Maddy - They do these studies for a reason - to get results. If you see results in studies, it's not becaause they don't work, it's because they do! It's not clutching at straws, just doing what you can to help get you where you want to be!
Ginny - I am cautious too. Always best to ask the experts in my opinion.
Lainey - a sudden thought. You conceived on your first round of soy didn't you? or was your first round your chemical? I can't remember. Just thought it might be something other girls might want to look into. I was cautious as you can't purchase it in Australia and didn't know how it would affect my cycle if I stopped taking it, so decided not to in the end. But it may help someone else? I'm thinking not the girls with regular cycles, cos I read an article that said pretty much 'if it aint broke, don't fix it'. Maybe Abs, with a longer, more random cycle, it could be useful? Just throwing ideas around anyway. Not sure how it goes with the vitex either.
I'm off to bed. gosh, it's late! I didn't realise the time. DSS was in bed half an hour later than normal, and it really throws me out when his routine changes!
sweet dreams!! xox