Hi girls, thanks for your kinds words. Lisafr, hope you start to feel better soon. Taking the advice from the other girls here, if I eat every couple of hours I'm ok and the quesiness subsides. I've been doing this regularly now and it seems to have vanished all together but I know it's early days yest so I wont hold my breath

Smithy, your scan of baby is super cute! Like I said earlier, boy for you is my vote! Nana, I'm still rooting for you and Kiwi for Sasha month!!! This CRAZY chart of yours will hopefully be the last for many months to come!! Abby, thank you for your reassurance, you too M2Q. I think this whole thing is still absorbing and it's not completely real at the moment so haven't fully been able to process everything. I am trying my best not to think too much about next year about work etc. and focus on staying fit and healthy right now. Abby I hope work treats you a little nice now that EDB is gone. Time to get her out of your life now!!!Number 2 how's the lawnmower? Last night T wanted a blue one but woke up this morning wanting a red one AND he wants a 'broken' lawnmower for his bday cake too now! Angel WOOHOO for cross hairs!!! You must feel wonderful being able to TTC again! Ginny welcome back to the TTC club too!! Hoping your cycle does what its supposed too this month

Btw, hows the new place going and how is M adjusting? 2mums, would you like to come to Melbourne and put on a Thanksgiving for me and lisafr? (I'm not sure who else is from Melbourne!?) I was salivating just reading your menu!!


!!! Your 12 weeks scan must be coming up soon! When have you booked for? As would yours too Rosie and M2Q!!!! I am going to give you 4 girls a new name: The Awesome 4some as you all got your BFP's in the same cycle

So we will know once one of you get your scan, the rest will soon follow! Missie how are you feeling? Major hope the NRB is going well!!

LLMP, yay to buying your own place!!!! I know too well about being a uni student and having no money so I think it's awesome your MIL has offered a great hand. And yes, it certainly is better paying off your own mortgage than somebody elses! Jayney, thinking of you and sending you loads of

Tarelyn!! Hope DD is well! SKyle, how are you? We haven't seen you here for a while-hope everything is ok xx And last but not least,

Maddy!!!! I have update the list for you (see below) and have started to inlude EDD by month. Can all the mum-to-be's send me your due date and I will add accordingly! Having a good morning today hence the catch up! Love you all xxx
Thursday Watch List!!! 22/11/2012
Two Week Waiter’s
Kiwi: 11DPO
Angel: 3DPO
Waiting to Ovulate
Newbie (nana): CD19 (waiting for crosshairs!)
Jayney: CD10
Abby: CD9
Tarelyn: CD6
Major Bee: CD5
Ginny: CD2
2Mums: 19 weeks - it's a
BOY!!!!!! EDD: April
LLMP: 14 weeks; EDD: May
Number2: 14 weeks; EDD: May
Lisa S (Smithy): 11 weeks; EDD: June
Melainey: 11 weeks; EDD: 12th June
Rosie: 10 weeks; EDD: 18th June
Mum 2 Quigley (Squeegs): 10 weeks; EDD: June
MissieT: 7 weeks; EDD: July
Lisafr: 7 weeks; EDD: July
cossime: 5 weeks; EDD: 20th July, 2013
SKyle: 5 weeks; EDD July