Babies that were due in may 2012

Yeah I've noticed your stories about Gabe sound very familiar!! Are you still on Neocate now? and what else are you trying? I can't believe how different she is on it. Shes napped four hours now and is due to wake up for her after lunch feed. The only time we ever had her sleep this long consistently was on the soy.
Gabe is on Alimentum. He has been for a few weeks now. He pukes constantly, but he's pooping normally. We see the pediatrician again in sept. I'll be asking for an abdominal ultrasound and possibly a barium swallow to rule out anything structural. Poor baby is soooo miserable... The formula is the only major change so far. I try and keep Gabe upright after feeds, but I don't think it does much. And I just try and deal with his moods as best as I can. I think its easier for me as I don't have another baby or other children to take care of. I don't know how you do it!
yay my laptop has a new charger!

zephyr - sorry about your mum being off, facebook is defo the root of a lot of arguments me thinks & some folks don't seem to think before posting. hope aria is doing good with the thickener, sounds v promising & hoping its the start of good things

bumpin - wowees, you must have a v busy wk ahead! i hope all the planning is going ok & you're not stressed. Poor Gabe, it sounds tough, especially for you. hope you get those tests sorted asap.

waves - eva is also sucking on her hands & I think she'll eventually go for her thumb. i kinda hope she does if it gives her some comfort. she's also started to drool a lot.

hope all our other ladies are well & had a good wk end! we took our boys kayaking yesterday. thought i'd share a couple of pics of our day & scenery with you... our staycation is over now as dh is back to work tomorrow & ds is back at school on tues, will be weird going back to 'normal'......



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waves - eva is also sucking on her hands & I think she'll eventually go for her thumb. i kinda hope she does if it gives her some comfort. she's also started to drool a lot.

Hannah's drooling a lot too haha.
Some recent pictures of Hannah...

Nothing new around here really. I have 3 appointments this week to hopefully find out what's going on with me. I have a pelvic ultrasound tomorrow, an appointment with the nurse practitioner in my OB's office on Wednesday and then a Gastroenterologist appointment on Friday. Hopefully some answers will follow seeing as my insurance is up at the end of the month.

Hannah has her 4 month check-up on the 31st and will get more vaccinations. Not entirely looking forward to that but it'll be exciting to know she'll be 4 months old already haha. She still hasn't figured out how to roll over yet, just enjoys flopping her legs down, rolling onto her side and wriggling around, babbling, drooling and putting her hands/toys in her mouth.


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Lovely pics Waves! I hope you get some answers at your appointments.

Rjsmam love the scenery, looks a fab place to spend some time.

Zephyr yay for Aria being happy, she sounds really settled now.

Bumpin countdown for you, exciting times!

I'm soo tired at the min, when its hot at night Lola feeds every 2 hours and kind of the same through the day which I don't mind at all otherwise she'd be dehydrated but I'm meant to be at a championship dog show tomorrow showing someones dogs and just feel shattered. Not sure what to do, if I think purely of me and Lola I wouldn't go as I'm so tired and she must be too as she normally only wakes up once in the night. But I really don't want to let the people down!

On another note.....we have giggles from Lola!! It is the cutest sound and I love hearing her laugh. My delicate newborn is growing up!
Amanda I didn't realize how much Hannah looks like you wow!!

Jackson rolled over at 2 months and hasnt done it since. He's been slamming his feet about that long too and is now grabbing and batting at stuff.
waves - what fantastic pics, Hannah is adorable! what a great head of hair she has. is she sitting up on her own? so cute!

Lola - yay for the giggles! i think i've had one tiny giggle from Eva, I've been trying to get more but so far it's just lots of smiles & cooing noises which we adore

my girl has been quite grizzly over the last few days. our boys both had colds & am wondering if she's had a touch of it too. lots of green & very watery nappies. in fact i got up to change one this am at 5.30am & made a school boy error - changed her on her bedroom rug with no change mat - doh... watery green poo on the rug... nice. she is only catnapping at the moment too, I keep putting her down thinking she surely must be so tired, but always wakes after 10-20mins. hope it's just a phase!

Yep I have a crabby one too... its about that time for teeth!
Hope everyone is doing ok :)

Zepher-hope this is finally the answer for Aria!

Bumpin- I saw the pic of Gabe on facebook being all smiley at 6am, he looks so grown up!! Such a cutie :) Hope all goes well with your wedding!!

Waves- Hannah is gorgeous!! Its lovely to see everyones LOs growing up :)

No giggles from Evie yet, she tries, but no sound comes out :haha: Shes a proper smiley chatterbox though! And saves her best smiles for her mummy :cloud9: She's been a bit grizzly the past few days. Took her to the health visitor, and she thinks she's teething already :( Apparently I was only 3 months when I got my first tooth, so she may be an early starter too. The hard thing is, there isn't anything I can give her for it because she's so young :( I had been giving her a little bit of calpol, but apparently I should only use that if she has a fever. And because she's so little, she can't hold a teether, so she's currently chewing my nipples!! :wacko:
luci i used to hold the teether for my eldest, rosalie is also teething loads of slobbers fist chomping and rosie red cheeks x
Jabs went ok thanks. Didn't scream for long but she was super fussy last night and this morning but seems to be better now. hate them so much!!
Lovely pics Waves! I hope you get some answers at your appointments.

Thanks! So far everything has come back normal but I have one last appointment on Friday so hopefully that one gives some answers!

Amanda I didn't realize how much Hannah looks like you wow!!

Aw thanks :) I think she looks most like her dad but I'll take it!

waves - what fantastic pics, Hannah is adorable! what a great head of hair she has. is she sitting up on her own? so cute!

Thanks! I know... it's coming in more thick/full which is nice! No, not on her own yet, Daddy was holding her up. She's still pretty wobbly when sitting haha.

Waves- Hannah is gorgeous!! Its lovely to see everyones LOs growing up :)

Aw thanks! It really is :) Crazy to think about a year ago we all started our May 2012 thread haha!
Thanks Luci! Its crazy how he went from so tiny to so big! Most people comment on how big he is for only 3 months...

Waves, Hannah is super cute! It sounds like she has settled down quite a bit for you and your oh.

Rant alert!
I am so done with wedding crap! I had wanted a very informal wedding, guys in golf shirts and khakis, and the girls in summer dresses. I got nagged into picking a specific color. Which I picked. Then oh wanted me to pick out something for the guys to wear. I told him I didn't care what they write. I got nagged into picking something, then oh decided he didn't like that, so I picked something else. He decided he didn't like that either. I said again. I don't care... He went with the first option... Now this week I found out my maid of honor actually never got a dress (she told me she had found one) and had left it to 3 days before the wedding!!! She keeps sending me pictures of dresses. I have told her a thousand times I don't care what it looks like, as long as she feels pretty in it and its green to get it...we had found her a dress after shopping around for hours, and Now today, she is sending me more pictures of dresses... Oh called me freaking out that I left him with the baby without any formula, (there wss a full can in the bag) he just didn't look for it!!! I'm seriously going to kill the next person to day wedding....
Wooahh! Babies teething already?! I don't think mine are yet, I wondered if Max was going to cut his soon cos you can feel little teeth very close to coming through on the bottom, but they have been like that the past few weeks and no signs of them popping through yet.

Bumpin - Wow that sounds really stressful! But after the wedding everythign will settle down again :D I hope its a wonderful day!!
My OH freaks out when I go out to get groceries or whatever, and I get those phonecalls too and its just a matter of him actually opening his eyes and having a look lol

I havn't been on for a few days, both babies caught a stomach bug and have been vomiting and pooping everywhere! OMG its been intense. On Monday it was literally Aria pooped, change, feed, Max poop change feed, poop change, aria poop change like that all freaken day long. I actually almost ran out of nappies and had to go buy more just in case but thankfully it all stopped and they just spent the next few days grumpy as anything.
My daughter had it for a week the other week, then my oldest got it, then the twins. OH my son and I have not had it yet and I am hoping we have avoided it. I got very anal with hand sanitiser this past week lol

Babieswere weighed yesterday, Aria 5.6 kgs and Max a little over 6 kgs. Aria had a not so good weight gain so I have to take her in to the center in a week or two to get re weighed and hopefully she has a bigger gain then!
Max is rollign onto his side now, still not reachign for anything but he watches everything so intently! I spoke to Plunket yesterday when they visited and they said it will be fine for me to start introducing his first tastes at 4 months so I am keen to get that started.
Aria has to wait until she is settled down onto a formula though so we will probably be looking at about 6 months for her.
Bumpin it does sound like the people could be a bit more helpful with your wedding, its not like you haven't got enough to do!

Anti those jabs are horrible aren't they! Glad Ashlynn is feeling better now.

Luci ahh teeth already! Lola is chomping on everything, she really clamps down hard on your fingers if she can get them and also sucks and clamps on people's arms lol. No sign of teeth yet though so I think its just a new thing she is doing.

Zephyr what a yukky time of it you have had! Its strange also how everywhere they offer different weaning advice. Over here they like you to wait til 6 months before trying foods out because its shown to reduce allergies.

I'm now planning Lola's Christening. The first weekend, well Sunday both my OH and I are free is Nov 4th which is my mums birthday so we are going for that day. Should be good!
Yeah I think they have started saying 6 months over here too, but between 4 and 6 months is okay depending on the baby. No earlier though.
I wouldn't start unless I got the okay from a health professional which we did yay! Aria obviously wont be starting for a long time yet with her having issues with formula already it makes sense to wait as long as we can with her.

My oldest who is coming up 12 has been going on and on about this boy in her class who she likes (her first crush lol) and how he likes her too and they hang out in class time etc cos they are friends. Apparently he introduced her to his mum "Mum this is the girl I like, Rose" Which obviously made her turn a shade of red and feel quite embarrassed haha I thought it was cute.
Anyways she has been off school for a week with this bug but went back yesterday only to come home in tears cos this boy and one of her friends decided to 'go out'
I am kind of glad because shes way to young for boys but at the same time I feel for her, poor girl. Her first crush, broke her heart.
And this girl who was her friend is being really mean about it and saying awful things to her basically like haha sucks to be you kinda thing.
I dont want to encourage the boy thing, but I want her to feel like she can talk to me about anthing.... she was so upset! Burst into tears telling me and sobbed while I gave her a hug :( I felt so helpless cos this time I can't fix her problem!
It just seems so young too! I remember being 12 and having my first kiss and it was all butterflies and rainbows and pretty innocent but 4 years later I was rebelling with a bf. I am not looking forward to this teenage thing! I would rather she thought about boys when she is 30!! But then again I think most parents want that lol
Oh zephyr with you on the boy thing...if they could be 30 and just meet someone with no heartbreak that would be lovely. I hope she bounces back soon and the other girl stops being mean.

I guess though all life experiences make us who we are today and hopefully we are all doing great!

I think Lola is having a bit of sleep regression ~ thought its meant to happen at 4 months! She's waking a lot at night, only a couple times for food and the other times just to have her moses basket rocked while she finds her thumb to settle again.

How is everyone else doing?
Yazzy we're having minor sleep issues with ashlynn as well. After she slept through for two weeks a while back, she's back to waking a couple times a night. She only drinks around 2oz when she wakes so it's not like shes really hungry. Hoping she outgrows it soon!

Zephyr I hope your little girl is ok. We all go through it. Really not looking forward to ashlynn going through it though. :(

Waves Hannah is gorgeous!!! Love the pics!

Ashlynn is 3 months old today!! Where does the time go? Half way to half a year... Lol

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