Evie hasn't rolled over yet. She hasn't even attempted to! She's pretty good at spinning around though
I can put her on her changing mat with her feet by me, and she'll spin herself around so her head is by me lol.
She chuckles to herself in her sleep too
She had her first jabs last week, she was really brave, unlike me! I had a few tears lol.
She's been an absolute nightmare these past few days, just crying and feeding. If she's awake, she wants to be on the breast, and if she's asleep she wants to be in my arms! Its flipping hard work! When we first get up she's nice and smiley, and just before we go to bed, she's "usually" nice and smiley and chatty
just during the days she's a little diva haha.
Been having a few issues with OH, really struggling atm. He's starting to mention us trying to dtd, but I really have no interest yet, and no desire to try!
We've been rowing a fair bit too
He doesn't seem to understand that my working day doesn't end. He gets home from work, he has a shower, he goes to sleep. He has a day off, he sleeps in late, then he gets up, plays xbox, goes to the gym, has a nap and sees his friends. He doesn't even wake up during the night when Evie wakes up to feed! yet I never get to nap. Some days I don't even get to shower!!
To top it all off, he goes on about how he doesn't want Evie in bed with us anymore, he wants her to sleep in her cot. He doesn't get that having her in bed with us means I actually get to sleep! Otherwise, I have to get up, get her out of her cot, then sit up until she's finished feeding, then put her back in her cot, where she will stay asleep for about 15 minutes, then repeat! If she's in bed with us, I can latch her on half asleep, and sleep pretty much all night! It makes no difference to him either way, as he doesn't ever wake up, no matter where she is!!!