melainey- so happy for you!!! congrats!

One less thing for you and D to worry about now, will be so nice for you to start nesting

go eat dinner, what did DH make for you tonight ?? How'd the interview go, feel good about it?
lucy- yay for holiday time!!! Are the girls excited about the move? I can understand your less than thrilled reaction this morning, but that does sound incredibly cute!!!!
afm- homesick! Its Thanksgiving (on thurs, in the states) my friends here are trying their best to celebrate with me, I did a big thanksgiving last year, all the traditional foods etc, but this year im too tired, too much going on, and leaving too soon, so they are trying, OH included, but its not helping, bc they are calling it Thanksgiving but its an aussie dinner, lamb roast, etc, no american/thanksgiving food -no traditions, and i love traditions, so i'm keeping happy about it to them, but inside super home sick and bummed out. I keep telling myself what I'm thankful for, and there is a lot, so I shall continue to do that. Also not convinced whether or not I'm feeling bub, its been the last two/three days, but so light, faint, and sporadic I'm not sure what it is.