Aussies trying to get duffered aged 20+ !!!

:hi: girls, :coffee: time!!

CONGRATS Cossime. That is wonderful news. xxxx

Sorry I have been MIA these past few days. I have been keeping up on the posts. I have been a bit of a whore this week. Each day I wake up and don't know where I am, what is going to happen and who is going to be looking up and poking around my bits while my legs are in stirrups. But we have had to cancel this round of IVF and go back to good ol fashion BDing. The one follicle i had grew to a nice 20mm but the other 2 stayed at 15mm and 13mm and the final 2 were only 9mm. There is no point doing IVF with one mature egg/follicle and because today is the Sister-in-laws wedding we can't do IUI. I guess the bonus of it all is that in exactly 14.5hrs I will ovulate. :) So fingers crossed.

The new plan of action is (because they close over Christmas) is if AF shows up in 2 wks I go back on the injections again for 5 days, take a booster and repeat this process (just BDing). I will do this up to my cycle in January when we begin IVF treatment again. At least I feel like I am doing something by having these needles (as much as they suck ass) and the needles are stimulating the follicles so that is good too. More stimulation the more follicles and the more eggs which means more babies!!!

But I am ok about it now. Had my crying and temper tantrums so onwards and upwards! Plus I have a family wedding to look forward to !! WOOHOO
About the dreams.... I had one last week just as we started the injections. Well I had 2. The first one was a nightmare of snakes but the second was... I was in the surgery waiting for the dr to tell me my pregnancy results scratching some scratch cards. The first card I won $140 the second one I won $1900 and I didn't win anything on the third card but the dr did tell me the test came back positive. Lets hope that is true!! But I can't seem to get something the clairvoint said to me back in June. She said I will need a little help (don't think needles class as little) but she said first time wont work but the second time will and to be prepared as my hands will be full with twins. So not too convinced of this cycle. Unless of course she meant IVF wont work but natural will (???) I know, I know, I shouldn't read too much into it all as it is all crap but its hard when its playing on your mind.

JAINEY - sorry hun that AF has showed up. The first day usually leaves your heart so heavy. But just think today is day 1 of your pregnancy and our kids might grow up to be penpals :) LOL

ABS - how are you hun? I have been thinking of you alot the last few days. Hope you are ok. We are all here if you need anything at all and I will hold that torch for you if you need a guide to get out of that black hole.
I feel a little out of it so if anyone wants me to send them something let me know. I feel like I need to send a care package to someone :) LOL

MADDY - good luck with everything on monday with the FS. Let us know how you get on. IF you have to go down the same route as me (which I am praying that you don't) I can give you some tips on the needles. I feel like an expert now :rofl:

GINNY - yeah for the new house. When is hte house warming party? Does it have a pool? I have been "googling" for that blow up chair/table/drinks thing for four of us to enjoy HAHAHA

MAJOR - how are you neighbour? All good here in wet and cold Ireland. I looked out the window just now and its misty rain. Not a good sign for a wedding. But they do say it is lucky to rain on your wedding day. Good thing I don't have fake tan on, it will wash off :)

LAINEY & SMITHY - how is hte MS going girls? I hope it is settling down for you both. Are you on those B6 tablets?

NEWBIE - how is my name sake going?

ANGEL - hi miss Angel. How are you? I haven't seen you on here for a while. Hope all is well with you.

AND A MASSIVE HELLO to everyone that I have missed personally. Like I said before I have been reading everyone's posts but too many pages to comment on everyone but I have been thinking of you all. Hope you are all well and having a wonderful weekend.
Abby, I won't go away for you as you don't need it - you're going to be cossi's number 2!!

Nana, I will most certainly do anything you would like me to do in 2-3 weeks to ensure that lovely 2nd pink line on your test! xo

Kiwi, good news that at least you know when you will ovulate. you know that you have perfectly timed BD and if the problem is with the eggs, you may just well fall naturally (with a little help stimulating your follicles!) If this time doesn't work, maybe it will be next month naturally with the help of the needles, but not necessarily IVF. good luck sweetie! enjoy your wedding, and enjoy your BD!!! maybe a drunken night out should end in a baby. works often! hehe
Oh kiwi, you are doing great hun, I'm so sorry that ivf isn't on the cards the next couple cycles, but seriously hoping and praying that this little egg to pop in 14.5 hours gets snatched up so you don't have to go through it. No reason why it can't be, so right now I am focused on that egg being caught for you hun!!! Enjoy your wedding today, we have missed you gorgeous!!!
I'm with you squeegs, things are looking good for abs to be cossies double!!!

And yay for going out of reception for me, just don't go too far cos if/when it happens I need you close!!!!

I've done a fair bit of reading on chemical pregnancies, cos I knew nothing about them before other than that they happen. Hopefully for me it will mean a bfp in the next month or two!!! Dh reckons that nature wants us to have a baby born in August, because that's when our birthdays are, bless, I hope he isn't too let down if this cycle isn't the one!!!

Oh Kiwi bless! you are so brave and doing so well! make sure you dont just BD, but make love, have wonderful sex with your DH!
i have been to psychics who told me i was having twin boys....then my mother had a dream the mum has had many a dream that came true and even goes astral travelling! and she is a pretty sceptical woman. I dont know if believing in them is worthwhile or not, only that sometimes its faith, any faith that gets you through.
I will gladly trade care packages with you Kiwi?!!!! id love to send you some things! cause one day your little Ethan, and my little Oscar will be pen pals! wouldnt that be something!
Squeegs and Nana i hope i dont disappoint! i hope that my current pimple is a preg one not a pms one! If AF doesnt come tomorrow i will be confused.
look at my chart, does CD 23 seem the most likely date?
Hun you will never disappoint us. We just live the ups and downs with you! And we are all here every step of the journey xxx

I think cd 23 looks very likely given your cm too, what's your normal lp, or aren't you sure? I really hope this is your bfp month hun, have everything crossed for you!

Much love xxx
Normal LP is 12 days, and if you look at last month, that FF had a 17 day LP, but count from also CD 23 then it was 12 too. ive very much confused FF! and therefore myself.
I think trust in cd23 for now, and hopefully you never find out!!! Xxx
congrats cossi!!!! enjoy the rest of your holiday with that smile on your face!!

maddy- will be thinking of you and DH!

ginny- you did well with max, and its nice for someone to acknowledge that!! Yay for moving in!!!!

kiwi- awesome knowing exactly when you will ovulate, but down side is beating yourself up if you dont catch it, dont be too hard on yourself, relax and enjoy your :sex:- best way to make the bubs!!! Great nes about going forward too, getting more follicles and eggs, and ethan and his siblings are well on their way!!! woohooo! Enjoy the wedding too!!!! Seems to me that the nes you got in June, is maybe second cycle of needles and :sex: will bring you two!! Awesome and funny dream about the scratchers too!

:rofl: to shell travelling to encourage bfps!!!

:jo: i think august would be a great month for another birthday!!!!
Wow, you girls are truly awesome:) thanks for all the wishes-still can't believe it actually! Have bought another 4 tests all different bands so will pee on them tonight and tomorrow just to make sure lol!

Kiwi, you are wonderful and so happy you are in a better place:) enjoy your sisters wedding and some hot love-making!!!!! Ethan is sooooooo close!!!
CONGRATULATIONS COSSIE! :dance: such fabbo news! Happy & healthy 9 months xx

Maddy, good luck with your appt, hope things move in the right direction for you.

Kiwi, sorry ivf is put back a couple months, I do hope you catch your egg the old fashioned way and you can tell the dr to stick those needles in someone else's bum.

Abs, your bfp is soooo close! It must be frustrating to try decipher your less-than-clear chart.

2mums, how goes your boy bump? And how's your aunt?

Duffered girls, I hope you're feeling better and the ms monster is leaving you alone.

Jayne, sorry about th witch arriving. Onwards and upwards xx

Sqeegee I admire your commitment to everyone else's bfps!

Ginny, do you think you ovulated normally this cycle? Do you chart?

Nana, you rock. Hehe, sorry couldn't think of where you're at. Hurt anyone at tennis? Fxd you get your August baby. Oh, just remembered, have you had a chemical in the past?

AFM, I've just been told off for being on here while DD walks around with sachets of baby paracetamol that she pilfered from her change bag... Day 9 here, might test tomorrow. Though I've lost that preggo feeling so may wait longer so I can keep the hope and avoid the crappy disappointment.

This is the first month I've charted, do you think the gradual drop over th past few days is a sign we didn't get that egg? CM has pretty much dried up but had slight rust spots in my knickers this morning. Tiny tiny amount. No recent BD so not that. No other symptoms though. No sore boobs, no cramps. A couple fleeting bouts of nausea, but I have had those when not preggo. Hey ho, I guess a few more days will tell me!
major- boy bump is coming along, i'm thinking by the time i have to travel it will be in full effect, ahahaa, comfy 13 flight, sign me up!!!!
My aunt is ok (not good), talked to her today, played the HB for her, she enjoyed it, she is aware her time is slipping though, very apparent in what she talks about and how she phrases things. I'll call her again in a few days, she is very tired and drugged up so is only good for about 10-20 min phone call.
I'm not the best one re charting, but i do think a slight drop does mean af is coming, but hey who knows!! I still have my FX for you, and.. there are worse things DD could have found :rofl:
Nana, what a sweet thing to have hubby say! I love it! And it may very well be true! I will be sure to be out of service, but able to check in every so often! let me figure out a little mini break for myself & I'll let you know when to test. hehehe what did you find about chemicals? anything interesting? are there statistics where people get BFPs after a chemical? I know it happened for Lainey & I'm hoping that just as Cossi followed Lisa in having weird cramps pre AF, you will follow Lainey in having your BFP after a chemical! We really like doing things in pairs here, nobody does anything alone!

Abs, cd 23 does seem most likely, esp with the +opk (considering you may have also had a + the day before, but didn't test) but I can also see it happening on cd 26. possibly even one of the days in between as part of a weird rise? I think if you expect your period no later than cd26 + your LP, you should be set with a test date that should give you results! I was also confused about my exact ov date the cycle I got my BFP. that's why I stopped testing...until the dream! I'm with Sashi-bear - you would never dissapoint us & we are here for you, just really hoping we can be here for you AND your little bean ;)

Hi 2mums! hope all is well on your end! Have you spoken to your aunt? - never mind, just read your above comment! hope she's holding up ok! xox

Cossi - post some more pics of your crazy test taking! haha 4 brands. that is classic!

Major - everyone else's BFP's are what gets me through the days! I get so excited for every single person! I can't wait til we all have little babies running around one day! I am confident that we will all have our bubs by the end of 2013 (nobody lose hope...I mean bubs, not BFPs....ACTUAL BABIES!!!!!) haha I suggest that if you're feeling slightly out, don't test yet cos it's too early & it will send you downhill fast! If you avoid testing for a few more days, I think you may just see you lines! Your chart looks great! sometimes people get a gradual drop in temps leading up to AF. sometimes they get a dramatic drop the day of AF. I think I generally got a noticable drop the day after AF just to ass insult to injury! your temps are still waaay up atm, so I wouldn't be ruling yourself out based on that, especially cos you have nothing to compare to yet!

AFM, I think i'm going to curl up for some TV then bed time! I'll probably check in before bed again...cos I'm ADDICTED to you girls! hahaha

good night my loves! xoox

p.s. leaving DD to traipse around the house with drugs.....defo the commitment we require in this group! I love it! hahahahaha
Hi girls, so what I've learnt is that they call it a chemical (as its actually just a very early miscarriage) because it can only be detected by the chemical change in your blood/urine, and not by in effect when they say you're likely to conceive right after a miscarriage, the same applies for a chemical.... One can only hope!

And yes major, not sure I posted on here but last month I had a feint line when af was potentially late but started spotting shortly after. It was an ic, but a clear feint line, and a REALLY feint line on an frer before the bleeding started. Has given me hope that spermies CAN meet the egg! So much hope on this cycle that I know if it doesn't happen it will probably break me....

you know nana, they say dont put too much pressure on yourself or it wont happen. i think its a load of shit! just do whaat works for you! very interesting, and I really hope you are able to conceive straight after! I think you will! :)
:jo: sounds like a good chance for a BFP next time around!! least we know sperm meets egg , and with shell going out of town you just cant lose, ;) FXFXFX!!!
The one thing that worries me. We only bd once in the window, and had this happen. Makes me wonder if less really is more. No idea how to approach it this time!!! Xx
I think maybe go for an approach of every second day or morning on day, night next day, skip a day, morning next day, night next day. It's what I did (when actually trying to do smep but failing at it) and it seems to work in theory, it's every day, but is almost like every second day so DH has time to build up some more spermies. in theory (well in my mind) you have a better chance of catching something??????

I dunno. I do believe that less is more. I guess the timing just depends on how sure you are when you will Ov. you can plan it to the T but everything will change if you Ov one day differently to what you thought you would. maybe just try & relax & know that you have to BD, but do it when you feel like it. if it's been 2 days, do it, if not, just cruise with it.

wow...that was a lot of talking!

I have been watching lots of Grey's......I cry for at least 60% of every episode! I feel like my cheeks are going to fall off from the tears! hahaha
i like shells plan, they say the egg will last for 24 hours, can take sperm 30 min to 12 hours to reach egg, and can live for 4-7 days, so I say :sex: every 16/18 hours should be perfect :) and start asap bc you got a high on cbfm and keep going for the next two weeks!!! easy for me to say huh!

edit :i used to watch greys religiously when i lived in calif, sorta fell off when i moved here bc they were behind a season or two, now i'm so far behind, i need to start at about season 3 or 4 to get back into it! love it though, not OHs cup of tea unfortunately
See I thought that, but we were bd every two days before without luck! I'm putting it down to unsmoked spermies doing their job!!!! Illgobevery other I think, and if that ties in with cbfm, great ( was night before first peak last month) great, if not, extra bd!!!

Thanks lovelies, ESP you squeegs with ms marathon post!!! Much love!!

Night night xxx

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