Babies that were due in may 2012

hey Kendra, sorry Jackson is keeping you up - could it be the heat? Annabelle has been waking 2-3 times the last few nights but I think she's so hot. I'm thinking of trying some baby rice in her bottle to keep her satisfied - she seems so hungry when she wakes!
Kendra sorry you are feeling tired at the moment. Lola wakes up once or twice each night and the health visitor said she wouldn't expect anything less at this age.

We've been to a fair today, its the one Martin Clunes puts on each year. Took my nephew with us and he loved it, Lola was in her bushbaby carrier for a short time and she was smiling and cooing at everything she could see.

Zephyr lovely pic, they are both so sweet!

I hope everyone else has had a lovely weekend.
Kendra sorry you are feeling that way! Lack of sleep is awful, hopefully this phase doesn't last long.

Aria did about 8 or 900 mls yesterday and has drank more already today :D BUT she was up most of the night, dunno why. *sigh* we are gettign there very slowly with her but she likes to remind us just when we feel everything is great that she still rules the roost. Serious case of princess syndrome haha
Max slept through the whole thing :D
Waves ashlynn fights her bottles sometimes. I know she's hungry but she'll jump around and scream and refuse her bottle. We have quite a fight sometimes.

Waves - Sometimes it is a fight with Sam as he is easily distracted, so if he starts throwing a fit I usually have to go somewhere quiet so he can pay attention to what he is doing.

Amanda- I am going through a similar phase. Very rarely is he finishing a bottle the last week or so? I don't know if its a combination of the heat making them not very hungry or if their growth is just slowing for the time being so they don't need as much food?

Well I'm glad we're not the only ones. It's gotten to the point that her bedtime bottle is one we dread feeding her. She fights and screams the whole time, out of nowhere she just started reacting that way. She normally takes 5oz at a time but her last bottle, she only took 3 and just started playing around with it, spitting the nipple out and is now content playing in her excersaucer. I'm hoping it's just a phase though.

I can't believe she'll be 4 months old on Monday! Once she has better head control (and is past the 4 month mark) I think we're going to give solids a try. I read on BabyCenter to start with a small spoonful after a bottle at first so we'll do that and try out some sweet potatoes for a few days to start and then maybe applesauce. Next Friday is her 4 month appointment/vaccinations which I'm not entirely looking forward to.

And finally... I return to work (VERY part-time) tonight :( I'm not looking forward to it whatsoever. I'm not a huge fan of my job but I've been there for about 5 years now (on & off) and they're one of the only places willing to work with my super limited schedule for the time being. OH is looking at a small promotion/raise which still won't be enough for me to not work but we'll see how things play out. It's going to be so weird coming home from work tonight & having Hannah already in bed :( Unless she's stayed the night at my Mom's house to be babysat, I've said goodnight to her every night since she's been born. At least OH will get some nice one-on-one time with her.
oh waves, good luck with your return to work... i am sure your oh will enjoy the time with Hannah! i have just completed my paperwork to return to work full time in November.. sob. it sounds ages away but is only 3months, given that the last 3months have whizzed by i know it'll be here before we know it....

Eva was weighed by the hv yesterday & is a healthy 14lbs! Me & oh had a bet on (I won haha)... she's our wee chunky monkey!

It's interesting hearing about babies refusing night time bottles - Eva sometimes gets really grumpy in the evening & refuses the boob - she'll latch for a second or two as if she's wanting it but then fusses & grumbles for ages then eventually will settle for a feed...

Waves - good luck! Hope your return to work goes well.
You're starting solids soon too? Yay! 4 months already, wow time flies :D

rjsmam - awesome on the weigh in! good to hear its not just us who places bets :p

Lol was gunna update but babies woke up ...... haha figures, the second I sit down.
Rosalie had her 2nd lot of injections yesterday, and now weighs 11lb 11oz and as he reveiw on the 4th sept, plenty of roling and lifting her head she loves tummy time will pos some pics soon x
oh waves, good luck with your return to work... i am sure your oh will enjoy the time with Hannah! i have just completed my paperwork to return to work full time in November.. sob. it sounds ages away but is only 3months, given that the last 3months have whizzed by i know it'll be here before we know it....

Waves - good luck! Hope your return to work goes well.
You're starting solids soon too? Yay! 4 months already, wow time flies :D

Thanks! It was a short 4-hour shift so it could have been worse but I hate being back. I saw a couple carrying a baby that looked about the same age as Hannah and it made me want to run all the way home and play with her on the floor haha. I already had a customer (I work in retail) complain about me and glare at my name tag so that she can either call the store or corporate to complain about me. What a great welcome back hahah!

Zephyr - That's the plan but we'll see how it goes. I'm starting out very cautiously and slowly but I'm excited to see how she does with it and reacts to it. She needs better head control first though, she can still be a bit wobbly. I know, I can't believe we're already at 4 months! I've boxed up almost all of her Newborn and 0-3 month clothes. A lot of her 3 month sleepers are too short and I don't have many in larger sizes so it looks like we have some shopping to do! It's going to start getting cooler in here at night and since our blankets aren't big enough to swaddle her in anymore, she'll be in sleepers at night instead of onesies.

And in super exciting news, Hannah has officially rolled over 3 times! I was in the bathroom yesterday and when I walked back into the living room, she was completely on her belly, propped up on her arms. Before, she'd get mostly onto her belly but one of her arms would get stuck under her and she'd roll back onto her back. She couldn't figure out how to get that second arm free to prop herself up. Well she did yesterday and of course I missed it!

So I put her on her back again and after a minute she tried rolling over again and I was able to record it for OH to see after work. And then she did it a third time but that was it. OH said she didn't roll over when I was at work so he has yet to see it in person. The look on his face when I showed him the video was priceless though. I thought he was going to start crying he was so happy and excited. When I first met him, you'd never have thought he'd make such a good father. He was immature as could be. I like to think I shaped him up hahaha.
Waves glad your first shift wasn't too bad. Hope it gets easier for you.

Got ashlynn weighed today and she's now 14lb 3oz. So proud! She's really babbling lots not and grabs toys in front of her. Not even close to rolling though. It'll all come with time I guess. :)
Yay! wonderful with the rolling and managing to catch a video of it :D I packed away all my newborn and 0 - 3 month clothing too :( I gave all my boys stuff away already to someone whos actually having her c section today. I felt really sad giving it away. So silly. I have plenty of kids and wont be having any more but still knowing these babies are my last sort of makes me feel a bit sad.

OH's cousin has found out his gf is expecting twins, they are 12 weeks and OH's wants to pass on all our stuff to them now so looks like our girl clothing will be going that way if they have a girl/s.
I'm really excited for them! But at the same time I sort of felt sorry for them. lol they are younger than us and only been together a year and twins is such hard work. Not sure if they quite realise how much their life is going to change. One baby is one thing, jumping straight into twins wowweee, even I'm not sure I could of done that! We will offer to help out as much as we can though. It is very exciting!

I've really got to time this coming online thing better cos Max woke up! oooo wait, Arias stirring too!
Argh Zephyr how do you do it?! Everyone keeps telling me I don't know I'm born with Annabelle.

Does one usually wake up the other or are they used to each other now?
Waves yay for Hannah rolling over properly!

Anti don't worry after Lola kept rolling onto her side the other week she doesn't try now lol! All she wants to do is bite...well gum people hee hee.

Lola is in her cot now, still in our room but she settles really well in it. Can't believe I have to pack the moses basket away. I've packed away all the newborn clothes but Lola still fits in most of her 0~3 clothes,she wears some 3~6 months but its a bit big.
well 9 days out of 10 I do it cos I can and I am happy to but today is the 1 day out of 10 where I just want to hide away somewhere and not come out :( I know it sounds rediculous but I'm not ready to deal with today.

Aria has been up since 4am (its 9:30am now) she just wont sleep. She woke Max up and all me and OH could do was give each other that "boy do I feel sorry for you" look.
She didn't get to sleep till 11pm so by the time we actually got to bed and asleep we only really had just over 4 hours sleep. ON TOP of carrying both babies and dealing with a toddler its just not cool.

I have put her down in her bed, shes having a little whine but I am hoping she goes to sleep.
Her new formula has fixed a lot but shes still pissing and moaning all day long. Shes great for a few days but when everything is feeling good and we are feeling somewhat normal she goes back to grumpy baby again then when we are at our wits end its almost like a switch is flicked and shes fine again.

Possibly teething?? Who knows all I know is I cannot wait till I get a good nights sleep!!! Cos if Aria sleeps through, Max doesn't. Can't win lol

Now coffee and breastfeeding? is it bad?
Finally got around to uploading the video of Hannah rolling over :)

Monday I have an appointment to get the Implanon as my form of birth control. It lasts for 3 years so I'm pretty excited about that. I can't remember to take the pill every day haha. And then Tuesday morning I get to have a colonoscopy and an endoscopy done. So much fun, not.
gosh quiet thread!!

waves - so cute, she looked a little surprise to have rolled over haha. she's a real cutie pie! hope tomorrow goes swiftly for ya!

hope everyone is doing good. Eva slept for 7hrs last night - first time she's ever slept longer than 5hrs!! i was awake though & kept wondering & checking if she was ok - then i had to get up & pump as was so engorged. am hoping it wasn't a fluke!

Haha it has been pretty quiet guess we all must be busy :p

waves - Hannah is really cute! Good luck with your appointment.

rjsmam - good to hear it, hope it continues :D

Aria is teething I am sure of it now and I read this can last for weeks or even months before the first tooth arrives!!
Shes my little fussy baby, makes everything such a big deal lol We got her a sophie and some teething beads so fingers crossed they help.
Thanks ladies :) She's become a pro at rolling over now. You turn your head for one second and she's already on her belly. She's 4 months old today!!! Her 4 mth check up is on Friday so we'll see how she's doing with her weight and length then.

I got the Implanon in today. It wasn't too bad but the numbing shot was terrible. She said I bled more than most girls do but oh well. I can't get it wet for 24 hours and can't do any heavy lifting for the same amount of time. Unfortunately my child is a heavy object so OH has had to take over a bit more. Especially because I had to take a laxative for my colonscopy prep. It tasted terrible. I threw up some at the end. The worst part (besides the taste of the stuff) is the fact that I couldn't eat all day. I can't eat until after my procedure at noon tomorrow and I already haven't eaten since like 9pm last night. My body is not a happy camper today hahah. Oh well.

Good luck with the teething Zephyr. Hannah's been a bit fussier today, sleeping a lot so I'm not sure if it's another growth spurt or teething as well. She's been drooling like crazy for weeks now so it's hard to say. I haven't seen or felt any teeth yet but who knows!

The last couple days there have been a few occasions where she just burst out laughing. It was the cutest thing I've ever seen. But every time I tried to video tape it, she stopped haha.


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I have kept meaning to say that is a great video waves. My LO is still trying to roll over but just can't get it (we think his belly is too big and gets in the way :haha: ).

I think we are having the dreaded four month sleep regression....Sam was sleeping 9/10pm - 7/8 am and now he has started waking again at 3 am and 6 am..I didn't realise how nice that 10-8 stretch was. I hope this doesn't last long (only 2nd night and I am tired of it...opps)

I think we are going to start weaning early as well, he is 4 months on Sunday so going to start then. He has made all of the signs that the book says for weeks now and he is starting to go less and less time between feeds.

Hope everyone else is doing well.
Waves that is an amazing video!! Can't believe how big our babies are getting. Feels like yesterday we were all discussing labour and now I've packed away all the 0-3 month stuff!!

Ashlynn is getting really good at grabbing the toys on her activity centre now and babbles loads. Keep wondering what she'll do next. :)
Hi Everyone!

Waves great video clip, what a cutie!

My OH is on holiday this week, we aren't really doing anything buts its nice having him round a bit more. We've got a wedding to go to this Saturday coming so Lola will have a pretty dress and I've got a new outfit so am really looking forward to it. My mum is babysitting in the evening so I need to start expressing!

I haven't packed away Lola's 0~3 month clothes yet as she still fits it all. Her 3~6 month clothes are quite big still. She is 16 weeks tomorrow so getting her weighed! 1 month ago she was 13lb so I can't wait to see what she weighs now :)

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