B&B Calendar Girls ~ 2009 is the Year of the BFPs! Come join Us!

Isn't it awesome the :bfp: news pourin in??? Hopefully the trend continues!!! DH is like a kid at Xmas now with the BD schedule LOL.

Hee hee, glad he is enjoying it! Hope he has stamina to keep it up for as long as necessary to get the job done. My OH is pretty useless in that department so I'm going to take it easy for the beginning of next cycle and really focus on getting the timing right. Last month we started too early and the poor thing was burned out by the time I finally O'd!

Feed him lots of high energy high zinc foods, that way he's got no excuse lol

I've done a test this morning and it's a :bfn: so guess it's not to be my month this time :(

:hugs: Don't give up yet! It's still early if you implanted late! :af: :af: :af:
Isn't it awesome the :bfp: news pourin in??? Hopefully the trend continues!!! DH is like a kid at Xmas now with the BD schedule LOL.

Hee hee, glad he is enjoying it! Hope he has stamina to keep it up for as long as necessary to get the job done. My OH is pretty useless in that department so I'm going to take it easy for the beginning of next cycle and really focus on getting the timing right. Last month we started too early and the poor thing was burned out by the time I finally O'd!

Feed him lots of high energy high zinc foods, that way he's got no excuse lol

I've done a test this morning and it's a :bfn: so guess it's not to be my month this time :(

:hugs: Don't give up yet! It's still early if you implanted late! :af: :af: :af:

Yeah I know, but I feel as though she's on her way :sad2:
Don't give up hope yet Sally, lots of women don't get :bfp: till 13 or 14 dpo. And early pregnancy symptoms can be very similar to feeling like AF is coming. My least favourite part of the month is waiting for AF to come after getting :bfn:, that's why I'm determined not to test early this month. I was originally planning on testing on 27th, but I have joined another thread and the girls are all testing on 25th, so I don't think I'll be able to resist at that stage. My gut feeling is that I'm not pregnant this month though. But then again, last month I was convinced I was pregnant and no such thing, so maybe not feeling pregnant is a good sign???!?
I'm feeling unusually tired today, I felt like having a nap after lunch which would not be usual for me (but that could just be cos it's been a busy week).
MommyMichele - any news with you?
How are you doing today April? Hope that you will be joining me soon in the TWW. Come on little egg!!!!
Hey Polaris... I am trying to hold out testing early this month, too. I decided 17 days after O is when I will test (at least, try to wait that long) 17 is DH's lucky number, and March 17th is lucky St Patrick's Day... so that's the game plan at least. If I O today (had what appears might be +OPK, so hoping temp shoots up tomorrow) I would test Saturday, March 7th :D

What date is everyone planning on testing?
Hey Polaris... I am trying to hold out testing early this month, too. I decided 17 days after O is when I will test (at least, try to wait that long) 17 is DH's lucky number, and March 17th is lucky St Patrick's Day... so that's the game plan at least. If I O today (had what appears might be +OPK, so hoping temp shoots up tomorrow) I would test Saturday, March 7th :D

Great news about the positive OPK! I will be stalking your chart to hopefully see that temperature rise in the next day or so.

St. Patrick's Day is a big deal over here in Ireland. We get a day off work for it so that is always good. It's on a Tuesday this year so I was thinking about taking Monday off too and having a really long weekend. FF is predicting 15th to 18th March as my fertile time for next month so that could work out really well!
I redid the front page for us March testers!!! Fill me in on your test dates and I will update accordingly.. I would also like to keep the buddy group going for as many months as anyone needs and update accordingly as well, so I was thinking of renaming the thread to make it more open to new members...

I was thinking

B&B Calendar Girls ~ 2009 is the Year of the BFPs!

What do you ladies think? Or if you think of a better name let me know!
Wow, I love the first page! Loads of lucky shamrocks!! They will be great for my predicted O date next month. Thanks for taking the time to do that.

I like the idea of renaming the thread to keep it going. This has been a really supportive thread and I would certainly like it to keep going too.

Ok I changed the name, now I hope no one has trouble finding us. I am having pains in my right side which I am hoping are O pains... all signs point to Oing probably very very soon. I never usually get O pains so I think the clomid might be helping with that. I have sort of a dull head ache too. I heard Clomid can do that to you around O time. ***Fingers Crossed*** If I wake up tomorrow and my temp is still low I am gonna be so bummed out LOL. All this waiting is KILLING me :p Now, I just need to find a way to worm DH away from the basketball game enough to get my nightly "deposit" LOL Wish me luck.
Ok I changed the name, now I hope no one has trouble finding us. I am having pains in my right side which I am hoping are O pains... all signs point to Oing probably very very soon. I never usually get O pains so I think the clomid might be helping with that. I have sort of a dull head ache too. I heard Clomid can do that to you around O time. ***Fingers Crossed*** If I wake up tomorrow and my temp is still low I am gonna be so bummed out LOL. All this waiting is KILLING me :p Now, I just need to find a way to worm DH away from the basketball game enough to get my nightly "deposit" LOL Wish me luck.

It definitely does sound like you are O-ing soon. Good luck with the seduction plans for OH! Don't be disappointed if your temperature is still low tomorrow as I am sure you will see a rise soon. I got O pains the day before FF reckons that I o'd and didn't see a temperature rise until the day after. I was going mad thinking that I didn't O but then temperature did go up.
Oooooh it really does sound like you are o'ing very very soon. Get on with the seduction techniques to get OH in the mood hehe.

I'm not completely giving up hope but got another :bfn: this morning so I think it's likely :witch: is on her way, guess we shall see - fingers crossed!!!

Love the front page and the nake change too, it is a really good group and will be great to keep it going for as long as we all need :hug:
Walk around the house naked, that gets my hubby every time.
Morning ladies! Well BD was a bust last night. I think DH might be getting a little warn out with it so I decided not to push it. I guess it's a good thing because still no O it seems and we are planning on BD tonight.

Hope all is well with everyone. I am spending the day with my nephew today so I will catch up with you ladies tomorrow! :hugs:
Morning ladies! Well BD was a bust last night. I think DH might be getting a little warn out with it so I decided not to push it. I guess it's a good thing because still no O it seems and we are planning on BD tonight.

Hope all is well with everyone. I am spending the day with my nephew today so I will catch up with you ladies tomorrow! :hugs:

Tonight will hopefully be perfect timing for you.


Enjoy your day with your nephew!
Well girls, I had a horrible day today. I went to the dentist and ended up having to get a tooth extracted. It was horrible! Also he had to give me a couple of Xrays, I was really worried about this in case I might be pregnant but I talked it over with the dentist (who is lovely) and he said that infection was also very bad for a possible pregnancy and that the risk from the needed Xrays was very low due to very low exposure to radiation. I really don't think I am pregnant this month anyway but I was still really worried about it. So when I got home I did an internet search and it seems that dental Xrays are not a big risk as they only contain 0.01 rads. Still a bit worried though. I also read that if there is any damage done in very early pregnancy, it is 'all or nothing', that is the pregnancy will not progress and that if it does then it seems that everything will probably be fine. At this stage that would probably mean a chemical pregnancy if there was any damage done.

I did have a few symptoms today. I felt a little nauseous at lunchtime (could have just been hunger!!) and seemed to need to pee more often (but that could have been cos I was drinking a lot of water at lunch!). Also I had a very small bit of spotting this afternoon. But I have a theory that this might be just an after effect of having been on the pill as this is CD29 and I would have been due AF if I was still on the pill. I am thinking about waiting for AF this month rather than testing, especially just in case the Xrays did any damage. And not testing until maybe 18 dpo if she doesn't show. What do you think?
Oh Polaris, so sorry about your denist experience. I HATE the dentist :S Yesterday and this morning have been horrible so far, and I vented to a friend about it, so I am feeling much better. DH has been having issues "finishing" the past three tries. The Wednesday night one, where I said I wasnt going to push it, then last night, no success so we went to sleep and tried again this AM. He has never had this problem in the past and I wanted to get angry with him and cried all morning, but I know that wont help matters any. So, I'm trying to keep in mind that it doesn't mean this cycle is a bust, as I still am not sure I even ovulated given that OPKs and Temps are so screwy with the Clomid.

Anywho... we were scheduled to go to my Inlaws lakehouse this weekend to help them with some things.. but his grandmother is having heart surgery Saturday, so his parents arent going to be out at the lake. They asked us to go tonight and do what we need to, and then want us to stay out there til Sunday and enjoy the place to ourselves. I am hoping that this will help things along and and that it becomes perfect timing and I O and that his grandma's surgery goes well ... alot to ask for in one weekend, I know... but I just NEED something to go right for me for a change.

Well, that's my update :) Hope all is well with our BPS girls, that AF stays away from our TWW girls, and those waiting to O catch that eggie!!!
Oh Polaris, so sorry about your denist experience. I HATE the dentist :S Yesterday and this morning have been horrible so far, and I vented to a friend about it, so I am feeling much better. DH has been having issues "finishing" the past three tries. The Wednesday night one, where I said I wasnt going to push it, then last night, no success so we went to sleep and tried again this AM. He has never had this problem in the past and I wanted to get angry with him and cried all morning, but I know that wont help matters any. So, I'm trying to keep in mind that it doesn't mean this cycle is a bust, as I still am not sure I even ovulated given that OPKs and Temps are so screwy with the Clomid.

Anywho... we were scheduled to go to my Inlaws lakehouse this weekend to help them with some things.. but his grandmother is having heart surgery Saturday, so his parents arent going to be out at the lake. They asked us to go tonight and do what we need to, and then want us to stay out there til Sunday and enjoy the place to ourselves. I am hoping that this will help things along and and that it becomes perfect timing and I O and that his grandma's surgery goes well ... alot to ask for in one weekend, I know... but I just NEED something to go right for me for a change.

Well, that's my update :) Hope all is well with our BPS girls, that AF stays away from our TWW girls, and those waiting to O catch that eggie!!!

Hi April,
I'm so sorry you're having such a stressful time of it hun. :hug::hug:
I wonder if your DH is feeling the pressure too and that is why he's having problems finishing? I had a look at your chart and it is very hard to say whether or not you have O'd yet. It doesn't help getting erratic temperatures, I never knew that could be a side effect of Clomid.

I hope you have a really nice relaxing time at the lakehouse. What is the weather like where you are? It is starting to feel really springlike here, the crocuses are out in the garden and early daffodils are just coming into bud. A few weeks ago it was snowing here, so it is really nice to have some spring weather.

I am feeling a bit better today although my mouth is still a bit sore. I'm thinking that maybe it is no harm if I'm not pregnant this month (pretty sure I'm not). At least now I have my teeth sorted out. And I got a letter from doctor to go in for a routine smear so it would be good to get that out of the way too. So all in all, I won't be too disappointed if it doesn't happen this month. I have great hopes for us in March though!

I hope that you didn't O yet but are going to over the weekend. Once you are away from home, hopefully the pressure will be off a bit and the BD will be more successful for you. It's so stressful though isn't it? I hate the way it can turn BD into a chore and something else to worry about rather than just doing it because you want to.

Hi Polaris, thanks for the advice! I think you are right about the stress getting to DH and I am sure it's not been the most passionate, romantic sex ever, so I imagine that's not helping too much either. I have a feeling we will be able to use this weekend to get back on track :)

The weather here is still COLD and SNOWY :( I don't think I've ever looked forward to spring more then I have this year. BRRRRRR!!!

I am glad to hear that you're having nice weather and that your mouth is feeling better! Hopefully id this cycle is a bust for you, then BFP is right around the corner!
I'm sure this weekend will get you nicely back on track.

Myself and OH went out for a meal tonight and had a good chat about TTC. I was explaining to him about how you can get to know your cycle from CM, temperatures, etc. and he was really excited about it and wanted to know when I was next due to O! This is really cool as he has never really seemed very interested before. He was excited to hear that St. Patrick's day might be when I'm O'ing, he says he will prepare himself for plenty of BD!! So I'm really pleased that he is showing an interest.

What about the rest of you? Any news?
Yo! Posting here from the lakehouse. I got a ++++++ OPK today, it was super duper dark... darkest I have ever seen!!! Thought it may have been an erorr it was so dark, but I tested 3 hrs later and same thing, so i changed my chart to show yesterday's which was for sure + and todays which is by far the darkest I ever saw. I also had true EWCM this afternoon.. I was begining to think EWCM was a myth!! I am sure I can thank the Mucinex for that!!! My temp has been on the slow rise for the last few days so I am sure O is right now, or sometime today!!! I will keep you posted when I get back in town...was just updating my fertility friend, and wanted to check in.

Polaris! Awesome news on DH's excitement!!! DH was reserved about it at first, but once we started seeing the specialist and realised my monthy rituals were not just me being a crazy lady, he really started to show an interest as well!!! Good luck hun!

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