Babies that were due in may 2012

Thanks ladies. I hope things improve on their own. He's spent the last 2 nights waking hourly, so I'm completely exhausted!

Yazzy, Gabe started to laugh last week, but its more of a short "ha" than anything
Is anyone's babies giggling yet? Lola is trying but its more of a squeak lol.

Hannah full-on giggles in her sleep but not while awake. She makes high pitched squeals when she's really excited though and they make me giggle haha.

In non-baby news, I went to the ER last night for abdominal pain and rectal bleeding. I've been on 3 different antibiotics in 2 months yet I have a bad UTI that's not clearing up so I'm now on another antibiotic (taking 2 at once now.) Received no answer for why I went to the ER in the first place so I need to get into a doctor for an endoscopy and colonoscopy. And apparently I have 2 nodules on my lungs, one being 6 mm and apparently I'm anemic even though my iron checked out okay at my last WIC appointment. And when I left the ER my blood pressure was 151/104 (last week it was 118/91.) It's been getting higher and higher since I had Hannah. I would love to know what is going on with my body. I can't get in to a regular doctor until next Tuesday though. OH and I have two abscesses under my one armpit (which is why I'm on the one antibiotic) and while they're painful and growing, they're not big enough to be drained yet.
Hey all! Sorry I've been mia Ive been super busy with my wedding.

Hope all is well, Annabelle is 8 weeks tomorrow and is amazing! Such a good happy baby we absolutely adore her and enjoy every minute we spend with her making sure we appreciate how lucky we are - fingers crossed it stays that way!
Yazzy - I have been trying to get giggles but only Aria has done it once. I was laughing at her and talking to her up close and she had her usual serious face on. I thought I would keep pushing for just a smile and she laughed a short laugh then her face dropped really suddenly like "OMG whatd I just do?!" and she went back into serious mode haha it was really funny. Max smiles heaps and makes happy sounds but no giggles yet.

Waves - Oh no! I hope its nothing too serious and I hope it doesn't take too long for them to get answers.

Bumpin - Aria has been doing the exact same thing! We are shattered! I hope Gabe starts sleeping better.

Also excuse my facebook posts recently, OH thinks hes a funny man. :p
A quick hello from sunny scotland!

Waves - gorg pics! Sorry to hear about your health troubles, I hope you get some answers
Bumpin - sorry to hear Gabe sleeping so poorly, maybe a growth spurt?
Zephyr - love the story about Aria laughing!!
Frangi - hope wedding plans going well

Have had a super busy wk with x2 sets of visitors of all ages. Have been hill walking, ice skating, to parks, playing rounders, football etc. Am whacked! Eva has been an angel, we took her on the walk in the baby bjorn & she slept perfectly in her pram for other things. We now on road to glasgow for couple days activities with the boys. Eva & I will mostly shop (or just look!) & we staying in hotel in a family room, eek, hope that goes ok.

Is anyone else suffering joint pain? Mine are worse & not sure whether to see dr or hope it passes. I consulted dr google which suggests is just hormones, but also some posts suggest it could last as long as b-feeding.. Joints so sore in morning & takes me an age to get downstairs. Even in car jpurney now my knees are so sore. Really peeved about it as had just got really good exercise routine going & not sure how I can persevere ..

Rjsmam, my joints have been really painful! My knees are starting to feel a little better but I just put it down to hormones as they can take 6 months to settle down. My hair is now falling out everywhere and am getting spots! Oh hormones!
OH went to pick up his son and his ex had a baby girl 4 days after we had ashlynn and she's babbling loads and rolls back to front already. I know all babies develop at different rates but I can't help but feel like ashlynn is a bit behind. :(
Anti - I know it's easy to compare babies milestones but I would try not to worry. My LO babbles us to death, blows raspberries, and has learned to skreech thanks to going to Olympic volleyball and fencing matches but hasn't rolled over or giggled at us yet. He is trying but just can't get there, I know it will come and know that he will do some things sooner than the 'norm; and some things later.
Oh anti don't worry they really do develop at different rates. Ashlynn is only 11 weeks old so don't wish she was doing more because she soon will be!

Lola for a few days has rolled front to back and this evening can roll from her back to her side but she's very strong and active, my mum said we were all similar. My nephew however wasn't doing those things at the same age and he's a perfectly normal 2 year old.

So don't you worry at all!
Kwood...Lola has learnt to blow raspberry's aswell, I think she's realised it creates loads of attention lol!
Thanks ladies. Just feel like I'm doing something wrong. Obviously I'm not and babies all develop at different rates.
Aw you're not doing anything wrong anti! its true they develop differently!

Max and Aria are different and I sometimes worry somethings wrong with Aria cos shes so behind Max but shes getting there slowly.

My oldest daughter didn't walk till really late like maybe 14 or 18 months? I can't remember which one I just know it was after a year and her 1st birthday photos she was bald and still had no teeth, yet shes very smart, great at ballet and has beautiful hair and teeth!

My 2nd daughter was walking at 6 months and completely shocked the sitter at our first visit when I put her on the floor and she just got up and baby wobbled round. This lady had prepared for a crawling 6 month old baby and she had to re baby proof her home to walking height lol

I had my heart set on this playpen online for $150 but we didn't have the money for it, but OH's dad agreed to get it for us!! I am quite happy about this, it is huge and nice annnnnnd hopefully we are picking it up today :D
I figured once these babies are crawling or whatever having a baby play zone will make life easier.
I dunno I never used one before but I can tell these guys are gunna give me trouble haha
When we were at the unveiling, the brothers wife had to run across the cemetary in her heels after their 2 year old just took off and my face went pale thinking about what would happen if my little ones did that in opposite directions. EEEK!

Had to leave babies with OH last night and take my daughter to the after hours doctor. Last week she hurt herself jumping on her bed (after me telling her repeatedly not to lol and yes this is the one who was walking early......she is quite active) took her to the doctor on Tuesday who said give it a week. Well all week she has been crying and glued to the bed. With Zoe, if shes laying down during the day you know theres something wrong. Anyways last night I decided I wasn't waiting any longer, took her in......cost me a bloody small fortune and all they gave me was nurofen and an xray referral! uggh! I would of been better off waiting till monday to get the referral off my gp and buying the nurofen unsubsidised at the pharmacy!
Xray monday if it hasn't improved, hopefully its just bruised as she has her ballet production coming up next month and she is worried she wont be in it cos of her foot affecting her practises :( poor girl.

Not much else happening, babies still being grumpy little monkeys
Anti you definitely aren't doing anything wrong. Every baby develops at different rates. Ash looks great in her pics, a very healthy and happy baby.

I noticed Lola's scalp was getting a bit dry and she had a touch of cradle cap, stopped using Johnson's baby stuff and bought a more natural organic shampoo and bath product with calendula in and within 3 uses its cleared it all just reconfirmed why I use these natural organic products!
Thanks ladies. Another not so good development... Ashlynn screams when she sees new people. Including her half brother who she hasn't seen for 3 weeks. She only ever sees me and OH so she's not used to other people. We going visiting tomorrow and I'm worried about her. Nervous she'll get upset and scream and get over tired. Guess I'll just have to deal with it.

Hope everyone else is good. Xx
update from me, Rosalie is poorly today both er feeds have been pretty much boaked up, and shes sleeping quite alot, not nice seeing her unwell :(

i got my girls pictures taken on thursday altho rosalie was very comfy and was asleep for most of them :/
also my eldest won photo competition last friday and we our waiting for the prize £30 hamper of the companys baby goods.

Rosalie is still sleeping all night smilling babbling and the past few days trying to lift herself forward in her chair or on on knee, OH is the only person who can get laughs out of her at the moment im loving the big gummy smiles!

also iv started a new project crochet teddy got 2 arms and 1 leg completed last night also a few babies wearing my crochet hats :)

Anti: all banys are different as long as shes healthy and happy shell begin to do her own little develpments as the months goes by x
Anti do you get out and about much with Ashlynn much? This may help with her meeting new people. Lola smiles at everyone but she does meet lots and lots of people especially as she is with me at my dog training classes, baby groups etc and we go out for cake and coffee most weekends so loads of socialising with me close by.
We don't go out anywhere. I don't know any people and don't have family here. OH's family is all in Ireland and mine is all in Botswana. We move to this area 2 years ago but don't know many people. Guess I need to try find baby groups and stuff so that ashlynn can get well socialised and more confident.

Everytime I go somewhere an leave her with OH she screams the place down as well until she either exhausts herself and falls asleep or I get home. She's only started doing that since last weekend though. She's had a fussy week all week though so not sure if it has something to do with that?! :shrug:
Youngnimum - Sorry Rosalie is sick hope she gets better soon! Thats really cool you have been crocheting! Yesterday I went out and brought a glue gun and some stretchy lace, sparkly stuff, flowers, ribbons and a few glitter butterflies. My plan is to make a whole bunch of pretty headbands for Aria :) I got sick of paying heaps for them only to lose them so I'm hoping this way works out.

Picked up the play pen yesterday, its awesome. I'm quite happy with it.

My cousin visited yesterday and then txt me after asking if I wanted her help today so she is coming over for the day yay!!! I'm hoping I can get the rest of my house sorted while she is here.

Anti - I'm sorry to hear Ashlynn has been getting upset, hopefully its just a phase :)
Some baby groups might be a good idea, I don't go out much either and dont know many people here and have been meaning to go to the mulitiple birth club coffee mornings but I just cant do it yet..... I dont like being out of my comfort zone and new places are scary haha also babies still make me nervous going out anywhere :p

Max pooped while I was out yesterday and got it all up the back and front of his shirt uggh I came home just in time to clean the mess. And he just grinned at me the whole time lol
Zephyr I'm so glad in not the only one. I know you have twins which makes it harder but I hate being out of my comfort zone and don't think I'm ready to meet new people and stuff. I get out the house and go for coffee on my own, but not sure I'm ready for baby groups. Sigh*
Naww its tough meeting new people! I don't blame ya. As much as we hate it though its probablly good to get out :p

My cousin who met the twins for the first time yesterday decided to come back today to help me out cos its pretty full on here and Aria slept the whole time!! which never happens. She was here for about 5 hours ready to help with babies and the help wasn't even needed. I couldn't believe it. Here I was yesterday saying how stressful it has been and how Aria just wont sleep and is crying constantly and she decided to be the best baby ever........Anyways just as she was leaving cos she had to get ready for work, both babies started up ready to be fed at exactly the same time (haha typical!) while I was trying to sort them out Max spewed all over me so I had to change my top, My dog puked on the floor, my 3 year old tipped over a pot plant, my 7 year old comes in from outside completely soaked with water and my oldest decides to start back chatting me ohhhh it was just wonderful. Haha I just can't believe I had help there and everyone behaved till she had to leave.

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