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Babies that were due in may 2012

As a lot of you may have seen Jason was in hospital for 12 days but we're back home again now and he's recovered very well from his surgery - he last got weighed at 4 weeks + 6 days and was 10lb 7oz! 2lb 4oz up from his birth weight & for the last 2 nights he's slept from 11pm-5am! So proud of him! :happydance:

Glad to hear your little man is home and doing well. Good news on his weight as well and love those nights with that much sleep.
so jealous... not getting more than 4 hours of sleep at this point.
Kendra, Gabe is up every 3 hours, and it takes an hour to feed and settle him...so you are def not alone!
I'm so tired!!! On the verge of tears im that tired!! Ash has been so fussy during the days that I've had no rest and she wakes every hour for her dummy at night. How long does this stage last?? :( really not looking forward to her jabs next week.. That's gonna break me. Just hope she's not too fussy after them.
Anti - I'm sorry you going through that, it gets better! Hang in there :D I can't say when cos we are having the same problems with both babies being fussy all day long.

I was dreading today! Yesterday was so bad, I thought today would be hell cos OH works from 8:45 till 6:15 so here I was geared up for a long day and I turned on some music for my older kids to dance to (hehe and me) and next thing Aria goes to sleep to it and I have left it playing cos every time I turned it off she would stir....>So we have music playing right now with Aria in the same room sound asleep lol Babies are so funny

Max on the other hand is being a little party rocker......he is fighting off his sleep!! I try everything to get him ready for a nap and he just wont! wth is going on?! I somehow have been missing his tired cues (probably cos I've been busy) and next thign I have a very overtired baby who then can't sleep.
As a lot of you may have seen Jason was in hospital for 12 days but we're back home again now and he's recovered very well from his surgery - he last got weighed at 4 weeks + 6 days and was 10lb 7oz! 2lb 4oz up from his birth weight & for the last 2 nights he's slept from 11pm-5am! So proud of him! :happydance:

Glad to hear your little man is home and doing well. Good news on his weight as well and love those nights with that much sleep.

Thank you! :flower:
Well that was coming up 2 weeks ago, can't wait to see the HV, really want him measured too.. He's growing so much :wacko:
Yeah they're great! I can feed him without my eyes being heavy and stinging :haha:
Anti I hope Ashlynn is ok and its nothing to worry about. She may have just picked up a bug. Just remember to mention about her injections next week as they shouldn't have them if they've been poorly.

Well done Kendra and Jackson!

Waves lovely pics and I hope you're feeling better soon.

Well guess what....Lola has just slept through the night!! So last feed was at 10.15pm and she just woke up at 6am for a morning feed and is now back in bed. Is it a fluke or will it continue lol. I didn't sleep all night though as I woke up and checked on her.

Thanks! Once Hannah started sleeping through the night she hasn't really stopped. We've ha one or two difficult nights but otherwise, she sleeps through nightly. Hopefully it's not a fluke for you!
So ash went down at 10 last night, it's now half 4 and I'm up to express but ash is still sleeping!! I've had to give her the dummy back 4 times last night but it feels amazing having her sleep through. Hope it lasts!!

I'm currently tring to get rid of a blocked duct which hurts so bad!! Might ring the doc up today coz the last thing I need is to get mastitis over the weekend and not be able to get to the doc till next week. Thought I was over all this blocked duct stuff!!! :(
Anti- I think the reason your child is not sleeping long stretches is the breastfeeding. I'm all for it when it works for both mother and baby but formula keeps them full longer. If you aren't completely against formula and just want to get a couple extra hours sleep a night you could pump your night feed instead of feeding it to him (so you can store it instead!) and then feed him a formula bottle before bed? Just a suggestion but I fully believe a happy mom equals a happy baby and a happy baby equals a happy mom.
Aw Anti I hope your blocked duct clears! That's awful!!
So the blocked duct seems to have cleared. Still a bit tender... But now that boob is only giving half the amount of milk that it used to!!! Good thing I have a freezer full of milk. I've done nothing different but my supply has dropped!! :( and Thursday night was a fluke... Ash woke at 1am for a feed last night. Never mind... Hopefully soon she'll get it right.
Keep pumping and you should be fine Anti.

I took Lola swimming today to a hydro pool so it is heated to 34 degrees. She was totally calm about it all and stayed happy for the whole time we were in! I spoke with the Water Babies people who Lola is starting lessons with in September and they about dunking and we did that too and it all seemed to come naturally. We had a fab time!
Keep pumping and you should be fine Anti.

I took Lola swimming today to a hydro pool so it is heated to 34 degrees. She was totally calm about it all and stayed happy for the whole time we were in! I spoke with the Water Babies people who Lola is starting lessons with in September and they about dunking and we did that too and it all seemed to come naturally. We had a fab time!

We took Sam swimming for the first time last weekend and he loved it. We dunked him twice and was fine with it. The only problem is our pool is only about 29 so we couldn't stay in for very long. I just ordered a wetsuit from ebay so hopefully it will keep him warmer next time.
Anti: glad that blocked duct is cleared up. Hopefully it starts producing soon!

We took Gabe swimming at 6 weeks. He can't stay in long, he's so skinny that he gets too cold.

In recent Gabe news. Yesterday morning I decided to change his formula out of frustration and desperation... So far, he's had 2 poos in 24 hours (which is an from the 8 he was having) and it's now thick greenish black, as opposed to yellow green diarrhea...he's also eating less, and seems more settled... So maybe this was all we needed to do. Hoping this lasts...
So in exciting (non-baby) news, OH & I got engaged yesterday. We had been talking about it for awhile and were out shopping yesterday and looking at rings. I tried several on, liked this one and we left the mall to get lunch. While driving home he pulled back into the mall and didn't say anything but walked right back to the jewelry place and told the lady to wrap it up. Not a traditional proposal but I don't care. I just wanted the ring and a wedding date :) We're planning on May 17, 2014 to give us plenty of time to plan, save up for vendors and whatnot & make payments so that I don't have to sacrifice too much of what I really want.

Congratulations waves!! That far in advance, Hannah will be toddling around and can be a bridesmaid :)

We're hoping to take Evie swimming this week, just need to find a pool warm enough! We took her to be weighed on Wed and she is 8lb 6oz now, so she's almost 2lb heavier than birth :) She seems to be eating almost non stop at the moment, its exhausting!
She seems to be really suffering with wind at the moment, and the health visitor said it could be colic, but didn't tell us anything to try for it! So am going back on Wednesday, because it seems to really hurt her, and she's started crying real tears :(

I have my 6 week check (at 7 weeks PP) on Thurs, and am strangely nervous about it! What do they do??
Congrats Waves!! Beautiful ring :D

Bumpin - oh I hope this changes it for Gabe! How frustrating!

I wasn't going to post yet about Aria cos I wanted to make sure she was actually better but we put her on soy last week. Its day 5 now and all vomiting gradually stopped and she seems so much happier. Kind of wish I tried this earlier tbh.

I also had a falling out with the osteopath lol They made sure to book me up 3 appointments in advance, then when I couldn't make my Tuesday one they tried to charge me for it!! I phoned saying it was rude for them not to tell me at the time of booking they charge you if you cancel. Told them I wasn't paying it. They refunded me all my appointments. Weird huh, why on earth would they do that? I have the cheque here and OH wants me to cash it but I feel funny about it and don't want to. I wasn't unhappy with the appointments I had, just being charged for the one I didn't have.......feel kinda stink about it now tbh.
Waves huge congrats!!! We got engaged at Christmas and still haven't decided on a date.

Bumpin I hope gabe continues to get better!!!

Zephyr I'm glad aria is doing better and hope it continues as well.

Luci glad to hear you're all doing well.

Ashlynn slept 8-4:30 last night. :) really hoping this is the start of something. Even though I'm up several times to check on her and give her dummy back when she grunts, it's amazing when she sleeps through. Long may it last!!
I'm hoping to take Eddy swimming sometime next week after his first set of jabs (which he has on Monday 23rd) have worn off. I didn't take Earl til he was 7 months and then again until he was 16 months, and he is a real water baby (going to take him this week as I haven't been for ages and he is really missing it - wears him out good and proper! lol).

Glad to hear things are looking up for everyone! :thumbup: Eddy is just a bundle of fun at the moment. He has really strong legs and insists on standing every chance he gets. Anyone know of any cheap bouncers or jumperoos? I have a door bouncer but obviously he can't use it for a while yet.

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