in Oct/Nov whether its IUI or IVF and that is so disheartening and so upsetting. I don't want it but I know it is the only option for me. I would give anything to do it on my own and it still p**sses me off when I hear of others not wanting to get pregnant but manages to quite easily. It is obviously God's plan. But isn't a Gyno just looking around to see what is going on up there? Taking a few tests, a few scans? It isn't a fert specialist is it? Fingers crossed this is your month and you wont need to see anyone except the hospital to get your baby scan.

11 girls in the TWW hopefully we will improve on 2 possibly 3 BFP from last month and increase to it at least half 5-6 BFP!!!!!
YAY!!! See your little eggy wanted to come and play with ours as well!!! Woohoooo (not that that doesnt sound half creepy!!!!!) Something about this thread does seem to be syncing us to start the tww or start the wait to o!!!!

Im dreadful and heading way downhill fast....finished my last training session for today and somewhat glad that im on the 7am not the 6am tomorrow morning to brissie, so at least thats one more hours sleep! Im just accepting now that tomorrow is going to suck balls, and moving on!!!!

I hopefully wont be too much of a stranger tomorrow as only hve training in the morning and then normal work in the arvo :)

On that note, i might pack up and gtfo of this office and get home to see what dh has cooked up for me tonight...bless him and his attempts to help when im sick!

Much love xxx
:jo: i hope you feel better very soon, and hope you get a bfp to raise your spirits, even if you do have to go to brisbane, yuck!!!! :haha: We hate going in to brissy!!

and what is wrong with Brisbane huh???? I am from Brisbane - watch what you say now :rofl: just joking

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