Babies that were due in may 2012

Hi ladies!
Still here, but only able to read on my phone! Im finally able to get onto a computer!

Glad that everyone seems to be doing well! Scary that the babies are going to be teething soon! I think some of them might be starting already!

Here's a few wedding day pictures! Once OH does a bit of editing more will be going up on facebook for those of you who are on my page (and I think most are)
lovely pictures, did you have great day?

Rosalie had her first taste of baby rice today x
Lovely pics Bumpin, what a fab setting. Did everything go as planned?

Lola was 16 weeks yesterday and I got her weighed and measured, she is 14lb 10oz and 60.5cm long....she's still got an inch or so left of growing before she's out of her 0~3 month clothes!

Hope everyone is well :)
bumpin - pics are gorgeous, you look amazing! congratulations, I hope you had a great day...

wasn't frangi also getting married - hope all went well there too.....

youngni - how did you lo get on with the rice?

not much news here, Eva is starting to giggle which is just so cute.. if she does it we spend ages acting like loonies trying to get her to do it again lol..

my dh is working away from home mon-fri & I've been busy sanding down furniture & repainting it. must be mad as it's bit awkward in between feeds etc. my 9yr old came home from a friends last night, was cycling in our street & was bitten by a dog. wow i was soo mad, i put Eva in her sling & went looking for the owner but couldn't find them. I then reported it to the police as he has a bad bite with both sets of jaws visible in his calf. From his description it was a doberman & I dread to think what it could do to a toddler. to make matters worse the dam dog was on a lead!

she liked the rice, she sucked on the spoon, i made 1 spoon ful of power and then added the milk, in total she ate about 3 spoon tip fulls which was good for her first spoon feed of rice, got some fantastic weening spoons from asda baby event x
Bumpin - Great photos, you look so happy.

rjsmam- I would be fuming. I like dogs but it does scare me when I see big dogs known for biting (esp. not on a lead) when I'm out with my LO.

YoungNI- I was going to try babyrice first but my DH said to give him something more interesting so going to try sweet potato at the weekend. I also got some great spoons the tips are silicone so really soft for baby.

I need to get Sam weighed again, he is so big. He has to wear 9-12 month vest, he has a very long body and the smaller sizes a very stretched.
I've been thinking about trying ashlynn on some baby rice but think I should wait till she's actually 4 months old. Not sure.
I've been thinking about trying ashlynn on some baby rice but think I should wait till she's actually 4 months old. Not sure.

You have to do what you think is best for you and your little one. All of the books say not to wean before 17 weeks but I know mums' that have done it sooner without problem. Ashlynn will more than likely let you know if she is ready. My SIL tried her son at 4 months and he flat refused it, she tried again at 6 months and he couldn't get enough of the stuff.
Bumpin - Great photos, you look so happy.

rjsmam- I would be fuming. I like dogs but it does scare me when I see big dogs known for biting (esp. not on a lead) when I'm out with my LO.

YoungNI- I was going to try babyrice first but my DH said to give him something more interesting so going to try sweet potato at the weekend. I also got some great spoons the tips are silicone so really soft for baby.

I need to get Sam weighed again, he is so big. He has to wear 9-12 month vest, he has a very long body and the smaller sizes a very stretched.

Eva loved sweet potato used to make me wont to be sick tho with me being pregnant with Rosalie, only thing bad i found with sweet potato was evas nappies sorry tmi moment but it pretty much came out as it went in and loads of stringy bits, i gave her that at 7-8month just mashed with a fork x

I've been thinking about trying ashlynn on some baby rice but think I should wait till she's actually 4 months old. Not sure.

i gave Eva rice at 4months and said id try Rosalie at 4months aswell, but ino shes ready for it and she enjoyed it yesterday and today, still getting to grips with the sppon mind, like rjsmam said
, she'll let you no if she dosnt wont it if she gags etc x
Bumpin - Love the photos! :D

Anti - I agree, she will let you know if she isn't ready. I started Max a few days ago to see if he really was ready and he was. I've had a baby who wasn't interested at all and had to try again later.

Some people are starting solids?! These last 4 months have been a blur haha but I just cannot believe how fast time has gone. A year ago we would of all been just coming into this group!

I started Max on baby rice and he took to it how I expected he would, loved every bit of it and gets excited in the mornings when he knows its food time.
Last night at the dinner table he was staring at everyone eating like "wooooooaaaaahhhhh!" and was trying to grab stuff on my plate, and failing cos hes not that co ordinated yet :p So yes Max is quite the foodie.

Aria has no interest in food yet and we will have to wait for the okay from the dietician for when we start her but she is well and truly reaching her 1000 ml a day limit yesterday she drank about 1200 actually so not sure if its a growth spurt or what?

We have been quiet lately, end of last week I had a melt down day and had to get OH to come home from work cos it just got all a bit much for me.
I ended up buying amber beads for the babies and Aria wear them on her ankle all the itme now and I was pretty skeptical at first but she is no longer grizzling and trying to attack my hands with her gums when I get close to her so they must be working?
And the Sophie Giraffe that I brought her Max has taken a liking too so I am going to have to buy another one.

Aria cracked up laughing the other day and night but without smiling at all and it looked pretty funny, actually it look really quite strange. She is very funny!
The last couple of days have been pretty good, had to take my middle daughter to the doctors yesterday to get her earring pulled out, She asked to change her earrings about a week and a half maybe 2 weeks ago and I okayed it but I htink what she did was push the butterfly on really tight cos that is what my oldest told her to do!! so she just thought that it was meant to hurt a little. It must of worked its way into her lobe. Poor girl, anyways we have that sorted now and she was very brave, even I was squirmish and nervous for her before we went in.

Hope everyone else is well!
Crazy to think it was a year ago we all started joining the group!

Wow a few babies starting on food already. A friend asked the HV about this and she said not until 20 weeks at the earliest. I'm waiting until Lola is 6 months so that's November before giving food. I'm my family we have people with excema and asthma so just eering on the side of caution because of allergies.

We're off to a wedding tomorrow, can't wait to get dressed up :)

Glad to hear all the babies are doing well. Zephyr the giggling is so cute isn't it!

Any babies doing new things?
Glad to hear everyone is doing well! I've been lurking for a while, but seem to never have enough time to post!
It's so exciting to hear about all the new things that babies have been doing :)
We've just got home from Evies first holiday :) We went to Bude in Cornwall for 5 days, with my OH, my mum and my younger brother, to scatter my Dads ashes. Would have been his 52nd birthday on Wednesday, so it seemed a good day to do it. Feels strange knowing we now have nothing left of him :(

Evie loved spending time with my mum and my brother :) He's a typical 19 year old, acts like he doesn't care about babies, but he adores Evie :) He's been carrying her around all week, letting her fall asleep on him. My mum has taught her to blow raspberries, its so cute! She'll sit there and smile and gurgle at you, and she'll blow raspberries back at you :haha: She's learnt to roll onto her tummy from her side now, and she seems to enjoy being on her tummy :) It's quite funny, because she still gets cross if we put her down on her tummy! Her legs are so strong, she pushes her toes into the floor, and she moves a few inches forwards! If we left her long enough, she'd cover the whole length of the front room! She's a proper little chatterbox too :)
She's getting much better at napping during the day now, which is making it much easier for me to do things around the house.
Things with my OH are still pretty tense though, not really sure whats going to happen with us if I'm honest! He makes out he's the perfect boyfriend, but he doesn't realise quite how much shit I let him get away with!
Lucie sounds like you had a lovely time in Bude and although you have scattered your dads ashes he'll always be around you.

Evie sounds like she's doing great! Sorry to hear about your OH, I hope it all works out for the best.
I think rice is a touchy subject with moms as everyone does it different and if you ask for advice you're going to get so much in so many different directions that you won't get an answer you're happy with. I started putting cereal in Jackson's bottles about a month ago and he has one in the morning and one in the evening. The last week or so we've been trying harder to spoon feed it to him, I'm going to start doing that at least once a day for a couple more weeks and then introduce some veggies/fruits. He is 17 weeks today and will be 4 months on Wednesday so he's right on that timeline, if not a bit early. But it WORKS for us, and that's all that matters in the end :) if your baby is ready, you'll know. If they aren't, they aren't.
We tried the sweet potato today and he seemed to like it. Thought it was funny to start blowing raspberries while having a mouth full. We got it on video so will have to see if I can load it later.
It sure is cute cant wait till I get them both giggling at the same time.

Max has been doing sweet potato now too and is loving it, If I stop for a sec cos kids distracting me he growls at me and starts sucking on his hands and gets cranky lol

Cant write much more cos both babies are awake, always how it goes!
Rosalie has her reveiw tomorrow x

Good luck!!

Hope everyone is doing well. Had a day from hell with ashlynn today she just cried and screamed all day long!! She's in bed for the night now and hoping she has a decent sleep!!
I tried Hannah on a spoonful of carrots the other day and then 2-spoonfuls 2 or 3 times since then but she spits up so much and everything was turning orange so I gave it a break. Instead we're doing rice cereal twice a day. She already gets some in her bedtime bottle & has since she was 2 months old but now we're doing 1 oz of warm formula with 2 tbs of cereal, once in the morning around 10 or 11 and then once in the evening around 5 or 6pm. She's doing really well with it. She gets excited when she sees the spoon coming toward her. She's also started sleeping so much better since we started it. She's taking one really long nap each day (she's currently been asleep 2 hours or so, napped 4 hours for my Mom over the weekend) & is now sleeping through the night again.

When she's on her belly, she has started pulling her legs in and lifting her butt in the air as if she wanted to attempt crawling. It's been pretty exciting! She's going into size 3 diapers and is wearing some 6-9 mth sized clothes.
wow it sounds like Hannah is doing so well!! good to hear she is sleeping better :D

Anti - hope you day is better now!

youngni - I dont know what a review is but good luck!!

kwood - how cute!

Last night OH and Max were grunting at each other like it was hillarious
Max and Aria smile at each other heaps now and yesterday Max kept holiding her hand and touching her hand when I had them both on me it was so gorgeous.

Max was acting strange last night, kept trying to eat his hands and whining, so I would feed him boobie milk and he kept drinking till he was puking and it finally occured to me that he was actually hungry and it wasn't satisfying him and he wasover feeding himself on boobie milk. We usually do solids every morning after his morning feed so I thought we would try the evening too and he stopped doing his hand sucky whiney thing and went to sleep, so we will be giving solids in the evening now too :p

Arias sleeping is not really any better than before she sleeps through the night and waks up bang on 5am every morning but during the day its almost impossible to get her to sleep. She is party rocking for hours on end and then I put her down and she just howls at me, or she will sleep for 20 minutes and then howl at me. I feel really bad but left her to cry for 10 - 15 minutes last night and this morning and she went to sleep last night for a few hours, this morning she is still sleeping and its been about an hour already. So I dunno, I hate letting the babies cry but I feel like I don't really have a choice now. She needs to sleep, I need her to sleep. I just hate doing it.

This morning I got her out of bed and rocked her in the rocking chair till she was dozey again and put her down and she cried a bit then went to sleep so its not too bad......I just hate doing it! I have always carried my babies round, let them sleep in my bed etc but with two its hard.

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