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Babies that were due in may 2012

Thanks, shes has been really good actually. She has even started sleeping through to 5:30 - 6am.
She does scream at the start of a feed, I think she doesn't like the taste but once she gets over that she drinks it happily and is easily finishing 150mls a feed now, sometimes as much as 180 - 200mls and doesn't spill much if any of it! And its so weird getting to the end of the day not reeking of puke. Its a nice change :)

Hope Ashlynn sleeping through lasts!! Its so good when you start to get a bit more sleep :D
wowees - congrats Waves, beautiful ring!!! exciting times ahead, I loved wedding planning & all that goes with it....

bumpin - glad to hear Gabe is doing better, it's amazing how the little things affect them so much

zephyr - yay on Aria's improvement also - i hope this it's long lasting for her & for you all

we were at a christening on Saturday, which i was v nervous about in case Eva decided to exercise her lusty set of lungs during the service. I sat near an exit just in case i needed to make a hasty exit - but she was so good and slept through most of it, then was awake but just sat in my arms contentedly & gazed around. there was another little one 2 days older who screamed & I couldn't help myself being a teeny bit smug :blush:. yesterday i had my friends 3yr old for the day so it's been pretty busy.

Eva's sleep pattern seems to be 3 or 4hrs, awake for half an hr or so for a feed, then sleeps for 2hrs, awake for another feed, then awake again in an hr or so before we get up for the day. By the end of each day i'm truly shattered but can't seem to get myself to bed early enough. Dh has been told of the merits of combi feeding by friends & is starting to pressure me to give her a formula feed at night, but am undecided as yet

Zephyr: yay for Aria! I'm so glad she's doing well... I'm still surprised your Dr never suggested soy earlier on...

Rjsmam: I would wait on the combi feeding for a bit... A friend of mine tried the formula at night, and her supply was affected by it, and she had never been able to get it back up. They say the middle if the night feedings are the most important ones for your supply... Maybe wait until she has hit her 3 month growth sport and her eating habits normalize out...I know it's tough getting up frequently, but even if you give het formula it doesn't mean she will sleep through the night. Gabe is ff , and he is still up every 3 hours...
bumpin - thanks for that - I actually dont want to try it yet & feel slightly pressurised by dh so that's helped a lot :thumbup:

Rjs ashlynn is fed on breast milk only and has slept through three times in the last 4 nights. I honestly think babies will sleep through when they ready. I don't think it matters how they are fed.
thanks anti - that's really encouraging - i'll have a stern word with Eva me thinks haha......... actually i'm in no rush - i don't mind getting to feed her as she just wants fed - it's more dh moaning!!! xx
wowees - congrats Waves, beautiful ring!!! exciting times ahead, I loved wedding planning & all that goes with it....

Thanks!!! I'm excited! We have 670 days or so to go so there's not much planning to be done yet but I'm getting what I can done. I want to be able to get the venue I want, the dress I want, the photographer I want and a photobooth for the reception and we're likely paying all ourselves so if we can get things planned out now, we can start saving up or making payments.
Jendra i love your pic jackson looks fab!

congrats waves your ring it beautiful!!

Rosalie has her injections tomarrow :S she still sleeping fantasicaly well, and is now taking 6-7oz every 4hours during the day.

hope everyone and babys are well x
Few pics, Rosalie :cloud9: my nephew Steven:cloud9: & Rosalie, hes only 3wks look at his hair!! and my new tattoo, iv already planned another :wacko: x


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congrats waves your ring it beautiful!!

Thanks! I can't wait to get it back from being resized.

I tried out Hannah in her bumbo seat today. She can hold her head up by herself pretty well but is still a bit wobbly at times so I only let go of her neck to take pictures quick. She did fairly well but I think I want to wait a few more weeks before actually using it. She did seem to enjoy it though.

We also recently bought her a tummy time mat and she loves it. She still isn't lifting her head up all that much while on her tummy though. I know she can do it but it's like she doesn't want to. Hopefully that changes soon though.

She also seems to like some of the baby/toddler cartoons on tv. We keep it on most of the day for the colors and songs/sounds for her and if we're playing where she can see the tv, she seems glued to it or reacts to it. It's adorable.

I don't think she's eating as much as she should but she's gaining weight really well so I don't know if I need to worry or not. She should eat something like 2.5 ounces for every pound she weighs meaning she should be at about 30oz a day but she rarely gets that much. We offer more than enough but sometimes she just flat out refuses to finish a bottle and leaves an ounce or so. I can't force her to eat and she IS gaining so I'm probably worried about nothing.


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Waves I wouldn't worry. If she's hungry she'll eat and she's gaining well. Cute pic! Looking forward to my bumbo arriving and being able to put ash in it!!

Ashlynn went down at 6 this evening... Has a feeling we won't get a full night sleep this time but she was tired so I had to put her down. She did drink 8oz before going down though!!!! She usually only had 4!! We have our jabs tomorrow... My heart is breaking already. :(
Thanks! I got lucky and got mine as a hand-me-down from my cousin otherwise we probably wouldn't have purchased one. They're expensive!

Good luck with the vaccinations tomorrow. I was nervous as well but it wasn't so bad. She cried but was calm within a few minutes of snuggles.
Another post real quick. My mom took some pictures of my oldest, Autumn today and I thought I'd share a few. They pretty accurately depict her attitude and personality haha.


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I love the tattoo youngni!! What a neat idea!

Bumpin - I think I recall him mentioning it as an option ages ago but we were never told by anyone to try that, not even the nutrionist we spoke to at the formula company. Its weird, but I think they don't recommend it for under 6 months here? I'm not sure but I did some reading and I found a nz site saying soy should be the second choice after neocate for under 6 months for suspected milk protein allergy, so perhaps that is why no one said?
Anyways, shes good now, Max spills more than her!! I am really happy about this, we have had a relatively puke free week it has been great and things have been much easier.
She even started napping two naps during the day and then sleeping over night. Aria has been a very different baby.

Max is doing very well, hes still very much a mummys boy and Aria is daddy's girl, funny how that worked out that way. OH has actually taken Aria out to his work to show her off so now I have one baby and it is sooooooo weird!! Hes sleeping in his Moby on me :)

We tried to do the shopping this morning together and omg, never again!! from now on I willl just go by myself. It was a complete disaster lol I am so not ready for outings with the babies and my 3 year old just yet.

Heres some photos taken in the past week, trying to get a photo of both of them smiling is hard work! Aria is so serious all the time, Max is smiling in almost every photo


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waves- i know you have been asking a lot on FB about a photographer- why won't your mom do it for you?
Zephyr: well I'm glad she is doing so well! Gabe is also a very serious fellow. He makes us stand on our heads to get a smile out of him...but then smiles randomly at toys...go figure... I'm debating trying him on soy as he is still having tummy troubles, but I have read conflicting info about the use of soy for boys, andit affecting their hormonal development. I think we might be trying alimentum, or some other hypoallergenic formula first, but I want us to see the pediatrician first.

YoungNImum: too cute!

Rjsmam: I say if you are fine with the night feeds the keep on going! I'd give anything to be able to bf Gabe. I think you said you would have to return to work early? If so then enjoy full time bfing while you can!
Congrats waves on your engagement, that's fab news!

Zephyr so pleased to hear Aria is doing well and you've had a much better week.

Rjsmam agree with the others, if you are happy getting up for night feeds I would continue. Your supply will decrease if you don't feed at night as your body thinks the baby doesn't need it.

I'm so grateful I can bf and really enjoy it, its so easy to just pop her on and she's fed immediately.

Anti well done on the sleeping with Ash, that's brilliant.

Youngni lovely pics!

I'm currently in bed exhausted! I made the mistake of leaving Lola awake too long yesterday evening with the OH...well I think that's the problem. She was so overtired she just fought sleep so bad. 4 hours of trying to get her in her moses basket when normally she loves going in there...I caved at 1am and she slept on me until this morning! She is just really clingy and although she's managed a little snooze in her basket this morning she is currently fast asleep on me again!

All our baby groups finish this week for summer so will try to re~create them at home until we return in Sept.
waves- i know you have been asking a lot on FB about a photographer- why won't your mom do it for you?

She'll do an engagement shoot for us which is fine but if possible, I'd also like another photographer to do a shoot as well. My Mom takes good pictures but she doesn't take the style I like. I can deal with them not being my style for the maternity shoot but my engagement shoot and definitely my wedding, I want in the style I like most.

And as far as the wedding goes, my mom hates wedding photography and we would rather have her as part of our day than working. Plus, like I said... she doesn't shoot in the style/composition that I love.

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