maddy- given my research, im fairly sure both names can be on the birth cert up here as well, but due to american laws and complications of everything that we need to see a lawyer and get adoption done.
toilet training puppies- we used mats, started with a few around the house, then just one by the front door, then just outside the door, and then on the grass. Also our trainer said to put them a lead and walk them out on the grass, or where ever their toilet spot will be, for 5 min every 2 hours, that option worked really well with our second, she was trained within a few days. We have a dog door they use in the day, now that they are older and have bigger bladders they go before bed then first thing in the morning. we had a few accidents on the floor over night before then, but wasn't terrible (only wee too)
melainey- awesome pressie choice, im sure he'll love it!!!
shell- meant to mention this, and although it would seem more normal coming from melainey

i did notice i got some bleeding/spotting after i had a big shit. tmi - i know and so much more up melaineys alley. but i ended up figuring that maybe it just pushed everything out everywhere, hence the spotting. not sure if yours coincides, but thought i would say it, as it seems to be one of those things no one ever tells you.
cossi- hope you have a fabulous holiday!!! we'll miss you
afm- dr gave me an ultrasound referral, he said so you're having light cramping and twinges and i said no, and he said you are having light cramping and twinges, ohhhhh yeah totally, got it thanks doc, a little slow on the up take. much appreciated

going to try to book that tomorrow after OHs specialist appoint.