Thank you all for the supportive words ladies. much love! very grateful to have you all in my life, and i apologise for not really paying much attention today with what was going on with you all!
Ginny, excellent advice! i do need to focus on something to work out what that is, but my world has been very work and TTC and both are stressful and its taking its toll.
My day pretty much sucked, because whenever i get really upset or stressed my brain does this dumb thing where it tries to "distract" me by giving me a panic attack. dont know if any of you have had them before, best i can describe would be the feeling you would have the moment you fell off a cliff, when you know its the end, but you havent hit yet. in short, unpleasant. SO had me one of those...awesome....then i went for a long walk. Just got out of the office and tried to clear my head and get down to the core issue here.
So my an effort to be helpful to us all!
i think its the lack of feeling in control. thats why we chart, take OPKs and everything feel some sense of control in a situation that is relatively out of your control. who knows why i cant conceive! who knows why some people fall the first cycle easily then struggle or vice versa. Who knows why losses happen (Ginny i think you mentioned they used the phrase "bad luck" at your appointment), it could just well be that. Here is the thing; you can be the best, loveliest, kindest, funniest, healthiest person and struggle. you can also be a complete utter wanker and it happen easily (and vice versa). Junkies get knocked up all the time! and go on to carry babies to term....WTF is that? its cruel. its based on nothing tangible. We try and control it, to package it in a way that we can process, to allow ourselves the pleasure of owning and fixing the problem. You take your folate and iodine every day and nod your head with a job well done! i take my co q 10 and think, there you go ageing eggy, some energy for you, and i feel better..but the reality is that we cant control any of this. its a total rollercoster of joys and despair...for some its easy and for some its a constant battle and there is no Rhyme or reason behind who gets the easy ride. fat, thin, rich, poor, good genes, bad genes, beautiful, ugly, smart, wanker, heart of gold, pure evil. its cruel with how indiscriminate fertility issues are.
therefore i cant let it take over. its not me. i havent done something wrong, i havent let my partner down, my mother down, or myself. may be its all for a reason....may be one day when im so tired and sick of hearing a baby cry i will think back to today, when brown CM had me reduced to a blubbering mess and find the will to keep on going. May be it will make me a better mother, a better wife, and a better person...
i hope so
sorry for the ramble.