Hi guys,
How are we all?
I've read through & promptly forgotten everything.
Welcome Skyle! Hope you get lucky this month
Welcome back Taralyn - it does get overwhelming. My OH gets a bit annoyed at the time I spend looking, checking, researching...but it does become an obsession I guess. I start each new cycle with affirmations that I'm going to be strong & relaxed but they usually go out the window & I check in with Dr google most days...
Was it Lainey or Ababa that asked about the false negative - for some reason I get you guys mixed up sometimes?? Sorry can't remember. It's just me hoping that I'll get my positive, so that my BFN this morning was WRONG. Few more days & I'll know. Really don't feel pregnant though. I have every intention of waiting till AF is late, but you girls & I know that in reality I'll poas tomorrow!!
Ginny, I appreciate its difficult to say out aloud, but having has one early (5w) mc - which I found devastating - I still think that having a later mc would be much worse, for so many reasons. I think there's comfort to be found with those (including those here) who have a shared experience with a mc at any time, but I think if I were you I'd be wanting to talk to people who have had recurrent mcs at a later stage too. The whole experience must just be different, esp having had scans and settled into a pregnancy, plus the process of the actual miscarriage is different. I would never underestimate the power and pain of an early loss, but I certainly wouldn't take offense to someone saying that a later loss is a different experience. I really do hope your body settles down soon. xx Oh and that room looks fab! I'm not sure I could be arsed with the painting, but perhaps you've got more patience than me!!
Nana, I O'd about 5 days later than I'd expect after my early mc. I truly hope your early egg has been well & truly caught!
Abs - big hugs hon, its hard the "not knowing", but keeping the faith that you're still in it to win it. Cossie needs a twin, darling, and you've got your name written all over it.
Mads, sorry about DH's spermies, but yay for IUI. FXd its the BFP path for you.
Kiwi-girl, did you enjoy the wedding? Get some rumpy-pumpy in? hehe got fxd for you again this month. So great that you know you o'd and you had at least one great folly for that.
Oh and chuckled at the idea of a vagina bar. Bet there's a big screen TV up in there showing the footy too.
Hi to everyone else out there, Sqeegee, Angel, Lisa, Smithy, 2mums, Lucy, Jayne, Ababa, cossie, am thinking of you all even if I haven't been able to get on here much recently