Babies that were due in may 2012

oh dear poor Eva, the injection must of knocked her system of alittle. the first 2 weeks after Rosalie was born she was pretty much sick after each feed due to mucas i hated it :(
rjsmam - sorry to hear about your day, hope today is better :) Stink that Eva had such a rough time! Its awful for some babies, poor wee things.

We have an appointment on Tuesday for our 3 month ones, not looking forward to it. I bet things will just settle down with Aria and then the jabs will mess everything up again!

Aria has been grumpy still but not spilling much at all but sooooo grumpy! just grizzly and doesn't sleep well at all, though last night she did sleep through again so I'm hoping she is getting used to this formula.
She still hates the taste, it takes about half an hour to an hour of her screaming before a feed before she will take it and she gags and uggh its awful. The syrup has helped, not much though.

Max is very sociable! He talked his pants off to the plunket visitor the other day when he was being weighed and did little baby squeaks and smiles, it was so cute!
Aria has started making noises here and there and we get the odd smile but shes still pretty serious a lot lol

Tomorrow we have OH's friends unveiling, the friend who we named Max after. I'm really quite nervous! Nervous for OH, and well a lot of people fell out since he died so its going to be very awkward if everyone shows. I'm just glad they finally got the headstone up. There was a bit of disagreement on what was going on it so it has taken almost 2 years and all this time he basically had nothing there, just a weather worn photo and a name.
We are taking the twins with us, we rarely go out with them, I really hope it goes okay.
zephyr - good news that Aria's not been spilling as much, must be really hard going if she hates the taste - hopefully her grumpiness is just a phase & the quacks get something that covers all angles v soon. isn't it great how their wee characters are emerging already! good luck for tomorrow, sounds like it will be a tough day all round. i think its very touching that you named Max after him.

eva has been much better, lots of greenish nappies yesterday but back to normal today. am not looking forward to the next lot of jabs. compared to other babies i dont think she sleeps enough. yesterday she slept for about 2.5hrs, 10.30am-1pm then later about 3pm-5pm, then catnapped on/off during the evening but wouldn't go down to bed til midnight. she then woke at 5am, was awake for over an hr & slept 6.30am-8.30 when we got up for the day. i wish she'd sleep a bit more for longer stretches! especially as have stinking sore throat/headache today. i've been trying to workout for an hr each day when she naps, with Your Shape Evolved, but have given myself the day off.. also have sore joints today - not sure if it's prego hormones still kicking about or old age!

am waiting on news from my dad today, a few wks ago we found out that he'd relapsed (rare leukaemia), he's had a course of chemo & he finds out if its worked...

rjsmam- I really all goes well for your dad, it must be a very worrying time :( Glad to hear Eva is doing better now.

Zepher- Max sounds like he's growing into a cheeky little boy! One of my friends had twins in November, and she says they sit in opposite corners of the room and babble across to each other :) Strangely, her little boy is very smiley and happy, and her little girl is much more serious.

Evie has been much better, I decided as it's so hot at the moment, I'd feed her for 15 minutes each side, every hour. If she goes longer, great, but if not, thats fine. She seems much more settled, and is feeding way more efficiently now :) She's been taking herself off, and is going a bit longer between feeds :)
She has her jabs on thursday though, really not looking forward to it :( especially as my OH is working that night and 10am-11pm the next day! Luckily my mum has offered to come up so i'm not on my own with her in case she's grumpy or under the weather
Hannah's 3 months old today! She "celebrated" by talking so much more than usual. She's been blabbering non-stop almost all day. She also celebrated by starting our morning off with the first explosive diaper. It went up her back and wound up all over the both of us so I treated her to an unplanned bath haha. We're still working on tummy time and getting her to lift her head by herself. I think she's a little behind on that but has pretty good neck control when we're holding her upright. She hasn't rolled over at all like some of my friend's babies have at this age but I'm sure she'll get there :) I think we're trying to get her to sleep in her crib tonight for the first time. She's napped in there (2 hours for OH yesterday & 1 hr naps for me) so hopefully she does well overnight since she sleeps through in our room. OH has the day off work tomorrow and said he'll get up tonight if needed to tend to her. THANK GOODNESS! I missed my dose of Zoloft yesterday and spent the night having the most horrendous nightmares (side effect of missing a dose apparently.) So I need some sleep tonight haha. Hope you're all doing well :)


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rjsmam - Sorry about your dad, I hope its good news.
You are working out already?! Wow good work! I am wanting to so badly but am just too tired so am thinking about just going for evening walks once Spring kicks in.

luci - glad to hear Evie is better :) Good luck for your jabs, we are getting ours this week too eeek

Waves - Love the pics! shes such a cutie :D

The unveiling went well yesterday, the weather was perfect! I had to go feed Max while we were at the cemetary so after the little service was done I went back to the car while everyone stood round talking and I was amazed at how everyone had changed in that time. Break ups, new partners, babies, some people didn't even show, some people still weren't talking to each other, it was crazy.
Told myself I would not cry and did really well until his uncle stood up front to talk and got choked up and couldn't talk and kept trying to talk but in the end said "I can't" and his wife finished it for him. Was very sad.
But it was a great day and we went to a nice family cafe/bar afterwards and sat round for a few hours and I must say....I need to get out to socialise more while the babies are this age because EVERYONE wants to hold a baby and my arms were not sore at the end of yesterday, I got a break! It was wonderful!
We were going to stay an hour but ended up staying until the end cos the babies were so good :)
Been quiet in here. Hope you are all doing well!! Ashlynn is having a fussy few days and nights... Hope she goes back to normal soon!! She's really starting to fight daytime naps as well now!!!
Just popping in to say hi! Hope you are all ok.

Lola is doing well, she also had a few days and nights of eating more but I think it must have been a growth spurt as she has calmed down now with the eating!

She has her next set of injections a week today...I'm not looking forward to it and am taking my mum with me, Lola cried so much last time bless her. She still has a little lump on her leg from the first one!

I'm enjoying watching the Olympics, especially the 3 day Eventing...absolutely loving being at home watching this!

On a sad note one of my mum's dogs has to be pts today....I can barely think about it or I will cry. She is 10 1/2 but such a special girl, she would bring Lola toys and is the gentlest, sweetest dog we have had. I'm hoping cuddles with Lola will help cheer my mum up later.
Hannah has been sleeping through the night in her crib since Friday night! She didn't settle easy after her bottle this morning at 5am so we brought her into our room so we could get a little more sleep before OH left for work & she got me up for the day.

I think my sister is babysitting both my girls tonight while we go with my Mom to do the first round of our engagement photo shoot.

I hope you're all doing well :)
Ugh. Waves, you have no idea how jealous I am right now... Gabe was up every hour and a half last night.... He refuses to nap during the day too... I finally got him to sleep after an hour of trying, and he woke up 11 minutes later. And cried until I picked him up. He's just fallen asleep on me after his bottle, but I doubt this one is going to last...

Yazzy, I'm sorry about your moms dog. I hope Lola cuddles gives her some smiles tonight.

Gabe is doing (somewhat) better on Alimentum. No more mucousy, cheesy diarrhea. He still pukes most feeds, and is obviously still not sleeping well. Weighed him yesterday, he is 12 lbs 5 oz! We leave Friday for Toronto. 20 hour drive with a fussy infant is going to suck! Wedding is 2.5 weeks away!
Ugh. Waves, you have no idea how jealous I am right now... Gabe was up every hour and a half last night.... He refuses to nap during the day too... I finally got him to sleep after an hour of trying, and he woke up 11 minutes later. And cried until I picked him up. He's just fallen asleep on me after his bottle, but I doubt this one is going to last...

Gabe is doing (somewhat) better on Alimentum. No more mucousy, cheesy diarrhea. He still pukes most feeds, and is obviously still not sleeping well. Weighed him yesterday, he is 12 lbs 5 oz! We leave Friday for Toronto. 20 hour drive with a fussy infant is going to suck! Wedding is 2.5 weeks away!

:/ I'm sorry. She's not napping great during the day but at least she sleeps at night otherwise I'd have lost my mind by now. What does his doc have to say about any of it? I can't remember... is he on reflux meds? Hannah spits up a lot on Alimentum now that we ran out of her reflux meds but it's a lot less than on previous formulas. Is he spitting up or actually puking?

Maybe he needs to be on one of those prescription-only Pepti formulas? Has he been checked for pyloric stenosis? I hope you get relief/answers soon! I remember all too well how horrible it was. It was just like a switch flipped one day and things started to improve for us. It started the day I got put on Zoloft for PPD actually.
Ugh. Waves, you have no idea how jealous I am right now... Gabe was up every hour and a half last night.... He refuses to nap during the day too... I finally got him to sleep after an hour of trying, and he woke up 11 minutes later. And cried until I picked him up. He's just fallen asleep on me after his bottle, but I doubt this one is going to last...

Gabe is doing (somewhat) better on Alimentum. No more mucousy, cheesy diarrhea. He still pukes most feeds, and is obviously still not sleeping well. Weighed him yesterday, he is 12 lbs 5 oz! We leave Friday for Toronto. 20 hour drive with a fussy infant is going to suck! Wedding is 2.5 weeks away!

:/ I'm sorry. She's not napping great during the day but at least she sleeps at night otherwise I'd have lost my mind by now. What does his doc have to say about any of it? I can't remember... is he on reflux meds? Hannah spits up a lot on Alimentum now that we ran out of her reflux meds but it's a lot less than on previous formulas. Is he spitting up or actually puking?

Maybe he needs to be on one of those prescription-only Pepti formulas? Has he been checked for pyloric stenosis? I hope you get relief/answers soon! I remember all too well how horrible it was. It was just like a switch flipped one day and things started to improve for us. It started the day I got put on Zoloft for PPD actually.
If it's just spit up, if be impressed... It's a fairly large volume of fluid, and it's quite forceful. He can miss the cloth on our shoulder and hit the floor behind us if we aren't paying I'm guessing it's vomit. I asked the pediatrician about pyloric stenosis, but she doesn't think that's the problem as there are some feedings that he keeps down entirely, and he's gaining weight. He eats a lot more than he "need" he typically eats 40-45 oz a day so he should be gaining! If he's still puking when we get back from Toronto I'm skiing for an u/s of his belly to rule it out. He'll be 4 months old by then and he should be improving if it's just from the immature esophageal valve.

On the plus side, Gabe's been asleep for an hour and a half, thanks to the guts mowing the lawn!
Ugh. Waves, you have no idea how jealous I am right now... Gabe was up every hour and a half last night.... He refuses to nap during the day too... I finally got him to sleep after an hour of trying, and he woke up 11 minutes later. And cried until I picked him up. He's just fallen asleep on me after his bottle, but I doubt this one is going to last...

Gabe is doing (somewhat) better on Alimentum. No more mucousy, cheesy diarrhea. He still pukes most feeds, and is obviously still not sleeping well. Weighed him yesterday, he is 12 lbs 5 oz! We leave Friday for Toronto. 20 hour drive with a fussy infant is going to suck! Wedding is 2.5 weeks away!

:/ I'm sorry. She's not napping great during the day but at least she sleeps at night otherwise I'd have lost my mind by now. What does his doc have to say about any of it? I can't remember... is he on reflux meds? Hannah spits up a lot on Alimentum now that we ran out of her reflux meds but it's a lot less than on previous formulas. Is he spitting up or actually puking?

Maybe he needs to be on one of those prescription-only Pepti formulas? Has he been checked for pyloric stenosis? I hope you get relief/answers soon! I remember all too well how horrible it was. It was just like a switch flipped one day and things started to improve for us. It started the day I got put on Zoloft for PPD actually.
If it's just spit up, if be impressed... It's a fairly large volume of fluid, and it's quite forceful. He can miss the cloth on our shoulder and hit the floor behind us if we aren't paying I'm guessing it's vomit. I asked the pediatrician about pyloric stenosis, but she doesn't think that's the problem as there are some feedings that he keeps down entirely, and he's gaining weight. He eats a lot more than he "need" he typically eats 40-45 oz a day so he should be gaining! If he's still puking when we get back from Toronto I'm skiing for an u/s of his belly to rule it out. He'll be 4 months old by then and he should be improving if it's just from the immature esophageal valve.

On the plus side, Gabe's been asleep for an hour and a half, thanks to the guts mowing the lawn!

Is he getting that much formula because he's still hungry? I wonder if he's just "over-eating" for his stomach size and so it has nowhere else to go but out? I don't know... I'm at the opposite end of things where Hannah eats a little less than she should but is gaining fine.
Is it bad for ashlynn to fall asleep on her side?? It's the only way she'll settle. Once she's asleep she rolls onto her back herself.
He only gets 4 or 5 oz in a bottle, but is looking to eat every 2-3 hours. He takes about 10 bottles a day. I've tried more formula, and it comes back up, and he never lasts more than 3 hours. I've tried less formula, but then he's crying for a bottle an hour after he finishes the last one, and he's still bringing formula up... I'm frustrated by the pediatrician who considers it a laundry problem, and not a medical one unless he starts losing or stops gaining weight.
Just a quick update, Aria has finally settled down on the pepti! she has gone from drinkign 600 ml bottles to about 800 mls in a day now and we managed to slowly cut out the maple syrup so now she has just straight pepti.
Her vomiting has improved but since her spills are now clear fluid we only really find her clothing and bibs wet and we dont actually see her vomit or spill much.
She seems to be happier now I guess, but at times she is in pain with her reflux. Sometimes she just seems so uncomfortable and its those times we notice the spills cos usually she will puke out really acidic smelling liquid after having a cry. The dietician said this was normal :/ but other than that things have been great with her feeding.

Max and Aria had their 3 month jabs yesterday and it was awful!! The whole thing was just awful! They screamed then slept it off for a few hours then they both woke up and screamed in pain, gave them pamol and then while we waited for that to kick in they both screamed for 20 minutes then finally they fell asleep.
Max slept all day and all night, I climbed into bed with him and woke him for feeds every few hours and just let him sleep it off the poor wee man. He woke up this morning happy as anything though I am so glad this lot is over!

Aria on the other hand, woke every 40 minutes over night, stayed awake for ages and was just a grump (poor daddy!) She is catching up on much needed sleep now though, she must be exhausted.

Yazzy I'm sorry to hear about your mums dog :(

Bumpin - I hope whatever it is clears up soon! or you at least get some answers. I don't know what to suggest, you probably tried it all already! We didn't really have any magic tricks that worked for us, we just carry round those square cloth nappies to mop up stuff with.
Thanks everyone, cuddles with Lola helped mum. Losing animals is never easy and now have a poorly cat upstairs...its never ending!

Bumpin not sure what to suggest about Gabe, I just hope with time it gets easier. Hard work with him not napping during the day, you must be exhausted.

Well after a few nights of Lola feeding 2 hourly she is sleeping through. Between 8 and 9pm I rock her and put her to bed. Now she can suck her thumb if she stirs in the night she pops her thumb in and goes back to sleep! She also naps a lot in the daytime but usually on me which is fine...I love the cuddles!

Zephyr great the hear the good news on Aria, that's fab!

Is anyone's babies giggling yet? Lola is trying but its more of a squeak lol.

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