Babies Due Dec 5- 15 ish??

welcome dreamer- not too late. How is pregnancy for you thus far? we seem to be a group of ladies who got ms pretty badly in the first tri, but seems to have passed for the most part! :thumbup:i had to come and post because i felt the baby kick for the first time tonight, im pretty sure it will like a little tap on the left side of my belly button, whoopi I am so happy to have finally felt something! Any one else feel some movement?? We dont know the sex yet but our scan is on July 18 and we are def finding out! I am so excited!!!:wohoo::wohoo: To answer your question Gen I haven't done any of the above...I procrastinate on everything... will be no different for my baby im sure, but maybe not. I want to get a stroller which is the brand UPPA baby, it is becoming more and more popular here in the states, every heard of it?? is anyone else experiencing an insane heat wave like we are in NYC?? It's crazy I can barely breathe outside!! Well I hope everyone is feeling well and talk to you soon....I started prenatal yoga by the way, feels really nice just to settle and focus on your body for a while, highly recommend it to anyone who needs to relax....
I'm finally starting to feel well in week 17 -- what a huge difference to not have nausea!

I've definitely seen some UPPA strollers and I like them a lot! Very modern! And how exciting to only be 2 weeks away from finding out the gender! WAHOO!!!

DH and I are staying team yellow, but I may have accidentally found out. I had one of the ultrasound techs at work (we do echocardiograms, ultrasound of the heart) stick the probe on my belly after I had some light spotting yesterday, just to make sure baby was moving. Anyway, the first thing that came up was a potty shot! Cheeky LO! I turned away immediately and told the tech we weren't finding out, but she kept looking and said "I know what it is!" Then later in the scan she was looking for the profile shot and said "SHE keeps mooning us!" Then the tech kind of caught herself and was like "uh, I mean he/she, uh..." I know she doesn't specialize in OB ultrasound, but she is a very experienced sonographer, so while I am not ready to go out and buy pink (we still won't get gender confirmed), I now definitely think it's a girl (all my dreams while ttc were of having a girl, haven't had any dreams during pregnancy!)

I told DH because he hates when I know something that he doesn't. He wasn't nearly as convinced that she could have seen for sure, but he also doesn't really understand how easy it might have been to see for her, being so experienced. I let him believe that because I want to keep the element of surprise. We definitely aren't telling anyone else that we might have gotten a clue!
Hello ladies-
its been a long time since i have been on here, but i come with good news! we are expecting a boy!! I am so excited that this is what we are having I mean I would have happily taken a girl but I really wanted to start with a boy :haha: The pregnancy has been pretty great throughout this second trimester and I cant complain too much. The gas and indigestion is non stop but if that is the worst I get than can;t make a stink of it. So i am now 22 weeks pregnant and not showing. I have talked to the midwife and done some online research which says that as long as the baby is growing that it is totally fine. I have always been an athlete when I was younger and then someone who worked out so supposedly if this is the case your stomach muscles hold in the baby bump. It is somewhat frustrating because no one thinks that I am pregnant. Well just wanted to see how everyone is doing and if anyone else has exciting news??! We well ladies :)
Anyone OUT there?? Ladies, i have 8 more weeks to go and i CAN'T wait this little angel baby BOY! how is everyone feeling? Still much to do on the prepping side but my very sweet husband is throwing me a shower so there will be many things to unpack, put together and organize. I hope everyone is doing is well, i hope to hear from someone soon!
Hi ya I'm here lol I have 9 weeks left not feeling to bad just tired and fed up with my pelvis hurting. Hope you have a lovely baby shower xxx
hi carzelle ive got 9 weeks left and 6 weeks left at work. im starting to suffer a little bit now. this boy is doing some amazing acrobatics inside of me and im getting tummy ache and toilet problems off and on every other day (lovely!) i hope the rest of your time goes smoothly! x
Checking in! 8 1/2 weeks to go and feeling pretty damn big! Pelvic pain has recently started up for me as well...I'm doing my best to ignore it and hoping it doesn't get worse....

I have only 7 weeks of work left after tomorrow so that is encouraging. Baby is getting strong and moving tons which I love. Still waiting for two more (!) baby showers to get everything organized, but the crib is at least assembled.

The excitement is hitting me too!!! 60 days to go! (we have the same EDD Kelly!)
Checking in! 8 1/2 weeks to go and feeling pretty damn big! Pelvic pain has recently started up for me as well...I'm doing my best to ignore it and hoping it doesn't get worse....

I have only 7 weeks of work left after tomorrow so that is encouraging. Baby is getting strong and moving tons which I love. Still waiting for two more (!) baby showers to get everything organized, but the crib is at least assembled.

The excitement is hitting me too!!! 60 days to go! (we have the same EDD Kelly!)

SO exciting!!! Im getting that pelvic pain too. A couple of times the baby jabs so hard that I gasp, it makes whoever Im with at the time jump so I always feel guilty and say - 'dont panic, im just being a wimp'! dreading what Im going to be like in labour!

Heres to our countdown!!! not long now! x
TWO WORDS: HEART BURN!! Who's with me?? Nothing helps and it is happening anything I eat. Boohoo, I am so ready to have this little guy. Please let these next 6 weeks fly by.....
6 weeks left I can't believe how fast the time has gone!!!! I'm having moments of panic every once in a while!
I'm having a baby girl :) sooo excited! Papa just painted her room and now we're setting everything up! She has so many clothes going to start washing them today! I was supposed to start this morning but slept in sooo late. I'm crazy exhausted lately. It's hard to sleep with the back/hip/pelvic pain. Everything hurts!!
Oh and I was getting heartburn really bad too but now I know what my trigger foods are so I stay away from those and I'm fine: anything tomato, orange juice, chocolate, coffee, anything spicy!!
It sucks because I love spicy food!
I've started having ms again :( I've thrown up a few times in the morning, no fun!but at least I still have an appetite, it's not horrible like first tri!
I'm very lucky -- my midwife let me start taking Prilosec (omeprazole) early in pregnancy for heartburn, and it now controls it very well. I definitely notice if I forget to take it one day! Moreso I notice that my food is never far from my throat...if I bend over at all I get a taste of spit up!

5 weeks and 5 days to go for me! Still managing through the long work weeks but not sure how I'll make it another 4+ weeks with as big as I'm getting!

Have any of your babies "dropped?" Mine is still riding pretty high. I do get a LOT of Braxton Hicks contractions though!
I'm with you with the heart burn mine drives me mad saw my consaultant today and he was pretty crap basically as I have done it 4 time I will be fine just feel like I'm being fobbed off I have been induced the last two times due to my spd being so painful and having larger babies and now it's like oh well you will be fine xx
Mummy - sorry to hear your consultant was so insensitive! You don't deserve that!
mummy em- thats ridic I mean there are probably somethings you get used to after having had a few babes BUT doesn't that a-hole know that every pregnancy is different?? :growlmad: We just came through hurricane Sandy over in the Northeast my husband and puppy and I were safe and sound with no damage or loss of power or anything, thank God. I am thinking of all the women who went into labor and had to have their babies through such a horrendous storm....:sulk::sulk: I was so little up until 30 weeks even 32 but now I feel like this is such a different story. I AM HUGE!! How this baby will get any bigger inside of my body is just beyond me. Anyone else feel like a mama hippo?? Step by step we are getting the apt ready for the babe and I can't contain my excitement. Has anyone decided if they are trying to go it the natural way?? Have you taken any classes to aid in the pains of labor? I am supposed to have a class on Dec 1, he is due the 4th, hoping I can squeeze that one in before he pops out! WELL off to watch children of the corn in honor of Halloween. I hope everyone is feeling well in the last weeks and many blessings and health to those who are still working, keep up the good work!!:thumbup:
heartburn is driving me crazy and I know exactly what you mean about tasting whatever you have eaten if you bend over!

Im struggling with work now, Ive finally finished travelling all over (last trip birmingham yesterday) but its left me exhausted. coupled with strong baby movements starting to feel that its hard work.

I turned over the tv last night to a woman was giving birth. I just burst into tears! I think I am both tired, terrified and just over emotional at this stage. from monday, I have 3 weeks left at work although I had some holiday to take so I do have the odd days off in between. it cannot go quick enough!
I had to take today off work for some pretty crummy symptoms. It's the first time I've ever called in at this job (there 14 months) so you know I was suffering!

I woke at 2:30am with AWFUL back pain. I thought I'd just slept wrong but it wouldn't go away with heat or changing positions. Eventually I felt that I might be having contractions that were starting in the back, then radiating to the front, and at one point was clocking them at every 6-7 minutes. I had diarrhea three times and was just waking up hubby telling him I might be in labor when I suddenly got super nauseous and threw up quite a bit (rare for me). Strangely, I felt much better after the vomiting, contractions stopped or became barely noticeable, and I was able to get back to sleep.

DH called the MW who said to rest and come in for my appointment today as usual (was already scheduled) and she will check if I am dilated. Over the course of the late morning the back pain got bad again, but couldn't necessarily pinpoint contractions. drank some water, then decided I might eat a bit -- had a tiny bit of toast with peanut butter. Was up 5 minutes later vomiting A TON again. Then soon after, had another small bout of diarrhea.

What the hell!? Is this "prodromal" or start/stop labor? Or do I just have a tummy bug and random back pain at the same time? I feel like the contractions I had earlier in the night were real because my tummy muscles are sore! That being said, I have no hopes of being told I'm significantly dilated -- it just hasn't been long or consistent enough. I just really hope this doesn't go on for weeks before LO makes an appearance! At the same time, I am sure that is what MW would prefer, given I'm only 34+3....

bless you GenY! I would've been freaking out. How do you feel now? I have been suffering with back ache and diarrhea and felt nauseous - but havent thrown up and mine def doesnt sound as bad as yours, its bearable. At least your midwife knows about your symptoms and can keep an eye out. Ihope you feel better soon xx
I went to midwife and was found to be in pre-term labor, 1cm dilated and at least 50% effaced. Baby's heart rate was also a bit high. GOOD news is -- there was a reason! I had a bladder infection (I had no clue! No pain or anything unusual). They got me into the hospital, gave me a medication to help me stop contracting, put 2 liters of IV fluids in me and one big dose of IV antibiotics. I got out at 9pm having only rare contractions and baby's heart rate was back down to normal range. I'm taking it easy today and will continue on oral antibiotics for another week or so. MW says I should go on to have a very normal pregnancy as long as uterus behaves itself, and my labor might be a bit shortened as some of the work of changing the cervix has already been done :)
Thank goodness for my awesome midwife -- I feel great this morning, but definitely inspired to FINISH all the preparations for baby!
Gen! I am so sorry to hear that you were going through that, it sounds traumatic. I am happy that you got it all sorted out and you are the baby are doing well. A shortened labor sounds like a great thing to me, but now you know what it feels like to be in the first stage of labor so that anxiety should be resolved a bit, right?? I am soooo ready to meet him, I go to my midwife tomorrow to make sure all is in order. One month left and I am ready to get him out.
Kelly, im sorry work has been tough but glad that you are not traveling any longer, what do you do for work? If you don't mind me asking?? I am going to put together my bag for the hospital this week and then not much else to do :)

Hang in there ladies, we are in the home stretch!
I've turned into a labor-spotting nightmare!

Every little cramp or twinge has me on alert...but nothing consistent is happening.

I *am* quite sure I lost my mucus plug last night, although the more I read about it, the more I'm less convinced it means very much -- apparently it can still be weeks after it is lost before labor starts.

Back to work today...definitely a case of the Mondays!

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