Hey ladies,
Thank you for all your kind messages - it means a lot.
Bubba - congratulations on your bfp, I hope you can relax and enjoy this exciting time and you get an early scan booked at the docs on tues

Abby - really pleased the teenagers didn't get your preseed and have everything crossed for you this month.
Angel - so good to have such a supportive doctor.
Janey - not sure what happened to your Mum but sending hugs to you.
Newbie - hope that eggy comes out to play soon

Not seen a few on here for a while - hope you are all ok xxx
Afm update on the last week - I had a complete miscarriage last Wed eve. at home. Fortunately the boys had already gone to bed and before it all happened I found a really good blog that let me relax through it and trust my body to do what was needed. It was incredibly traumatic but really pleased it happened at home with just me and DH and I have felt quite a bit of comfort since from having had it happen this way and seeing the baby. The hospital had given me some sleeping tablets so slept/passed out but woke on Thurs feeling really poorly so had to go to hospital and was there til Fri. All home now and just taking one day at a time. Yesterday was complete sh*te but today has been better. Been to see the GP today who has been fab. She has an attitude of trust your body and what it tells you. She has said that there is no reason to wait to try again if I'm feeling ready - not sure I what I'm feeling at the moment and still physically a bit wrecked so not going to rush anything. DH has been amazing. We have been together nearly 17 years and his strength and support through this last week has blown me away. I feel so fortunate to have him and it has really made me feel so lucky to have my two boys who have been kissed and cuddled to within an inch this last week! I have loads of questions that I know can never be answered that I know I have to let go of and I wish I had a crystal ball to tell me what to do next. For now I'm just trying to concentrate on the physical recovery and hoping the emotional will follow.
I have started temping again - telling myself its to see when o happens so I know roughly when af will arrive but it's kind of nice to have it as an anchor point and to see my body moving forward (love a graph as well!)
I've reread this post about 100 times - I don't want to upset anyone by anything I've written and want to let you know that your messages of support were very much appreciated.
I'm off for a glass of wine and a cuddle from DH and the boys