all caught up, here's my essay!
melainey- the mood swings do taper off but the hormonal bitchy-ness, shows up here and there. I had to tell OH that she was being very irritating the other day, and she just laughed, we both know full well its me not her, but i had to tell her she was being annoying and making me want to be homicidal.

@ "do they have a god off" I hope thats not offensive to anyone either, but its hilarious! You'll find some where to rent, dont stress about it! You two are legit and somebody will see that and not give two shits about history, etc.
all this fff must mean february is full frontal fornication??
angel- hope the end of term will go by quickly and smoothly for you, OH is already complaining about all the normal end of term stuff, and she's super tired, ready for holidays! Still reeling from excitement from your news, your next few months is going to be fantastic, holidays, bfps, new house, puppies back!!!
amanda- will be thinking of you, H, and DH on monday! Hope you can have a fun relaxing weekend despite being a little anxious about his surgery. He's such a strong happy lil trooper, he'll be great!! And this is meant to be his last isnt it??? Exciting!
major- ill hope for ya!!

cant wait for you to test tomorrow!! but until then, dont you hope!!!
maddy- loved all your icons, i sometimes forget there are some good ones on here!!
kiwi- keep

just in case. yay for lots of O'ing,

Rosie- thanks i'll send you my number closer to travel date, i've kept my american cell, my mom added me to her acct at bare minimum and then when i come over she adds texting for me, it only costs me 100$ a year, so i at least have one when im over there. It's like a 2006 nokia, such crap, no internet, no nothing! i always forget how to use it bc its so ancient!!
also, i was more nauseas, never sick, at night, 10pm-12, i assumed i was overly tired, i'd get a terrible headache and my tummy would be upset. make sure you get lots of rest!
smithy- hope your keeping your mouth full and tummy well!!
people over here keep telling me I have an accent, crazy freaking aussies, you're the one with the accent!! worse than that, they ask if i'm Canadian!! aka the easiest way to insult an american,

tara- sorry to hear af got you, fx for next cycle. you and dw sound like a good support system for each other.

you have magic sticks, must mean duffered, but enjoy that

anyways!!!! Good luck with those opens, that sucks with the dogs and everything, what a pain!!
abby- enjoy the hell out of those drinks tonight, you deserve them!!! I was always told my family was incredibly fertile, nan had 4 without effort, mum had no troubles, sister didnt have any troubles with the first two (she's been trying since may for her third, but is also timing for a girl i think) But it makes you wonder how people have accidental pregnancies, they make it sound as easy as catching a cold in school. But hey, our bubs are so wanted and will be so loved and cherished!!
missie- i may have missed it, but do you think you're having more than one, and was that ever a wish for you and DH!?
ginny- been thinking about you, M, and C. Hope the move went smoothly, nothing broken or lost, and that you are enjoying your first night in the new place!! congrats girl! Must take pics (and share, of course) of m enjoying that great park out front!