Aussies trying to get duffered aged 20+ !!!

It took me two hours to catch up on everything this morning BUT finally done. Sorry if I don’t comment on everyone.

Angel – that is fantastic news you and DH must be so excited. I know I am for you both.

Woohoo – good lunch today with H. Hope it all goes well.

Roise – how exciting you can hear the heartbeat.

Ginny – Congratulation on moving into you new house over the weekend.

Coss – Welcome home. Hope you don’t have too much work to catch up on.

Hello to everyone else, I hope your all having a great morning/night!

Afm – I still feel really nausea so I have to keep eating throughout the day its terrible. Went and visited my new little nephew on Saturday afternoon he was born on Friday. You forget how small & light they are when they are born. Went with my two bump girlfriends to watch the Twilight move on Saturday night. One girlfriend is due 25th December & the other girlfriend is due in March. Yesterday I felt like crap so had a very lazy day in & out of bed. I can’t believe it’s MONDAY already!!
Hello ladies x

Read everything but will not comment on most cause I'm soooooo bust and just popped in food a quick hello!

Maddy so happy that you started injections Xx

Angel and Nanna, really hoping that crazy charts mean duffered!Xx

Missie that was such a good idea! I was only a backpacker with NJ
No intention of living here forever soooooo never thought if that! Boo! But will have a chat with them today :) x

Ababa see little H is in recovery Xx soooooo glad it all went well Xx

Duffered jaggies, how the Ms fooks off Xx mine has seemed to have eased thankfully! :) just grumpy now! haha x

Sorry that I didn't comment on everything! Today it's the only day that I feet to spend with D, and we have to go to tax men and real estate (really need a house soooooo I can start nesting) haha xx
Hi ladies...I'm really sorry I've been MIA again! Life just seems to be constant crazy at the moment. Maggie has taken to waking up at 4am and keeps getting in our bed...we're trying to be consistent and put her back but she often takes over an hour to stay in her room! She's such a snuggler and doesn't like being in her own bed. Anyway because of that on top of pregnancy tiredness & DH sitting his final exams I'm exhausted and finding it hard to focus on anything.

Hope you're all ok?! I'd like to say I'm keeping up with everything but I'm just not finding the time/energy to come on everyday. Hope you all understand. I really want to be here for all you ladies, and will stick around as much as possible but posting will likely be irregular from me! Sorry!
Hi everyone! I'm getting ready for bed but wanted to say a quick hello to everyone!!! Xx
Hi girls,
Well I am back at work today and boy have I hit struggle street! Still suffering from insomnia so now I am getting tired but I think it's more because of being at work rather than a result of pregnancy! MS and nausea kicked in well and truely over the weekend-yuk:( Boobs are sore and massive-double yuk:( Hope you are all well and I'm thinking of you all xxx
Hey everyone, had a very interesting day. working on no sleep EDB got in my face this morning about some stuff, and i snapped, politely, but clearly. i was a bit shakey afterwards but overall im quite pleased with what i said and how i said it.

Had a meeting with my new boss, who said after reading my report felt bad for me, that im getting bogged down in other peoples stuff which takes me away from my work....which is EXACTLY what happens. i think im going to like working for her!
rest of the day was other peoples crap, but still.

im really proud of myself for standing up to EDB!
Way to go Abs!!!!

Lucy - nice to see you online! I hope life settles down soon and that you get some decent rest!

Cossie I hope you get some great sleep tonight! Bummer about ms hitting you so soon - are you taking anything to help with it?

As for me I had a very busy day at work and am exhausted! Home now though and very thankful that DH has decided he'd like to cook tonight!
Way to go abs!

Lucy, we understand honey x things will calm down after Xmas
Abs what did you snap at her? Good on ya.
Contemplating bed here. Just put the little guy down for bed and don't think I have the energy to even cook, might just get right into bed.
Night all, xo
Night Amanda, really glad H is ok!

hmm I will tell you all about EDB and conversation may be not on a public forum.

im really tired to! night lovely ladies!

remember NRB!
Very quiet on here today! Poor Sasha must have been worked hard on her first casual day!! Hugs honey xx
Reading but not really up to answering. Busy day here. Slightly headachey and it may be the drugs - halfway through the first 8 days, I get to have bloods taken Fri morning. Poor daughter is pretty sad about SIL's behaviour. Not only has she un-friended all the adult relatives, but now my daughter as well. Daughter and SIL have always gotten on so well and it was quite a special relationship (well obviously not in my SIL's eyes). I am soooo disappointed and quite hurt on daughter's behalf. Family! Sigh.
Had a very busy day today including painting a couple of walls in our old rental.. won't go into it but let's just say that touching up marks on the wall with mysterious white paint in the garage probably wasn't the best of DF's ideas. He did a good job on the repainting though! We're just getting cleaners to do the actual cleaning - yay!

Maddy - that's must be so tough to see your daughter be let down :(

Angel - how long are your cycles usually? Maybe now the meds are working you'll find your cycle is different from how it was before? At least it looks like you've got a good chance at catching that eggy this cycle :)

Abs - sounds like you had a big day!

Newbie - I have no theories on your chart anymore hehe it's got me stumped! Hopefully that's a BFP sign ;)

All you busy ladies - don't stress about posting! Makes the catch ups even more interesting :)
Morning all! Ginny that sounds like an adventure! how do you feel in your new place?
Maddy: what a sucky woman is SIL. I guess there is no trying to reason. may be she is feeliing guilty about her decision to give up the baby and doesnt want family ties for that reason? im just trying to understand i suppose.,
angel: hope you still have the NRB going on!

i didnt sleep overly well again last night, and a little concerned about another EDB run in, but that chapter is almost over, so i just have to be strong, direct but polite from now on.

have a lovely day ladies! much love xoxo
Hi all, we're obviously busy - I haven't seen this thread this quiet since I joined! And I'm just as guilty. I've taken the witch's arrival as a cue to step back a little and focus on a few others things. At least until O time, then I'm sure I'll be back quizzing you all about symptoms!!! Will still be lurking, just not quite as active.

Big hugs all round, belly rubs to the duffered and cheering on the NRB girlies!
Morning all! Back in the groove today. No headache, lovely blue sky outside and just feeling really good. SIL can get stuffed, my family is fantastic and noone can take that away from me. Oh and my mum is coming to visit, yay. My mum is the best.

Abby glad the EDB experience is almost over. Lame cow (her, not you!)

Major I know exactly what you mean. I sail thru the first 2 weeks and then haunt the board during my 2WW.

Angel hope you have nice weather today too, then you can take the kiddies outside.

No2woohoo how are you? How's the bump progressing, luv?

Waving to everyone else - HI!
Well Ladies ive just had a pleasant surprise. DH and I were walking out the front door and I noticed a posatal package hidden behind our bin near our front step. I looked at it and it was addressed to me. (DH was sort of shuffling behind me, perhaps not wanting me to open it). any way he ordered me a CBFM! ive probably mentioned a few times that I was thinking of getting one, but they are expensive and seeing as I cant work out my cycles it might end up confusing me more…he must have listened! Bless his cotton socks! he didn’t think it would get here till next month, and wasn’t sure how to give it to me, but this worked out fine! Im quite excited!

is it too late to start using it? im only at the beginning of my cycle that can be very long? I havent actually opening it up as we had to leave to get to work….and im still going to continue the NRB though, as i know it takes a while to used to you and such...
im excited!
Hi Girls

Sorry for disappearing yesterday, was a generally terrible terrible day and only got worse once i got out of the office so i just hid for the night.

Glad to see Angelcakes got her temp spike today! Hope you caught the egg hun

Abs im sorry edb is still giving you grief. I thought she was leaving? Glad things are going well with your new boss.

Maddy im glad you are feeling better today, and you're right about your family! Yay for seeing your mum, i hope you have a great time.

Ginny ive got no comments on my chart either, Its stupid. Or rather the cbfm is stupid. No actually, they are both stupid.

Ababa so glad things went well yesterday and hope you feel great today after your early night.

:hi: kiwi, hope you're doing well honey

No worries Major, be sure to stay in touch in case there is any bfp news!

Lucy i hope you are well and that things calm down again for you soon.

Wheres squiggleys gone! Miss you hun x

Hope you had a great day with dh lainey.

Lisa im glad you're keeping the ms under control, hopefully it wont hit you as badly this time around.

Welcome back Cossie, im sure the holiday feels like a distant memory already. Its amazing how work can do that!

Smithy i hope you are feeling better and better each day too!

Hi :hi: to everyone else as well, i think ive caught up now but to those i havent commented i hope your weeks have started well xx
Well Ladies ive just had a pleasant surprise. DH and I were walking out the front door and I noticed a posatal package hidden behind our bin near our front step. I looked at it and it was addressed to me. (DH was sort of shuffling behind me, perhaps not wanting me to open it). any way he ordered me a CBFM! ive probably mentioned a few times that I was thinking of getting one, but they are expensive and seeing as I cant work out my cycles it might end up confusing me more…he must have listened! Bless his cotton socks! he didn’t think it would get here till next month, and wasn’t sure how to give it to me, but this worked out fine! Im quite excited!

is it too late to start using it? im only at the beginning of my cycle that can be very long? I havent actually opening it up as we had to leave to get to work….and im still going to continue the NRB though, as i know it takes a while to used to you and such...
im excited!

Great news abs! You are supposed to press the m button on first day of could start now, but i dont know if it will mess with the wont ask you to pee on anything until about the 6th day i think from memory...

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