ginny- so glad you got to see bub again! caught he or she napping- but beating away!

And thanks for your advice a while back, we've been accepted to our hospital of choice, its private but super busy in maternity but we got in and i'm so happy/relaxed about it now. (will be easier in our same sex situation being there rather than in public, from my research we'll be better off in a few ways, but our local public is also very highly sought after for maternity)
angel- OH has hypo, still trying to get it back under control over here, waiting for CT scan results, should have those on friday. Hope you had a relaxing day off and a great rest of the week!!

have a good day in melbourne!
re the NT scan, we talked a little bit about what we would do, but like ginny, found it a little daunting and said we would talk more if needed, but knew we would keep any child unless like lucy said was a life or death or one or both of us, or if the situation was something that quality of life for the child would be unbearable and not quality. Luckily all is well and those talks dont need to be visited during this pregnancy.
amanda - you are so blessed to have Harrison, such a trooper, all of you, for having to have gone through all that stress. Sending positive thoughts for this one, and i'm anticipating you having an easy road this time around!
halli- i got tired maybe around 4-6 weeks, fully exhausted, went to bed early, slept in and was still tired and i hit the wall around 3 or 4 pm every day for a nap. There were some nights I had insomnia, but i ended up sleeping all day the following day. Not taking naps anymore, but going to bed earlier than before bfp and still getting/needing 8-10 hrs sleep.