Morning girls! Sending you massive

Abby, don't be so hard on yourself! I'm sure you will look amazing
In regards to the gender thing of babies...
To get all scientific on you all, sex determination occurs at approximately 8 weeks gestation (6 weeks fetal life). This is determined by the male factor SRY (stands for the Sex determining Region on the Y chromosome) gene. If this gene is switched on (which by the way only has a window of a few hours of turning on), the fetus will develop down a male pathway. If however, the SRY gene fails to be activated, then the fetus will proceed down the female pathway. This is why 'female' is considered the 'default' pathway. Of course there are many factors governing this processes but the question of 'what activates the SRY gene?' well that is the million dollar question!
In terms of ultrasound gender largely depends on the position of the baby at the time of the scan and the experience of the sonographer. Many 'older' sonographers have a more trained eye therefore quite comfortable at telling you what they 'think' is the gender however, this needs to be taken with a grain of salt as there is only a 90% accuracy as the genetalia of both genders can be somewhat ambiguous. Thus, many sonographers will just refuse to determine gender at this scan and just make you wait until your 20 weeks scan. Bare in mind, if we offered a say, 16 week scan as part of our routine checks, the sonogrpaher of any amount of experience would largely be able to determine the gender as confidently as in the 20 week scan.
Just a bit of 'science' for you all to brighten up your Friday lol!
btw, my doc didnt ask for my beta levels as she wasnt concerned??? Asked for everything else to be checked from my blood and urine sample and gave me a pap smear? Booked me in for my Maternal Serum Screen blood test on the 28th Dec and ultrasound on the 31st so not long to go! Even though I know the date of conception (CD19 instead of the standard CD15), she still took the date from my last period which makes me 4 days further along that I am (but I am quietly confident that at the ultrasound, they will push my EDD back from the 16th July to the 20th July like I had imagined!). For now, I'll take it