Aussies trying to get duffered aged 20+ !!!

Mum2Q of course you're right. We had decided we weren't going to do IVF for a number of reasons including the poor success rate with 41yo eggs. But I can see that changing - as your options start to run out you kind of become more open to other routes.

Newbs welcome back, you'll find there isnt' much to catch up on I think everyone has been away or busy.

Angel good luck with the upcoming testing. My CD3 tests were quite extensive, are they only doing the one test or will they recommend others?

AFM I got a positive OPK and a temp jump today and it's only CD11. My crap sleep after yesterdays shift could account for the temp - I went to sleep with the electric blanket on and the doona and it's close to 30 degrees out! But that OPK was definately a positive. Having never O'd before CD14 or later, that's a new development for me!
Maddy electric blankets, alcohol, and poor sleep are the three variables that can impact the temp you've got two of three there, it may not be accurate....I say bd....are you allowed to try mid iui?
Yeah abs the pups love it! Took ruby for a swim, fair to say she did NOT like that!!!! Lol

Gosh maddy I so hope you fall this cycle and don't need to have any more treatment x

Lol smithy, might stop by the chemist this afternoon...

Lainey how are you darling!? Hope your boring day isn't too bad!

Squiggles I miss you gorgeous!

Angel I hope that witch does her things and, to be frank, fucks off for 9 months!!!!

Back to the pool, cider, and my book now xxx
I say bd too Maddy, can't hurt :)

Abby how are you?

Nanna how you are enjoying that cider and pool :)

My day is so crap, and I'm feeling down today! I'm just so over being alone! I wouldn't wish the feeling I have on my worst enemy! Hopefully it gets beret, but it's doubtful!

Lucy, hope you are enjoying your new house honey Xx
I'm a bit down too Laniey ! I'm so over being in a cast, and I'm only a third of the way through. The uti doesn't help matters either (although its getting better), but every time I sit to relax and read my book I have to pee again, it's not painful, but it's constant takes me several min to get up, get the crutches etc.

Have you considered doing some volunteer work somewhere? Just a couple days a week, something like helping people. Might make you feel less bored, give you a feel good buzz, and always looks good on future resumes.

I better go pee....again
Melainey and Abby :hugs: for you, hope your day ends on a much more positive note.

Newbie, I hope you eventually get to enjoy a very relaxing holiday, I am off work for another week but doesn't feel like a holiday to me....too much stuff to do around the house as well as keeping the kids occupied!:ball:

Maddy, Angel, and everyone else waiting for a successful next cycle, I will send big positive thoughts for lots of bfp's. 2013 is going to be a great year for all of us. :oneofeach:

Just the other day we were talking with friends and the conversation somehow turned into about how we found out we were pregnant with our children. They have no idea we are ttc, yet this was what made me think that I want to do something special for #3 as when telling them about DS and DD there were a few laughs!
1. The melodramatic reveal::cry::brat:
I found out I was pg with DS about 6 weeks as he was a BIG surprise!! We were not at all trying. I was terribly home sick as i moved from the gold coast to sydney to be with DH. I was so emotional by that stage and I couldn't stop crying. ( i should mention that i was happy to be pg but also very scared and not sure how the OH would react to the news, my overactive hormonal mind made me think of all these different scenarios that i went crazy!) It took about half an hour to finally get out the words I'm pregnant! DH was just calm and said that's ok it's not the end of the world! :coffee:But at the time I thought but we're not married, I had always had my life planned out, get married and have kids...that's it in that order - very old fashioned I know.
Not long after I remembered that i prayed for a sign a couple of months prior that I was supposed to stay with DH and not go back home to qld.....God answered in a very loud way!! :cloud9:

2. The great way to ruin the moment reveal: #-o
We eventually tied the knot when DS was almost 2yrs. Straight after we began ttc, it took 4 months before I got my bfp. DH was already out of bed and on the computer so I went and poas and bfp straight away. I took the stick out to show him and sat next to him holding it in front of me....all he could say was "phew your breath stinks!". Yep thanks for that special memory! :dohh:

So I am determined for baby 3 to have a nice story of his/her first introduction to DH....
Hi all :hi:
I am still fairly new to these forums and am enjoying all the reading though it is hard to keep up with the speed of some! I am currently 26 and DH is 27. We are newlyweds as of last month and live in Sydney - Castle Hill. I saw your info Pauls_angel and saw you are Baulkham Hills; we are close! I lived in Baulko before moving here :smile: what a small world the internet creates. We are in our first TTC for our 1st child. Being the eldest of all my siblings (and the only girl) as well as the oldest of all my cousins and DH being an only child and the only one left in his family carrying the family name - both of our families are putting a lot of pressure on us with constant questioning and well wishes for "many babies, really soon". Lovely wishes to receive during your wedding ceremony too :winkwink: :rofl: and to come home after your wedding night and find items suppose to promote fertility tucked under our pillows and quilt in our bed :rofl: . We were asked every day for the past month if we were pregnant (since the wedding) and NO-ONE knows we are TTC at this point. Early days for us but I am having fun dwindling school holiday time away on here (I am a teacher).

I haven't paid too much attention to my body during my cycles and have been using "My Days" as a period tracker app for 6 months so I assume from that, my cycles are roughly 28-31 days. No idea when I OV except for when it tells me LOL. As this is our 1st cycle TTC I have been noticing every change in my body and am keeping note for next cycle if we get a BFN this time around. I am not expecting too much being our 1st attempt and all but I am feeling positive :) I am planning on testing tomorrow, NYE which is 12DPO (based on when i felt cramping and the tracker app suggested I was O). It will still be 4 days before AF is due (if she is on time) so I am not expecting a BFP but I am hoping FX. If it's a BFN I will be waiting till AF comes or until she is a few days late (If I can hold out :rofl: :) I am trying not to fall into being a POAS maniac by starting this journey out strong hahaha

I have had plenty of signs during my symptom spotting and noticed signs of IB 10DPO (yesterday) which could well be early signs of AF as well :wacko:

:dust: to you all for the new year!
Welcome jellybean, I hope you get your bfp! If you don't this cycle you should consider charting on fertility friend. It helps a lot!
Plus it gives you something more tangible to obsess over....and I like to stalk charts....tehe

Bubba, those stories were funny ( in retrospect), have you found any on the net?
Welcome jellybean, I hope you get your bfp! If you don't this cycle you should consider charting on fertility friend. It helps a lot!
Plus it gives you something more tangible to obsess over....and I like to stalk charts....tehe

Bubba, those stories were funny ( in retrospect), have you found any on the net?

Thanks Abby!

DH has said if this cycle doesn't work we might wait a couple of months and try to time a bit better with school holidays and my work. I am still on a temp contract and hoping to be permanent in the next few months. So now he is wondering if we could wait a little longer now - yet he has been the one hounding me for 2 years to start TTC :roll: . I am thinking it will be a sign if we are BFN this cycle and that way I could chart for the next few months too :)
Perfect to start charting before the official ttc month! I wasted a good two years getting all my timing wrong because I didn't chart (my cycle is a touch whacky).

Still fingers crossed you get your bfp tomorrow.
I didn't even know any of this information before I stumbled across these forums a week ago! So now I am just finding out about charting and temping and OPK's and everything! I really didn't even know how complex ovulation and fertility dates can actually be! So if there is a BFP this cycle we really struck it lucky with my period tracker app hahaha it would be beginner's luck but we will wait and see how it pans out. These AF type cramps really have me doubting though. Only time will tell :)
Hi jellybean best wishes to you on your ttc and getting a bfp very soon.

Abby I have googled heaps but still not sure of what to do. I did find out that at 4 weeks the little bubba is about the size of a poppy seed, so I have thought that I could get him to hold his hand out and I will give him the seed....then tell him that's the size of our new baby.
I will also make sure that I have used mouthwash just in case :haha:

If it doesn't happen this cycle then I will have another month to think about it but I do like the seed idea.
Hahaha, that's a cute idea. You could do a digital test, take a pic, text to him with the caption "first baby pic"?
I was going to tell my parents by giving them a picture frame that said "frame for next grandchild due -- -- --"
They are really cute idea's ladies! I thought that if we got a BFP this cycle I would tell my parents on Valentine's Day as it will be 2 weeks out from the 3 month mark which is when we will tell our close friends and the rest of our families.
I would hand them a rose with a little poem saying something like:
"Roses are red, Violets are blue. We have a very special surprise; you are going to be a grandparent soon!"

I suppose I could do that anytime of the year but it is more suited to Valentines Day :)
Welcome Jellybean! If you're read back a few pages you will have seen our main rules about oversharing, so feel free to throw your ideas in :)

Abs we are taking this cycle off as our clinic is closed, but will start again in mid-Jan when AF arrives. But I will be waving that OPK at DH when I see him (our shifts didn't match up today).
Abby, I like the idea of the photo frame for the grandparents. When I was searching I found this beautiful poem which I thought I would copy it here :

I do not have a face to see, Or put inside a frame. I do not have soft cheecks to kiss, I don't yet have a name. You can't yet hold my tiny hands, Nor whisper in my ear. It's still too soon to sing a song, Or cuddle me so near. But all will change come _(due date)__, That's when the say i'm due. I'm your new grandson or grandaughter, I can't wait till I meet you. All I ask between now and then, Is your patience while I grow. I promise I'll be worth the wait, Because of all the love we'll know. So what I have to give you now, is a wish to you from me. I cannot wait to be a part Of this wonderful family.
Yay yay yay it's New Years Eve! What's everyone got planned? We are taking daughter to the 9pm fireworks and will probably be on the couch with our wine and beer by midnight!
Cute poem bubba :)

Welcome jellybean - we actually have sold our place in baulkham hills and move into our new place in kellyville in 9 days - still fairly close though. Are you a primary or high school teacher? I am a teacher too! I teach primary - year 6 next year.

Maddy I hope you manage to find some time with DH and catch that egg the good old fashion way this month!!!

Lainey sending big hugs to you hun!!

Hi Abs!!! Looking forward to our catch up in a couple of days! I'll pm you my mobile number on fb so you can text me your address :)

Sash I hope you're having a lovely time while you're away!

AFM I was wrong about AF she is still not here but I am still spotting - very light spotting and super dark brown. Looked back at last month and my first day of heavy bleeding was at 14dpo so am thinking she'll arrive tomorrow or the next day as I'm 12dpo today. Positively it means my LP is longer but the lengthy spotting still indicates low progesterone according to all my reading so I'll still be putting the card word on the doc to run some tests - even if I don't get them done until cd3.

Maddy I have no set tests booked in - just want my doc to test my progesterone levels as lots of things are indicating they are too low - hoping he'll oblige

Happy new year all! X
Happy New Years beautiful ladies!

Angel- I really hope your doc does the test for you, and make spurs you get a slip to have it repeated around day 21.

Bubba Cub- all are super cute ideas!!!

Jellybean- welcome! I will keep my fingers crossed for you, ope you do have beginners luck!!!

Hope everyone had a great New Year! Much love to all of you wonderful ladies!!! Xx

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