Hello girls
Just finished reading up on everything-damn we can chat!!!
Just going to keep it very bried today as have a shit-load of work to do
Nanna, keep your head up love, your light is most certainley near. I'm positive things will be brighter once your out of your work place xxx
Angel, so happy you were able to get everything off your chest at work. Hopefully this will ease the burden on your shoulders as well xxx
Smithy, what a joke about your length of time you ave o wait for your results!!! Harrass the shit out of them and do what Number2 reccommended...CALL EVERY DAY!
And so to make sure I stick to my new committment, below is the Wednesday Watch List! Apologies if it's not up to scratch

There were way to many pages for me to go through hence the newly added 'unknow' category!
8 BFP'S now girls-AMAZING!!!
Wednesday Watch List!!! 10/10/2012
Two Week Waiters
Squiggles (M2Q): TWW (14DPO)
Pammy31: WTO (2DPO)
Waiting to Test
Squiggles (M2Q): TWW (14DPO)-Please hurry up!!!
Waiting to Ovulate
Lisafr: AF (CD9)
Halliwell: AF (CD9)
MissieT: WTO (CD8)
Kiwi: WTO (CD5)
Newbie (nanna): WTO (CD4)
Abby: WTO (CD3)
Angel: NTNP
Jayney: NTNP
cossime: NTNP
Maddy: ?
Jelly Bean: ?
JacobnMatty (JnM): ?
Squarepants: ?
8 :BFP: s!!!
Ginny: 15 weeks
2Mums: 13 weeks
LLMP: 8 weeks
Number2: 8 weeks
Cannon: 7 weeks
Lisa S (Smithy): 5 weeks
Rosie: 4 weeks
Melainey: 5 weeks
Have a great day girls xxx