Babies that were due in may 2012

Waves ashlynn hasn't rolled over. We don't give her enough time on the floor though so I think it'll take her longer than most as well. No laughs from her yet. She's being super grumpy today!!!! :(
Evie hasn't rolled over yet. She hasn't even attempted to! She's pretty good at spinning around though :haha: I can put her on her changing mat with her feet by me, and she'll spin herself around so her head is by me lol.
She chuckles to herself in her sleep too :)
She had her first jabs last week, she was really brave, unlike me! I had a few tears lol.

She's been an absolute nightmare these past few days, just crying and feeding. If she's awake, she wants to be on the breast, and if she's asleep she wants to be in my arms! Its flipping hard work! When we first get up she's nice and smiley, and just before we go to bed, she's "usually" nice and smiley and chatty :) just during the days she's a little diva haha.

Been having a few issues with OH, really struggling atm. He's starting to mention us trying to dtd, but I really have no interest yet, and no desire to try!
We've been rowing a fair bit too :( He doesn't seem to understand that my working day doesn't end. He gets home from work, he has a shower, he goes to sleep. He has a day off, he sleeps in late, then he gets up, plays xbox, goes to the gym, has a nap and sees his friends. He doesn't even wake up during the night when Evie wakes up to feed! yet I never get to nap. Some days I don't even get to shower!!

To top it all off, he goes on about how he doesn't want Evie in bed with us anymore, he wants her to sleep in her cot. He doesn't get that having her in bed with us means I actually get to sleep! Otherwise, I have to get up, get her out of her cot, then sit up until she's finished feeding, then put her back in her cot, where she will stay asleep for about 15 minutes, then repeat! If she's in bed with us, I can latch her on half asleep, and sleep pretty much all night! It makes no difference to him either way, as he doesn't ever wake up, no matter where she is!!!
Evie hasn't rolled over yet. She hasn't even attempted to! She's pretty good at spinning around though :haha: I can put her on her changing mat with her feet by me, and she'll spin herself around so her head is by me lol.
She chuckles to herself in her sleep too :)
She had her first jabs last week, she was really brave, unlike me! I had a few tears lol.

She's been an absolute nightmare these past few days, just crying and feeding. If she's awake, she wants to be on the breast, and if she's asleep she wants to be in my arms! Its flipping hard work! When we first get up she's nice and smiley, and just before we go to bed, she's "usually" nice and smiley and chatty :) just during the days she's a little diva haha.

Been having a few issues with OH, really struggling atm. He's starting to mention us trying to dtd, but I really have no interest yet, and no desire to try!
We've been rowing a fair bit too :( He doesn't seem to understand that my working day doesn't end. He gets home from work, he has a shower, he goes to sleep. He has a day off, he sleeps in late, then he gets up, plays xbox, goes to the gym, has a nap and sees his friends. He doesn't even wake up during the night when Evie wakes up to feed! yet I never get to nap. Some days I don't even get to shower!!

To top it all off, he goes on about how he doesn't want Evie in bed with us anymore, he wants her to sleep in her cot. He doesn't get that having her in bed with us means I actually get to sleep! Otherwise, I have to get up, get her out of her cot, then sit up until she's finished feeding, then put her back in her cot, where she will stay asleep for about 15 minutes, then repeat! If she's in bed with us, I can latch her on half asleep, and sleep pretty much all night! It makes no difference to him either way, as he doesn't ever wake up, no matter where she is!!!

Hannah was a real piece of work for the few weeks following her 2 month vaccinations. Her feeding and sleep schedule changed, she wouldn't sleep well at all. It took about a month but she's finally sleeping in her crib overnight, napping in her crib pretty contently during the day.

As for OH, that's rough :/ I'm sorry to hear it. I've seen so many mom-friends complaining about their OH not being very helpful and it really bothers me. I'm grateful to have an OH that is more than willing to help. He may grumble but in the end he usually does something if I ask. What if you left the bed with your LO so you can still get sleep (sleep on a makeshift bed on the floor?) and see if OH complains about you leaving the bed and then maybe he'll realize how worthwhile it is to have her in there with you guys.
Aww luci sorry to hear about your OH. Some guys just don't understand at all!! My OH is wanting to dtd too but I have been putting it off. Just don't feel like it and I am too tired by the end of the day.
OH never understood what I did during my days till I left him with the babies two days in a row and now he is a lot more understanding.

Waves how cute! Aria hasn't laughed again. I have tried so hard but she just looks at me like I'm being silly, sometimes she will even raise an eyebrow at me haha Awesoem on the rolling!

Is anyones babies reaching out and touching stuff now? Aria has been changing the music on her gym by reaching up and pushing the part you need to push to change it, then she will get all excited and kick her feet lots, then she will reach up and change it again.
The reason I ask is because Max just lays there kicking and cooing and smiling at it. He has no interest at all in touching it, they seem to be very different in their stages of development. Its really quite fascinating how different they are! Max is more vocal, but Aria has better control over her movements.
She was even sitting on my lap yesterday unaided for about 10 seconds before leaning backwards.

We have the appointment with the paediatric dietician in an hour, a bit nervous cos I have no idea what is going to happen but I get the feeling we may be switching formulas again because she is terribly unhappy on it.
At the moment I should be getting ready to go, but she is fast asleep in her pushchair and Max is asleep on me and I reeeeeeally dont want to wake them up so have been trying to put it off as long as I can cos Aria doesn't sleep like this very often and when they are both asleep at the same time it is so great! *sigh*
I think they are all different with their development. Lola can roll back to side and push herself around with her feet. She is able to hit and grab toys and she always sucks her thumb now. When she laughs it is more of a squeak lol! She is very smiley and anyone who talks to her gets plenty of smiles bless her!
Zephyr sorry I forgot to say good luck with your appointment.
Thanks, the appoinment went okay. Aria is on Neocate now. We are on trial for a week and was given a bunch to trial she said if we notice a huge change we will know its a milk protein problem and that if she is still grumpy and no change then its a structural problem, severe reflux and we will then prob need to see another doctor and she will return to the pepti junior.
She was worried she wouldn't like the taste lol Aria finished a bottle in under 5 minutes, I tasted it and its gross but she loves it. At least this way we will know whats causing the problems at last!
Atleast hopefully you are now moving forward with Aria, keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Right Lola is up and ready to play so better go!

Oooh and she is 3 months today!
Waves - Sam hasn't rolled over yet, he is trying bless him but he just can't figure out how to do it.

He has started putting everything he can grab in his mouth and looks like he is going to be a comforter type baby, he loves snuggling up with a muslin or blankies. He also tries to giggle but hasn't got that figured out yet.

He is also huge, we had him weighed on monday at 13.5 weeks he weighs 16 lbs 7 oz which is now the 91st %, but he is very long so doesn't look too big.
luci- sounds like your OH needs a kick up the bump :( would he get affencive if you told him he needs to buck up his ideas? thankfully my Oh hates xboz, playstation etc.

Rosalies 2nd injections is 21st for some crazy reason i thought that was this tuesday coming not next and i rang up and made an appointment for tuesday to talk about contraception but going to ring and make it for 21st.

Rosalie is getting good at supporting her head and pushing her feet against things. she rarely has tummy time because when i get the play mat out my 19month old (20 months this month) thinks its hers and just plonks herself down ;/ lol x
youngni - ohh lucky you!! My OH is a serious gamer and though I do feel for him a bit I am GLAD his graphics card broke back in dec!
And your 19 month old how cute!!

Aria had 2 naps yesterday and slept through till 5am. She also did about 3 poos, poor thing was so bunged up on the other stuff. Smiling heaps, less crying and less clothing changes which means she has been spewing less.
I noticed changes right away after her first feed she smiled lots, did a huge poo and kept it all down.
I hope so bad this is it, things go downhill after a few days to a week so I will feel more positive at the end of the week if she keeps this up.

Max must be so used to Aria waking during the night cos it was actually him who was unsettled, kept waking round the times Aria normally would and she just slept through it all!!

I'm feeling a bit bad today too cos my mums being a dick again....she posted stuff on facebook. She deleted the comment but my phone shows what was written in my alerts so I still saw it. Bit disappointed in her tbh.
only thing tech wise in our house is pc, laptop and iphone, once kiddies our in bed and hes had shower he'll go on pc for hour or 2 which i dont mind.

hopefully max settles soon, be nice for you if they both slept through, i must ov missed whats happened with your mum, hope your ok x
My OH only plays a game on his phone occassionally, his obsession is fishing which he competes in.

What did your mum say zephyr?

I'm just trying to settle Lola, busy day at Monkey World and then a bbq....she's overtired and just wants comfort so snuggling her before bed.
Luci - our oh's sound similar. Dh doesn't game much but is an avid runner & often goes for long runs & 'destressing' saunas at our gym. He says its essential to keep him from overstressing but sometimes I could do with him staying home. I haven't even been able to take a bath in evening yet which am longing for (tried once & had to get out of lovely bubbles as eva crying so much!). Then he comes home & complains he's tired from his run! Grr..

We went to beach today, some horrid pooed right in the pram on eva. Urg she had in her hand - was horrified & needless to say she's been in v soapy bath!

What do u ladies think of olympics?! Did you the opening ceremony? I loved it but it was v british & am interested what other nations thought. I love it all & will miss it when finished.

Hope u all having good wk end, my laptop charger is broken so short phone update!

Oh shes having a moan about what my OH posts on facebook (his and mine) no one else cares....only her
She had said that it was our fault she was losing friends lol which is funny cos my profile is private, I'm not friends with her friends and she never comments or likes many of my posts anyhow so I dont see how any of her friends would see it.
She deleted it though thinking I wouldn't see it.
She has had years to get used to OH's sometimes inappropiate sense of humour, in fact she used to be best friends with his mother (who is way worse than OH) so I don't know wtf she is on. Part of me think she just doesn't like him.
She has always been weird with him and treated him like hes not part of the family and its just really quite mean.
I feel better about it today, OH said to me "are you really surprised? its your mother!" and hes right. I should expect that from her.

Aria has been great!! She cried a bit yesterday but she wasn't obviously sore or looking unwell. I got the feeling it was out of habit and it didn't last long, in fact I got her to nap twice!! and she slept well in the evening had a feed at 11pm slept till 2am popped her dummy back in and then she slept till 5am.
She did have a HUGE spill this morning though so I'm not sure it has fixed the puking but its definitely changed her mood and sleeping and the puke doesn't smell really acidic.
Fingers crossed!!
Max is still chugging along, started bringing his hands together and is being the easiest baby ever!

rjsmam - I have been meaning to look up the opening ceremony, I actually missed it but havn't had time to watch it. I have been watching when NZ competes and the gymnastics but that's about it. I must say I have taken more interest in it this time than I have any other.

My OH trains too, spends hours lifting weights but we have all his stuff here at home so he does it here and I call him if I need him.
Since the twins have been here though hes been eating lots of chocolate and no training cos tired and hes getting a belly lol I think its kinda cute he of course hates it. We just gave up all junk food 2 days ago. Yey!! I do miss it cos I just sit here and comfort eat when the twins are giving me a bad day but I'm glad we did it cos I have put on weight too and am not liking it. Hopefully we can both ease back into some form of exercise soon as things get easier.
Waves - Sam hasn't rolled over yet, he is trying bless him but he just can't figure out how to do it.

She's finally started rolling onto her side by herself but can't quite figure out how to get onto her belly. And then starting yesterday (but more so today) she's been lifting her legs up and slamming them down pretty hard. She doesn't seem to be hurting herself but if she's laying flat (especially when I'm trying to change her diaper) she picks her legs up and slams them down over and over. It's adorable.

She's also started putting some toys in her mouth. She sucks on her hands/wrists a lot because she hasn't quite found her thumb yet, thankfully.
Rjsmam I have watched loads of the Olympics, loving it! I'm really into the eventing, show jumping and dressage so had 2 weeks of that and the gymnastics has been great. My OH loves the track and field so I've been watching bits and pieces especially Usain Bolt! Just sat here now feeding Lola watching Tom Daley diving.

Zephyr its really good to here Aria has been a much happier baby, that's just brilliant news.
Hi ladies!

7 days until wedding time!!! Eek!

Waves: Gabe rolled over from back to belly twice, but hasn't been able to figure it out since. I missed the first one! He can get to his side, but that's about it...I find it funny that he keeps trying to roll onto his belly, because if WE put him on his belly, he screams the house down!

Zephyr: glad Aria is doing better! Gave is a super puker too. Here as long as baby is gaining weight, they consider it a laundry problem and not a medical one. He eats 5 oz every 2-3 hours, even at night, just to keep up with his calorie needs. He's super cranky too. I'm hoping this will pass with time...and not a lot of time either

My oh used to be a gamer. I don't think he had been on more than 5 times since Gabe was born. Im still the one taking care of Gabe as he seems to be a dedicated mommas boy. He won't settle for Craig. He cries until I pick him up... Granted now Craig won't try very long if I'm home, and will call or text me if I'm not... But he spends most of his time with Gabe and I so I think it counts!
Yeah I had to go buy food thickener for the neocate this morning cos she was vomiting fountains last night. She soaked my top my pants, every layer of hers my couch cover and the couch!! It was a whole feed and came out in about 6 fountain pukes like before on cows milk.
BUT she is happy and has been sleeping still and actually interacting nicely and not screaming all the time. This weekend the house was quiet for most of it and it was so weird. Aria slept till 5am again too :D
The dietician said she might vomit more cos its thin but to add a thickener so that is what I did and I think (hoping really badly) that we have finally found our mix that works!

Max was laughing just before, it was so funny! He has started watching me eat too with great interest, its cute to watch.

bumpin - 7 days?! omg how exciting! I think with the puking they say the same here as long as they are gaining weight its alright. I am just so glad the screaming has stopped.
I think Aria and Gabe have the same issues. Gabe has been so grumpy lately. I don't think I've seen s smile from him all week.

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